Betty Boop

Betty Boop
fikcia homo • movbilda persono
Kreita de Grim Natwick
Verko Talkartoons
Betty Boop's Bamboo Isle
The Betty Boop Movie Mystery
Betty Boop and Felix
Betty Boop and Grampy
Betty Boop and Little Jimmy
Stopping the Show
Betty Boop's Bizzy Bee
Betty Boop, M.D.
Betty Boop's Ups and Downs
Betty Boop for President
I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You
Betty Boop's Museum
Betty Boop's Ker-Choo
Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions
Is My Palm Read
Betty Boop's Penthouse
Snow White
Betty Boop's Birthday Party
Betty Boop's May Party
Betty Boop's Big Boss
Mother Goose Land
Popeye the Sailor
The Old Man of the Mountain
I Heard
Morning, Noon and Night
Betty Boop's Hallowe'en Party
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers
She Wronged Him Right
Red Hot Mamma
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Betty in Blunderland
Betty Boop's Rise to Fame
Betty Boop's Trial
Betty Boop's Life Guard
Poor Cinderella
There's Something About a Soldier
Betty Boop's Little Pal
Betty Boop's Prize Show
Keep in Style
When My Ship Comes In
Baby Be Good
Taking the Blame
Stop That Noise
Swat the Fly
No! No! A Thousand Times No!!
A Little Soap and Water
A Language All My Own
Judge for a Day
Making Stars
Betty Boop with Henry, the Funniest Living American
Little Nobody
Betty Boop and the Little King
Not Now
We Did It
A Song a Day
More Pep
You're Not Built That Way
Happy You and Merry Me
Training Pigeons
Grampy's Indoor Outing
Be Human
Making Friends
House Cleaning Blues
Whoops! I'm a Cowboy
The Hot Air Salesman
Pudgy Takes a Bow-Wow
Pudgy Picks a Fight!
The Impractical Joker
Ding Dong Doggie
The Candid Candidate
Service with a Smile
The New Deal Show
The Foxy Hunter
Zula Hula
Riding the Rails
Be Up to Date
Honest Love and True
Out of the Inkwell
The Swing School
Pudgy and the Lost Kitten
Buzzy Boop
Pudgy the Watchman
Buzzy Boop at the Concert
Sally Swing
On With the New
Thrills and Chills
My Friend the Monkey
So Does an Automobile
Musical Mountaineers
The Scared Crows
Rhythm on the Reservation
Yip Yip Yippy
En TTT Oficiala retejo
Originala nomo Betty Boop
Sekso ina

Betty Boop estas rolulo de animaciaj desegnoj kiu aperis en la serio Talkartoon, produktita de Max Fleischer (Fleischer Studios) kaj elsendita de Paramount Pictures. Pro sia malferma seksaltiro, Betty Boop ege sukcesis en la historio de kinarto.

Varoj pri Betty Boop.

Ŝi aperis la 9an de Aŭgusto 1926, en la animaciaj desegnoj Dizzy Dishes, en la sepa ero de la serio Fleischer's Talkartoon. Jvankam foje oni atribuas al la aktorino Clara Bow esti la inspiro por Boop, aliaj diras, ke reale ŝi ekis kiel karikaturo de la kantistino Helen Kane, kiu ludis laŭ stilo kunhavita de multaj artistoj siaepoke.


  • Betty Boop. Coffret Collector (5 DVD + 1 CD). Films Sans Frontières. (angle kun franclingva subteksto)

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