Anne LaBastille

Anne LaBastille
Persona informo
Naskiĝo 20-an de novembro 1935 (1935-11-20)
en Montclair
Morto 1-an de julio 2011 (2011-07-01) (75-jaraĝa)
en Plattsburgh
Ŝtataneco Usono vd
Alma mater Kolorada Ŝtata UniversitatoUniversitato Cornell • Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences vd
Okupo verkistofotisto • ekologo vd
vd Fonto: Vikidatumoj

Anne LABASTILLE (20an de Novembro 19351an de Julio 2011)[1] estis usona aŭtorino kaj ekologo. Ŝi estis aŭtoro de pli ol dekduo da libroj, inklude Woodswoman, Beyond Black Bear Lake, Woodswoman III, Woodswoman IIII, Assignment:Wildlife, kaj Women of the Wilderness. Ŝi verkis ankaŭ pli ol 150 popularigaj artikoloj kaj ĉirkaŭ 25 sciencaj artikoloj. Ŝi ricevis sian doktorigon en Natura Ekologio el Universitato Cornell en 1969. Ŝi havi ankaŭ M.S. en Natura Administrado el la Koloradiŝtata Universitato (1961), kaj B.S. pri Konservado de Naturaj Rimedoj el Cornell (1955).[2][3] Ŝi ricevis honorojn el World Wildlife Fund kaj la Explorers Club pro sia pionira laboro pri natura ekologio kaj en Usono kaj en Gvatemalo. Ŝi kontribuis kiel verkisto al la gazetoj Sierra Club kaj National Geographic same kiel al multaj aliaj gazetoj. LaBastille ixgis novjorkia gvidisto en la 1970-aj jaroj kaj proponis gvidajn servojn por naturveturado en Adirondakoj. Ŝi veturis tutmonde kaj kunlaboris kun multaj neregistaraj organizoj por studi kaj minimumi la detruajn efikojn de la acida pluvo kaj la poluadon en lagoj kaj naturo. LaBastille estis ankaŭ elstara prinatura fotisto kaj ŝia verko aperis en multaj naturpublikaĵoj.

LaBastille naskiĝis en Montclair, Nov-Ĵerzejo, kaj mortiĝis ĉe vartejo en Plattsburgh, Novjorkio.[1]

Libro de Anne LaBastille estis ekzemple Mama Poc, nome rakonto pri siaj klopodoj por savi specion Atitlana grebo indiĝea de la Lago Atitlan en Gvatemalo el formorto, kio finfine okazis.



  • Bird kingdom of the Mayas. LaBastille-Bowes, Anne. Ilustracioj de Anita Benarde. Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ. 1967.
  • White-tailed Deer. LaBastille, Anne. National Wildlife Federation, 1973. ISBN 0-912186-00-3
  • Wild Bobcats. LaBastille, Anne. National Wildlife Federation, 1973. ISBN 0-912186-07-0
  • The Opossums, Ranger Rick's Best Friends. LaBastille, Anne. National Wildlife Federation, 1974. ISBN 0-912186-08-9
  • The Seal Family. LaBastille, Anne. National Wildlife Federation 1974. ISBN 0-912186-09-7
  • Woodswoman. LaBastille, Anne. E. P. Dutton, New York, 1976. ISBN 0-525-23715-1
  • Assignment: Wildlife. LaBastille, Anne. Dutton, New York, 1980. ISBN 0-525-05910-5
  • Women and Wilderness. LaBastille, Anne. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1980. ISBN 0-87156-234-0
  • Beyond Black Bear Lake. LaBastille, Anne. Norton, New York, 1987. ISBN 0-393-02388-5
  • Mama Poc : An ecologist’s account of the extinction of a species. LaBastille, Anne. W.W. Norton, New York. 1990. ISBN 0-393-02830-5
  • The Wilderness World of Anne LaBastille. LaBastille, Anne. West of the Wind Publications, Westport, N.Y. 1992. ISBN 0-9632846-0-6
  • Birds of the Mayas: Maya Folk Tales : Field guide to birds of the Maya world : Complete check list of birds. Written and illustrated by LaBastille, Anne. West of the Wind Publications, Westport, N.Y. 1993.
  • Woodswoman III: Book three of the Woodswoman’s adventures. LaBastille, Anne. West of the Wind Publications, Westport, N.Y. 1997. ISBN 0-9632846-1-4
  • Jaguar Totem. LaBastille, Anne. West of the Wind Publications, Westport, N.Y. 1999. ISBN 0-9632846-2-2
  • The Extraordinary Adirondack Journey of Clarence Petty : Wilderness guide, pilot, and conservationist. Angus, Christopher; with a foreword by LaBastille, Anne. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, N.Y. 2002. ISBN 0-8156-0741-5
  • Woodswoman IIII: Book four of the Woodswoman’s adventures . LaBastille, Anne. West of the Wind Publications, Westport, N.Y. 2003 ISBN 0-9632846-3-0

Artikoloj en Sciencaj Gazetoj


  • An Ecological Analysis of Mule Deer Winter Range, Cache la Poudre Canyon, Colorado. LaBastille Bowes, A. (1958) M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
  • Recent census and observations of the Giant Pied-billed Grebe. LaBastille, A. & Bowes, C.V. (1962) Auk 79: 707-709.
  • Ecological investigation of the Giant Pied-billed Grebe of Guatemala. LaBastille, A. (1964) Bulletin for the International Committee for Bird Preservation (5).
  • An ecological investigation of the Giant Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus gigas Griscom Bull. LaBastille, A. (1965) Brit. Orn. Club 85: 14-19.
  • Elimination of fish in the Giant Grebe Refuge, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, using the fish toxicant, antimycin. Powers, J.E. and LaBastille-Bowes, A. (1967) Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 96(2): 210-213
  • Biology and conservation of the Quetzal. LaBastille-Bowes, A. & Allen, D.G. (1969) Biological Conservation, 1 (4):297-306.
  • The life history, ecology and management of the Giant Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus gigas), Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. LaBastille, A. (1969) Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.


  • Conservation stamps for Guatemala. LaBastille, A. (1970) Biological Conservation, 3 (1), p. 17
  • Behavior and feather structure of the Quetzal. LaBastille, A., Allen, D.G., & Durrell, L.W. (1972) Auk 89: 339-349.
  • An ecological survey of the proposed Volcano Baru National Park, Republic of Panama : report of an investigation carried out between 9 February and 9 March 1972 on behalf of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the World Wildlife Fund for the Departamento de Servicio Forestal y de ’RENARE’, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Panama. LaBastille, Anne. Morges, Switzerland : IUCN, 1973.
  • Birds and Mammals of Anegada Island, British Virgin Islands. LaBastille, A. and Richmond, M. (1973) Carib. J. Sci., 13 (1-2).
  • Census in April 1972 of the Atitlán Grebe (Podilymbus gigas), Guatemala. LaBastille, A., Ovidio, J. & Bauer, E. (1973). Biological Conservation 5: 62-63.
  • Ecologists and their standards. LaBastille, A. (1973) Biological Conservation, 5 (2):145
  • Rare, Endangered and Threatened Vertebrate Species of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Maine Coast. LaBastille, Anne. (1973) Smithsonian Institution, Office of Environmental Science, Washington, DC, 148 pages.
  • Effective techniques for developing wildlife reserves in Latin American countries. LaBastille, A. (1973a) Thirty-eight North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference: 89-95.
  • Establishment of a Quetzal cloud-forest reserve in Guatemala. LaBastille, A. (1973) Biological Conservation, 5 (1):60
  • Ecology and management of the Atitlán Grebe, lake Atitlán, Guatemala. LaBastille, A. (1974) Wildlife Monographs 37: 1-66.
  • Use of artificial nest-boxes by Quetzals in Guatemala. LaBastille, A. (1974) Biological Conservation, 6 (1):64.
  • First proposed National Park for Panama. LaBastille, A. (1974) Biological Conservation, 6 (2):102.
  • The Natural Landmarks Program of the United States. LaBastille, A. (1976). Environmental Conservation, 3(1):31 -32
  • Management of the Giant Pied-billed Grebes on lake Atitlán, Guatemala. LaBastille, A. (1978) In: Temple, S. A. (ed): Endangered birds: Management techniques for preserving threatened species. Univ. Wisconsin Press, Madison pp 397–402
  • Wildland Conservation in Central America. LaBastille, A. (1978) Wildlands and Watershed Management Unit, Natural Renewable Resources Program. Turrialba, Costa Rica: Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y ensenanza.
  • On the need for a system of cloud forest parks in Middle America and the Caribbean. LaBastille, A. & D. J. Pool (1978) Environ. Conserv. 5: 183-190.


  • The Guatemalan Giant Grebe: Is there any hope? LaBastille, A. (1983) International Foundation for the Conservation of Birds, North Hollywood, California. pp. 485–493 In: Proceedings of the Jean Delacour/ ICBP Symposium on breeding birds in captivity.
  • Drastic decline in Guatemala’s Giant Pied-billed Grebe population. LaBastille, A. (1984) Envir. Conserv. 11: 346-348.


  • The Giant Grebes of Atitlán. A Chronicle of extinction. LaBastille, A. (1992) Living Bird Quarterly 11: 10-15.
  • Los zambullidores gigantes de Atitlan. LaBastille, A. (1996) Boletin SAO Vol 7(12):44-50.

Registaraj Publikaĵoj

  • Adirondack Park: Objectives and Guidelines for Planning and Review: Originally done in April 1977 additions in some sections and updated through April 1991. Edited and Approved by Adirondack Park Agency, Board of Commissioners: Robert F. Flacke, Whitman Daniels, Anne Labastille, Peter S. Paine, Jr., Mary F. Prime, John W. Stock, Donald Wadsworth, and Jay Wells. Adirondack Park Agency, Ray Brook, N.Y., 1991.

Popularigaj Artikoloj kaj Eseoj pri Naturo kaj Ekologio

  • Quetzal, Fabulous Bird of Maya Land. LaBastille-Bowes, A. & Allen, D.G. (1969). National Geographic, 135(1): 141-150
  • Canachagala and the Erie Canal. LaBastille, A. (1972) Adirondack Life, Spring Issue: 34-35.
  • The Adirondack Museum. LaBastille, A. (1972) Adirondack Life, Summer Issue: 13-17.
  • Canoeing through time: The Eckford Chain. LaBastille, A. (1972) Adirondack Life, Fall Issue: 36-39, 41-43.
  • Vampire, black sheep of the bat family. LaBastille, A. (1973) Vampire. International Wildlife 3(2): 42-49.
  • Blacky's back in town: Incidents with black bears. LaBastille, A. (1975) Adirondack Life, Winter: 17-19, 52-54.
  • My backyard, the Adirondacks. LaBastille, A. (1975) National Geographic, 147 (5):616-623
  • A question of Quetzals. LaBastille, A. (1976) Animal Kingdom, 79: 18-24
  • Across the Adirondacks. LaBastille, A. (1977), Backpacker Magazine, 21(June):32-38
  • On the Trail of Wisconsin's Ice Age. LaBastille, A. (1977) National Geographic, 152(2)
  • One woman's Adirondacks: Photographs by Anne LaBastille. Adirondack Life 8.1(1977): 32-37.
  • The endangered loon. LaBastille, A. (1977) Adirondack Life, May–June Issue: 34-38.
  • Chapel in the woods. LaBastille, A. (1977) Adirondack Life. Nov-Dec Issue: 24-26.
  • Backpacking Wisconsin's Ice Age Trail. LaBastille, A. (1979) Backpacker Magazine, 7(2):42-45
  • The best dam builder around. LaBastille, A. (1979) National Wildlife 17:26-33
  • Death from the Sky. LaBastille, A. (1979) Outdoor Life, 163(2): 100-103
  • Facets of wildland conservation in Central America. La Bastille, A. (1979) Parks, 4(3): 1-5.
  • The killing rains. Labastille, A., (1979) Garden Journal, New York 3(3): 9-13
  • Acid rain. How great a menace?. LaBastille, A. (1981) National Geographic, 160:652-681
  • Paradise Gained: A new country creates its first national park. Labastille, A. (1982) Animal Kingdom 85(4):18-23
  • Goodbye, Giant Grebe?. LaBastille, A. (1983) Natural History 92: 64-72
  • Eight women in the wild. Labastille, A. (1983) International wildlife, 13(Jan./Feb): 36-43
  • The Rites of Passage. LaBastille, A. (1983), In: The Wonder of Birds, National Geographic Society, Washington: 1983. ISBN 0-87044-470-0
  • International Acid Test. LaBastille, A. (1986) Sierra, 71(3): 51-54
  • And now they are gone. LaBastille, A. (1990) International Wildlife 20 : 18-23
  • The park of sacred spaces. LaBastille, A. (1992) The Conservationist 46: 4-7
  • Fishing in the Sky. LaBastille, A. (1992) In: New Essays on Walden, Edited by Sayre, R.F. Press Syndicate of The University of Cambridge, New York, N.Y. ISBN 0-521-42482-8
  • Birds of the Maya: a chain of disasters in Lake Atitlan, Guatamala. LaBastille, A. (1994) Geographical Magazine 66:19-22
  • Too Late for the Giant Grebe LaBastille, A. (1996) Wild Earth 6(3):63


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