Anexo:Videojuegos de Konami
Lista de juegos desarrollados, publicados o licenciados por Konami.
Algunos juegos provienen de series juegos de Hudson Soft, por lo cual se revisa en la categoría correspondiente.
Todos los juegos arcade son distribuidos desde 2016 bajo el nombre de Konami Amusement.
- 1978
- Block Game
- Block Invader
- Space Ship
- 1979
- Space King
- Space King 2
- Space War
- 1980
- Missile X
- Sidewinder
- The End
- 1981
- 1982
- Locomotion
- Pooyan (publicado por Stern)
- Time Pilot (publicado por Centuri)
- Tutankham (publicado por Stern)
- 1983
- Gyruss (publicado por Centuri)
- Juno First
- Mega Zone
- Roc 'N Rope
- Sparky
- Track & Field (Hyper Olympic en Japón)
- 1984
- Badlands
- Circus Charlie (publicado por Centuri)
- Hyper Sports (Hyper Olympic '84 en Japón)
- Max Mile
- Mikie
- Pandora's Palace
- Road Fighter (ロードファイター?)
- Super Basketball
- Time Pilot '84
- 1985
- Finalizer
- Galactic Warriors
- Gradius / Nemesis (versión arcade original)
- Konami GT
- Konami's Ping Pong
- Rush'n Attack (Green Beret en Japón y Europa)
- Scooter Shooter
- Shao-Lin's Road (Kicker en Europa)
- Twinbee
- Wiz Quiz
- Yie Ar Kung Fu
- 1986
- Double Dribble
- Mr. Goemon (también conocido como Mr. Kabuki)
- Vs. Gradius (en hardware Nintendo Vs.)
- Iron Horse
- Jackal (también conocido como Top Gunner)
- JailBreak
- Rock'n Rage
- Salamander / Life Force (versión USA)
- WEC Le Mans
- 1987
- Battlantis
- B.A.W.
- Blades of Steel
- Boot Camp
- Vs. Castlevania (en hardware Nintendo Vs.)
- City Bomber
- Combat School
- Contra (Gryzor en Europa)
- Dark Adventure
- Devil World (no confundir con el título de Nintendo para Famicom publicado exclusivamente en Japón)
- Fast Lane
- Flak Attack
- Great Train Gang
- Hyper Crash
- Labyrinth Runner
- MX 5000
- Rack 'em Up
- Life Force (versión japonesa)
- Typhoon
- 1988
- Super Contra
- Haunted Castle (basado en el Castlevania original)
- Checkered Flag
- Devastators
- The Main Event
- The Final Round
- Ajax
- Thunder Cross
- Kitten Kaboodle
- Hot Chase
- King of Rings
- Gang Busters
- Konami '88 (Hyper Sports Special en Japón; también conocido como '88 Games)
- Gradius II (denominado Vulcan Venture en Europa)
- Vs.Top Gun (en hardware Nintendo Vs.)
- 1989
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Gradius III
- M.I.A.
- Bottom of the Ninth
- Crime Fighters
- S.P.Y.
- Cue Brick
- Block Hole
- 1990
- Aliens
- Lightning Fighters
- Punk Shot
- Over Drive
- Surprise Attack
- Parodius Da! (exclusivo de Japón)
- Whoo Yarth Taar
- Kokekko
- 1991
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
- The Simpsons
- Sunset Riders
- Roller Games
- Golfing Greats
- Thunder Cross II
- Vendetta
- Detana!! Twinbee (exclusivo de Japón)
- Escape Kids
- Xexex (exclusivo de Japón y EE. UU.)
- Mario Roulette
- Slime Kun
- Tsurikko Penta
- 1992
- X-Men
- Lethal Enforcers
- G.I. Joe
- Bucky O'Hare
- Asterix
- Axelay
- Hexion
- Potrio
- Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa
- 1993
- Run'n Gun
- F1 World Racing
- Martial Champions
- Metamorphic Force
- Monster Maulers
- Mystic Warriors
- Violent Storm
- Poly-Net Warriors
- Polygonet Commanders
- Premier Soccer
- Gaiapolis (exclusivo de Japón)
- Dadandan (exclusivo de Japón)
- 1994
- Brain Busters
- Racing Force
- Konami Open Golf Championship
- Gokujō Parodius
- Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters
- Quiz Do Re Mi Fa Grand Prix
- Sauroid
- Taisen Puzzle-dama
- 1995
- Dragoon Might[1]
- Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2
- Crypt Killer
- Pirate Ship
- Speed King (conocido como Road Rage en Occidente)
- Five A Side Soccer
- Ultra Sports
- Pittanko Zaurus
- Premier Soccer '95
- Quiz Do Re Mi Fa Grand Prix 2
- Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-Dama
- Twin Bee Yahhoo!
- Hole in One
- Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2
- 1996
- Bishi Bashi Champ Mini Game Senshuken
- Daisu-Kiss
- Dead Eye
- Hyper Athlete
- Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2
- Powerfull Baseball '96
- Run And Gun 2
- Salamander 2
- Sexy Parodius
- Susume! Taisen Puzzle-Dama
- Taisen Tokkae dama
- Vs. Net Soccer
- Wave Shark
- Winding Heat
- GTI Club
- Balloon Penta
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game
- 1997
- Battle Vision
- Beatmania
- Fighting Bujutsu: Wu-Shu
- Hang Pilot
- Operation Thunder Hurricane
- Polystars
- Rushing Heroes
- Solar Assault
- Solar Assault: Revised
- Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart
- Total Vice
- Wedding Rhapsody
- Winning Spike
- 1998
- Battle Tryst
- Beatmania 2ndMix
- Beatmania 3rdMix
- Beatstage
- Dance Dance Revolution (versión japonesa)
- Dark Horse Legend
- Evil Night
- Fighting Bujustu
- Fisherman's Bait Kit
- Fisherman's Bait 2
- Handle Champ
- Heat Of Eleven '98
- HipHopMania
- Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball EX
- Nagano Winter Olympics '98
- NBA Play By Play
- Pop'n Music
- Racing Jam
- Rushing Heroes Football
- Skiers' High
- Super Bishi Bashi Championship
- Teraburst
- Thrill Drive
- Total Vice
- 1999
- Beatmania 4thMix The Beat Goes On
- Beatmania 5thMix Time to Get Down
- Beatmania Complete Mix (HipHopMania Complete Mix en Norteamérica; Beatstage Complete Mix en Corea)
- Beatmania IIDX
- Beatmania IIDX 2ndStyle
- Beatmania IIDX Club Version
- Beatmania IIDX Substream
- Dance Dance Revolution (versión asiática)
- Dance Dance Revolution (versión occidental)
- Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix
- Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix con Beatmania IIDX Club Version
- Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix Link Version
- Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix y Beatmania IIDX Substream Club Version
- Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix (versión asiática)
- Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix (versión japonesa)
- Dance Dance Revolution Karaoke Mix
- Dancing Stage (versión europea de Dance Dance Revolution)
- Dancing Stage (relanzamiento)
- Dancing Stage EuroMix
- Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True
- Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination (versión asiática)
- Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination (versión japonesa)
- Dark Horse Legend 2
- DrumMania
- DrumMania 2ndMix
- DrumMania 3rdMix
- Fisherman's Bait Marlin Challenge
- Gachaga Champ
- Gradius IV
- GuitarFreaks 2ndMix
- GuitarFreaks 3rdMix
- Hyper Bishi Bashi
- Pop'n Music 2
- Pop'n Music 3
- Pop'n Stage
- Racing Jam 2
- Silent Scope
- Step Champ
- 2000
- Anime Champ
- Beatmania ClubMix
- Beatmania Complete Mix 2 (HipHopMania Complete Mix 2 en Norteamérica; Beatstage Complete Mix 2 en Corea)
- Beatmania Core Remix
- Beatmania Club Mix
- Beatmania featuring Dreams Come True
- Beatmania IIDX 3rd Style
- Beatmania IIDX 4th Style
- Beatmania III
- Beatmania III Append Core Remix
- Code One Dispatch
- Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix (versión coreana)
- Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix (relanzamiento coreano)
- Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix Plus
- Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix (versión asiática)
- Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix (versión japonesa)
- Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix Plus (versión asiática)
- Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix Plus (versión japonesa)
- Dance Dance Revolution Karaoke Mix 2nd
- Dance Dance Revolution Kids
- Dance Dance Revolution USA
- Dancing Stage featuring Disney's Rave
- DanceManiax 1stMix
- DanceManiax 2ndMix
- DanceManiax 2ndMix Append JParadise
- GuitarFreaks 4thMix
- GuitarFreaks 5thMix
- Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ
- Keyboardmania (también conocido como "Keyboard Heaven")
- Keyboardmania 2ndMix
- Keyboardmania 3rdMix
- [[Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
- ParaParaParadise (también conocido como "ParaParaDancing")
- ParaParaParadise 1stMix Plus
- Pop'n Music 4
- Pop'n Music 5
- Pop'n Music Animelo
- Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes
- Punch Mania: Hokuto No Ken (Fighting Mania fuera de Japón)
- Silent Scope 2: Dark Silhouette (Innocent Sweeper en Japón; Fatal Judgement en otros países)
- Simpsons Bowling
- 2001
- Beatmania 6thMix The UK Underground Music
- Beatmania IIDX 5th Style
- Beatmania IIDX 6th Style
- Beatmania III Append 6thMix
- Boxing Mania: Ashita no Joe
- Dance Dance Revolution 5thMix
- DDRMAX Dance Dance Revolution 6thMix
- Driving Party
- DrumMania 4thMix
- DrumMania 5thMix
- GTI Club 2
- GuitarFreaks 6thMix
- Gun Mania
- Gun Mania Zone Plus
- Parque Jurásico III
- Kick & Kick
- Mambo a GoGo
- Mocap Boxing
- Monster Gate
- Police 911 (América), The Keisatsukan (Japón y Asia), Police 24/7 (Europa)
- Police 911 2 (América), The Keisatsukan 2 (Japón y Asia), Police 24/7 2 (Europa)
- ParaParaParadise 2ndMix
- Pop'n Music 6
- Pop'n Music 7
- Pop'n Music Animelo 2
- Salary Man Champ
- Silent Scope EXtreme (Sougeki ["francotirador" en japonés] en Japón)
- Thrill Drive 2
- Tsurugi: The Sword
- Zone of the Enders
- 2002
- Beatmania 7thMix Keepin' Evolution
- Beatmania IIDX 7th Style
- Beatmania IIDX 8th Style
- Beatmania III Append 7thMix
- Beatmania III The Final
- Beatmania The Final
- DDRMAX2 Dance Dance Revolution 7thMix
- DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME
- Dancing Stage EuroMix 2
- Dog Station
- Dog Station Deluxe
- DrumMania 6thMix
- DrumMania 7thMix
- GuitarFreaks 7thMix
- GuitarFreaks 8thMix
- Mahjong Fight Club
- Martial Beat
- Mocap Golf
- Monster Gate 2
- Nice Smash!'
- Perfect Pool
- Poolpocket
- Pop'n Music 8
- Pop'n Music 9
- Silent Scope Fortune Hunter
- Warring States
- World Soccer Winning Eleven Arcade Game Style
- Xtrial Racing
- 2003
- Beatmania IIDX 9th Style
- Beatmania III The Final
- DrumMania 8thMix
- ee'mall
- GuitarFreaks 9thMix
- Mahjong Fight Club 2
- Monster Gate 3
- Pop'n Music 10
- ProEvolution Soccer
- Quiz Magic Academy
- R.P.M. Red
- Thrill Drive 2
- Warzaid
- World Soccer Winning Eleven Arcade Game Style 2003
- 2004
- Battle Climaxx!
- Beatmania IIDX 10th Style
- Beatmania IIDX11 IIDXRED
- DrumMania 9thMix
- DrumMania 10thMix
- ee'mall 2nd Avenue
- GuitarFreaks 10thMix
- GuitarFreaks 11thMix
- Lethal Enforcers 3
- Mahjong Fight Club 3
- Monster Gate Online
- Pop'n Music 11
- Pop'n Music 12: Iroha
- Quiz Magic Academy 2
- Wartran Troopers
- 2005
- Baseball Heroes 2005
- Battle Climaxx! 2
- Beatmania IIDX12 Happy Sky
- Bishi Bashi Online
- Dance 86.4 Funky Radio Station
- Dancing Stage Fusion
- DrumMania V
- DrumMania V2
- Gashaaaan
- GuitarFreaks V
- Mahjong Fight Club 4
- Metal Gear Acid 2
- Monster Gate Online 2
- Paintball Mania
- Pop'n Music 13: Carnival
- Quiz Magic Academy 3
- Thrill Drive 3
- Toy's March
- Toy's March 2
- 2006
- Beatmania IIDX 13 Distorted
- Cooper's9
- Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova (versión japonesa)
- Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova (versión norteamericana)
- Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova (relanzamiento estadounidense)
- Dancing Stage SuperNova
- Dancing Stage SuperNova (relanzamiento)
- Mahjong Fight Club 5
- Nova Usagi
- Percussion Kids
- Pop'n Music 14: Fever!
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2006 Arcade Championship
- 2007
- Beatmania IIDX 14 Gold
- Beatmania IIDX 15 DJ Troopers
- Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova 2 (versión japonesa)
- DrumMania V5: Rock to Infinity
- GuitarFreaks V5: Rock to Infinity
- Mahjong Fight Club 6
- Otomedius
- Pop'n Music 15: Adventure
- Quiz Magic Academy IV
- 2008
- Action Deka
- beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS
- Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova 2 (versión asiática)
- Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova 2 (versión norteamericana)
- Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova 2 (versión sudamericana)
- Dance Dance Revolution X (versión asiática)
- Dance Dance Revolution X (versión japonesa)
- Mahjong Fight Club 7
- Pop'n Music 16: Party
- Quiz Magic Academy V
- Jubeat
- 2009
- beatmania IIDX 17: SIRIUS
- Dance Dance Revolution X (versión norteamericana)
- Dance Dance Revolution X (versión europea)
- DrumMania V6: Blazing!!!!
- DrumMania XG
- GuitarFreaks V6: Blazing!!!!
- GuitarFreaks XG
- Mahjong Fight Club Garyo Tensei
- Pop'n Music 17: The Movie
- Quiz Magic Academy VI
- Quiz Magic Academy VI Extra
- Jubeat Ripples
- 2010
- DanceDanceRevolution X2 (versión asiática)
- DanceDanceRevolution X2 (versión japonesa)
- DanceDanceRevolution X2 (versión norteamericana)
- DrumMania V7
- GuitarFreaks V7
- Mahjong Fight Club Ultimate Version
- pop'n music 18: Sengoku Retsuden
- Quiz Magic Academy VII
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
- Neverdead
- Beatmania IIDX 18: Resort Anthem
- jubeat knit
- pop'n music 19: Tune Street
- 2011
- DanceDanceRevolution X2 (versión europea)
- DanceDanceRevolution X3 vs. 2ndMIX (versión japonesa)
- DanceDanceRevolution X3 vs. 2ndMIX (versión asiática)
- Hello! pop'n music
- Quiz Magic Academy VIII
- jubeat knit APPEND
- jubeat copious
- beatmania IIDX 19: Lincle
- pop'n music 20: fantasia
- Contra - Evolution Revolution
- 2012
- Quiz Magic Academy: Kenja no Tobira
- beatmania IIDX 20: Tricoro
- jubeat saucer
- Winning Eleven Arcade Championship 2012
- pop'n music Sunny Park
- Sound Voltex Booth
- 2013
- beatmania IIDX 21: Spada
- Dance Dance Revolution (Versión 2013 japonesa)
- Dance Dance Revolution (Versión 2013 asiática)
- Sound Voltex II -Infinite Infection-
- Steel Chronicle Victroopers
- Mirai ga Gakki: Future Tom Tom
- 2014
- Dance Dance Revolution (Versión 2013 coreana)
- Dance Dance Revolution (Versión 2014 japonesa)
- Dance Dance Revolution (Versión 2014 asiática)
- Dance Dance Revolution (Versión 2014 coreana)
- pop'n music Lapistoria
- Quiz Magic Academy: Ten no Manabiya
- Winning Eleven Arcade Championship 2014
- Sound Voltex III -Gravity Wars-
- 2015
- jubeat saucer -fullfill-
- pop'n music éclale
- Múseca
- Quiz Magic Academy: Akatsuki no Kane
- Disney Tsum Tsum (Arcade)
- jubeat prop
- Reflec Beat Volzza
- Beatmania IIDX 23: copula
- 2016
- MÚSECA 1+1/2
- Dance Dance Revolution A (Versión japonesa)
- Dance Dance Revolution A (Versión americana)
- pop'n music Usagi to neko to Shonen no Yume
- jubeat Qubell
- Sound Voltex IV -Heavenly Haven-
- Quiz Magic Academy: Tokyo Grimoire
- beatmania IIDX 24: SINOBUZ
- pop'n music: Usagi to Neko to Shōnen no Yume
- 2017
- Eldora Crown
- Nostalgia
- Nostalgia Forte (Versión japonesa)
- Nostalgia Forte (Versión coreana)
- Mahjong Fight Club: Gōka Kenran
- Quiz Magic Academy: THE WORLD EVOLVE
- Magical Shooter
- Treasure Shoot
- Anima Lotta 4
- jubeat Clan
- 2018
- beatmania IIDX 25: Cannon Ballers
- Baseball Collection
- beatmania IIDX 26: Rootage
- Quiz Magic Academy: MAXIVCORD
- Bomberman The Medal
- pop'n music peace
- Bombergirl
- jubeat Festo
- 2019
- Nostalgia Op. 2
- Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Versión oro)
- Baseball Collection Season 2019
- Sound Voltex Vivid Wave
- Quiz Magic Academy: Kiseki no Kōsa -Xross Voyage-
- Dance Dance Revolution A20 (Versión azul)
- beatmania IIDX 27: HEROIC VERSE (Versión original)
- Nostalgia Op. 3
- beatmania IIDX 27: HEROIC VERSE (Versión Lightning Model)
- 2020
- Baseball Collection Season 2020
- Quiz Magic Academy: Kibou no Toki
- Mahjong Fight Club: Jifēng
- Dance Dance Revolution A20 PLUS
- beatmania IIDX 28: Bistrover
- Busou Shinki: Armored Princess Battle Conductor
- 2021
- Sound Voltex Exceed Gear (Valkyrie Model)
- Sound Voltex Exceed Gear (cabina estándar)
- Baseball Collection Season 2021
- beatmania IIDX 29: CastHour
- Quiz Magic Academy: Mugen no kagami-kai
- 2022
- beatmania IIDX 30: RESIDENT
- jubeat Ave.
- Baseball Collection Season 2022
- Quizknok Stadium
- Dance aRound
- Chase Chase Jokers
- pop'n music UniLab
- 2023
- jubeat beyond the Ave.
- beatmania IIDX 31 EPOLIS
- Majhong Fight Girl
- 2024
- Polaris Chord
- Dance Dance Revolution WORLD
- pop'n music Jam&Fizz
- beatmania IIDX 32: Pinky Crush
- 199?
- Aladdin
- 1993
- Winner's Poker
- 1995
- Trio de Bingo
- 1997
- Derby Day
- Maximus
- 1998
- 200?
- As You Wish
- 2007
- Treasure Pirates
- Chilli Cha Cha
- Magical Halloween
- 2008
- Pirate Shark
- 2009
- Magical Halloween R
- Tokimeki Memorial
- Ganbare Goemon Pachisuro
- Pachislot Akumajō Dracula
- 2010
- Gokuraku Parodius
- Magical Halloween 2
- Pachislot Akumajō Dracula II
- 2011
- Ganbare Goemon Pachisuro 2
- Gradius the Slot
- Magical Halloween 3
- 2012
- Pachislot Akumajō Dracula III
- 2013
- Magical Halloween 4
- 2016
- Magical Halloween 5
- 2017
- Pachislot Akumajō Dracula: Lords of Shadow
- 2018
- Magical Halloween 6
- 2019
- Magical Halloween 7
- 2021
- Magical Halloween: Trick or Treat
- 2023
- Magical Halloween 8
Redemption games
- 19??
- Piccadilly Gradius
- 1982
- Piccadilly Circus
- 199?
- Piccadilly Circus - Mobile World
- 1991
- Piccadilly Circus - Super Mario Bros. 3
- 1993
- Kung Fu Kid (カンフーキッド?)
- Piccadilly Circus - Super Mario World
- 1994
- Picadilly Circus - Konami Wai Wai World
- 777 Million Fever
- Cross Magic
- 1995
- Penny Garden
- Mumbling Pharaoh
- Strike Boy
- 1996
- Disc Collection
- Shuriken Boy
- Space Pokan
- Dobochan
- Cross Magic Mark 2
- Funky Catcher
- 1997
- Dunk Dunk Boy
- 1998
- Pile Magic
- 2000
- Cyclone Fever
- Pocket Pirates
- Silent Scope Token Shot
- 2001
- Robot Factory
- 2008
- Nobiteke! Byonbyon Battle
Medal games
- 1993
- Wai Wai Bingo (ワイワイビンゴ?)
- 1995
- Wai Wai Jockey (ワイワイジョッキー?)
- 1997
- Imo Hori Penta (いもほりペン太?)
- Korokoropen Kai (コロコロペン介?)
- Wai Wai Poker (ワイワイポーカー?)
- 2001
- Kin'niku bandzuke kikkutāgetto
- 2003
- Fantasic Fever
- 2005
- Fantasic Fever 2 Never Ending Parade
- 2006
- Precious Party
- 2008
- Fantasic Fever 3 Twinkle Fairytale
- 2010
- Panorama Fantasy
- 2011
- Anima Lotta
- Love Plus Medal Happy Daily Life
- 2023
- Eldora Crown: Yuukyuu no Rabirinsu' (TBA)
- 2019
- Gokkan Hie Hie Penta
Otros juegos de monedas
- 1994
- 1996
- Puri Puri Station
- 1985: Antarctic Adventure, Hyper Sports, Road Fighter, Yie Ar Kung Fu,
- 1986: Ganbare Goemon (solo en Japón), Gradius, Circus Charlie, Twinbee
- 1987: Castlevania, Double Dribble, The Goonies II, Rush'n Attack, Top Gun, Stinger (llamado Moero TwinBee en Japón), Track and Field, King Kong 2: Ikari's Megaton Punch
- 1988: Metal Gear, Top Gunner, Life Force, Castlevania II Simon's Quest, Konami Wai Wai World, Blades of Steel, Skate or Die!, Gyruss, Q-Bert, Jarinko Chie: Bakudan Musume no Shiawase Sagashi
- 1989: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (videojuego), The Adventures of Bayou Billy, Top Gun II, Jack Nicklaus Golf, Defender of the Crown, King of the Beach (desarrollado por Cinemaware), Silent Service (desarrollado por Rare)
- 1990: Super C, Castlevania 3, Impossible, Metal Gear II: Snake's Revenge, Rollergames, Ski or Die, TMNT 2: The Arcade Game
- 1991: Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula Kun, Laser Invasion, Tiny Toons Adventures, Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge, The Lone Ranger, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Monster in My Pocket, Bucky O'Hare, Base Wars, Pirates!, Nightshade, TMNT 3: The Manhattan Project, Konami Wai Wai World 2: SOS! Parsley Castle
- 1992: King's Quest 5, Contra Force, Tiny Toon Adventures Cartoon Workshop, Batman Returns
- 1993: Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland, TMNT: Tournament Fighters, Zen: Intergalactic Ninja, Formula 1 Sensation
- 1991: Gradius III, Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Super Castlevania IV,
- 1992: Axelay, Contra 3: The Alien Wars (llamado Contra Spirits en Japón y Super Probotector: Alien Rebels en Europa), Prince of Persia, TMNT 4: Turtles In Time, Parodius Da!
- 1993: Batman Returns, Cybernator, Lethal Enforcers, NFL Football, Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose, Pop'n Twinbee, Sunset Riders, TMNT: Tournament Fighters, Zombies Ate My Neighbors
- 1994: Adventures of Batman & Robin, Animaniacs, Biker Mice From Mars, International Superstar Soccer, Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge, Gokujou Parodius
- 1995: Castlevania: Dracula X, International Superstar Soccer Deluxe, Metal Warriors, NBA Give 'n Go, Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius, Sparkster,
Sega Game Gear
- 1991: Junction
- 1990: Junction
- 1992: Sunset Riders, TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist
- 1993: Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure, Rocket Knight Adventures, Lethal Enforcers, TMNT: Tournament Fighters, Zombies Ate My Neighbors
- 1994: Double Dribble, Contra: Hard Corps (llamado Probotector en Europa), Castlevania: Bloodlines, Sparkster, Lethal Enforcers 2, Animaniacs, Tiny Toon Adventures: ACME All-Stars
- 1993: Lethal Enforcers
- 1994: Lethal Enforcers II, Snatcher
- Save Card
- Montage
- Fushigi no kuni no Alice
- Picno de ABC
- Anime enikki
- Picno de AIUEO
- Picno de 123
- Picno Art Puzzle
- Real Montage
- Kīroi Kyōryū-kun Parasa no Obake Taiji
- Dokkin Shinri Game
- Picno de kuku
- Shira Yuki Hime Monogatari
- Nontan to issho anime stamp
- Manfī no fushigina bōken
- Son Gokū no Bōken
- Sen'yō Card Soft
- Cinderella Monogatari
- 1995
- Detana TwinBee Yahoo! Deluxe Pack
- Eisei Meijin
- J-League Winning Eleven
- Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball '95
- NBA In The Zone
- Suikoden
- Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You
- 1996
- Bottom of the 9th
- Contra: Legacy of War
- Eisei Meijin II
- The Final Round
- Goal Storm
- Gradius Deluxe Pack
- International Track & Field
- J-League Jikkyō Winning Eleven 97
- Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius: Forever with Me
- Konami Open Golf
- Lightning Legend
- NFL Full Contact
- Pachinko Dream
- Policenauts
- Policenauts Private Collection
- Project Overkill
- Sexy Parodius
- Snatcher
- Speed King
- Susume! Taisen Puzzle-Dama
- Tokimeki Memorial Private Collection
- Vandal Hearts
- 1997
- Broken Helix
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
- Crypt Killer
- Goal Storm '97
- Gradius Gaiden
- International Super Star Soccer Pro
- Lethal Enforcers I & II
- Midnight Run
- Nagano Winter Olympics '98
- Paro Wars
- Poy Poy
- Vandal Hearts
- Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus
- 1998
- Azure Dreams
- Bishi Bashi Special
- Bottom of The 9th '99
- The Contra Adventure
- Dancing Blade Katteni Momotenshi!
- G-Shock
- Hellnight
- International Superstar Soccer '98
- Kensei: Sacred Fist
- Metal Gear Solid
- Nagano Winter Olympics '98
- NBA In The Zone '98
- Poitter's Point 2
- beatmania
- beatmania APPEND 3rdMIX mini
- beatmania APPEND 3rdMIX
- 1999
- Blades of Steel '99
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Dance Dance Revolution 2ndReMix
- Dance Dance Revolution 2ndReMix Append Club Version Vol.1
- Dance Dance Revolution 2ndReMix Append Club Version Vol.2
- Dancing Blade Katteni Momotenshi II ~Tears of Eden~
- Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination
- Fisherman's Bait: A Bass Challenge
- GuitarFreaks
- Gungage
- International Track & Field 2000
- Konami Arcade Classics
- Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions
- NBA In The Zone '99
- Poy Poy 2
- Silent Hill
- Ronin Blade (denominado Soul of the Samurai en América)
- Suikoden II
- Tokimeki Memorial 2
- Vandal Hearts II
- beatmania APPEND 4thMIX
- pop'n music
- pop'n music 2
- 2000
- Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix
- Dance Dance Revolution Best Hits
- Dance Dance Revolution Disney's Rave
- Dancing Stage EuroMix (Europa)
- Dancing Stage EuroMix (Australia)
- Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True
- ESPN Great Outdoor Games: Bass Fishing
- ESPN MLS Game Night
- The Grinch
- ISS Pro Evolution
- The Mummy
- Oha Star Dance Dance Revolution
- NHL Blades of Steel 2000
- Winning Eleven 2000
- Woody Woodpecker Racing
- beatmania APPEND 5thMIX
- beatmania BEST HITS
- beatmania APPEND ClubMIX
- beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX2 ~Going Global~
- beatmania (Europe)
- beatmania featuring Dreams Come True
- pop'n music 3
- pop'n music 4
- 2001
- Castlevania Chronicles
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Dance Dance Revolution 4thMix
- Dance Dance Revolution 5thMix
- Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix
- Dancing Stage Disney Mix (Europa)
- Dancing Stage Disney Mix (Australia)
- F1 World Grand Prix 2000
- ISS Pro Evolution 2
- beatmania THE SOUND OF TOKYO
- pop'n music 5
- 2002
- Captain Tsubasa: Aratanaru Densetsu Joshou
- Dance Dance Revolution Konamix
- Dancing Stage Party Edition
- Martial Beat
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
- Winning Eleven 2002
- beatmania 6thMIX + CORE REMIX
- pop'n music 6
- 2003
- Dancing Stage Fever (Europe)
- Dancing Stage Fever (Australia)
- Pinobee
- 2004
- Dancing Stage Fusion
- 2000: 7 Blades, DrumMania, ESPN International Track & Field, ESPN X-Games Snowboarding, Gradius III & IV, Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix & DrumMania 2nd Mix, Silent Scope, Winning Eleven 5
- 2001: Ephemeral Fantasia, ESPN MLS ExtraTime, ESPN NBA 2Night, ESPN NFL Primetime 2002, ESPN National Hockey Night, ESPN X-Games Skateboarding, Frogger: The Great Quest, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty , ParaParaParadise, Police 911, Pro Evolution Soccer, Ring of Red, Shadow of Memories, Silent Hill 2, Silent Scope 2, Tokimeki Memorial 3, Winning Eleven 6, Zone of the Enders
- 2002: Contra: Shattered Soldier, DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution, ESPN International Winter Sports, ESPN NBA 2Night 2002, ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002, Evolution Skateboarding, Evolution Snowboarding, Konami's Moto-X, NBA Starting Five, Silent Scope 3, Suikoden III, Whiteout, WTA Tour Tennis, Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side, Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution
- 2003: Dancing Stage Megamix, Fisherman's Challenge, Frogger Beyond, Silent Hill 2: Director´s Cut, K-1 World Grand Prix, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, Silent Hill 3, Tour de France: Centenary Edition, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses, Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, Dreammix TV World Fighters, Dancing Stage Fever
- 2004: Deadly Skies III, Winning Eleven 7 International, Winning Eleven 8, Silent Hill 4: The Room, U Move Super Sports, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Gradius V, Suikoden IV, Suikoden V, Dancing Stage Fusion , Pro Evolution Soccer 4 , Cy Girls
- 2005: Nanobreaker, Oz (conocido en Europa como The Sword of Etheria), Rumble Roses, World Soccer Winning Eleven 9, Neo Contra, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Melee, Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, Dancing Stage Max , Pro Evolution Soccer 5
- 2006: World Soccer Winning Eleven 10, Pro Evolution Soccer Management, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Silent Hill Collection , Pro Evolution Soccer 6
- 2007: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, Dancing Stage SuperNOVA
- 2008: Silent Hill Origins, Dancing Stage SuperNOVA 2, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
- 2009: Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
- 2010: Silent Hill: Shattered Memories , Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
- 2011: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
- 2012: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
- 2013: Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
- 2007: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
- 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009, Silent Hill: Homecoming
- 2009: Tornado Outbreak, Pro Evolution Soccer 2010, Saw
- 2010: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, Ninety-Nine Nights II, Saw II: Fleash & Blood, Dance Dance Revolution 2010 (New Moves para Europa)
- 2011: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
- 2012: Silent Hill Downpour, Neverdead, Puddle, Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
- 2013: Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
- 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
- 2015: Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
- 2016: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
- 2017: Pro Evolution Soccer 2018
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- Skelattack
- Efootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021
- 2021
- 2023
- Super Bomberman R 2
- 2024
- Rocket Knight Adventures Re-Sparked!
- 2023
- Super Bomberman R 2
- 2024
- Castlevania Dominus Collection
- 2005: Coded Arms, Metal Gear Ac!d, Frogger: Helmet Chaos, Pro Evolution Soccer 5
- 2006: Metal Gear Ac!d 2, Tokimeki Memorial: Forever with You, Gradius Portable, Yu-gi-oh Gx Tag Force, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
- 2007: TwinBee Portable, Parodius Portable, Salamander Portable, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, Silent Hill Origins, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Plus
- 2002: Captain Tsubasa: Ōgon Sedai no Chōsen
- 2002: Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution
- 2003: Dreammix TV World Fighters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- 2004: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
- 2005: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Melee
- 2006: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare
- 2001: Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams
- 2002: Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
- 2004: Pro Evolution Soccer 4
- 2004: Winning Eleven 8 International, Silent Hill 4: The Room
- 2005: Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
- 2005: Pro Evolution Soccer 5
- 2017: Pro Evolution Soccer 2018
- 2018: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
- 1995
- Chibi Maruko-Chan: No Taisen Puzzle Dama
- Detana Twinbee Yahho! Deluxe Pack
- Eisei Meijin
- Gokujō Parodius Da! Deluxe Pack
- Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū '95
- 1996
- 1997
- Crypt Killer
- Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū S
- Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus
- Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 1: Nijiiro no Seishun
- Tokimeki Memorial Selection: Fujisaki Shiori
- Tokimeki Memorial Taisen: Tokkae Dama
- Vandal Hearts
- 1998
- Akumajō Dracula X: Gekka no Yasōkyoku (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
- Genso Suikoden
- J-League Jikkyō Honoo no Striker
- Konami Antiques MSX Collection Ultra Pack
- Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 2: Irodori no Love Song
- Yoshimura Shogi
- 1997: Deadly Arts, International Super Star Soccer 64,
- 1998: Castlevania 64, International Super Star Soccer '98, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, NBA In The Zone '98, Nagano Winter Olympics '98, Holy Magic Century (también conocido como Quest 64)
- 1999: Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 2, Hybrid Heaven
- 2000: International Super Star Soccer 2000
- 1995: Policenauts
- 1989: Castlevania: The Adventure, Motocross Maniacs
- 1990: Operation C, Quarth, NFL Football, Skate or Die: Bad 'n Rad, Nemesis, TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan
- 1991: Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge, Double Dribble, Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge, Blades of Steel, Nemesis II (llamado Gradius: The Interstellar Assault en Estados Unidos)
- 1992: TMNT 2: Return to the Sewers, Top Gun: Guts and Glory, Track and Field, World Circuit Series, Ultra Golf, Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break
- 1993: Zen: Intergalactic Ninja, Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie Madness, Kid Dracula, Raging Fighter, Batman the Animated Adventure, TMNT 3: Radical Rescue, God Medicine
- 1994: Contra: Alien Wars, Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge
- 1995: Animaniacs
- 2001:
- Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran
- 2002:
- Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran 2
- 2001: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Konami Krazy Racers, Gradius Galaxies, Silent Hill Play Novel
- 2002: ESPN International Winter Sports 2002, ESPN X Games Snowboarding, Motocross Maniacs Advance, WTA Tour Tennis, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul, Contra Advance: The Alien Wars, Disney Sports Soccer, Frogger's Adventure 2: The Lost Wand, Disney Sports Skateboarding, Disney Sports Basketball, Disney Sports Football, Konami Collector Series: Arcade Advanced, Deadly Skies
- 2003: Disney Sports Snowboarding, Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeondice Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel, Silent Scope, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, International Superstar Soccer, Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Sacred Cards, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand
- 2004: TMNT 2: Battle Nexus, Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django
- 2005: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Duel Academy, Boktai 3: Shin-Bokura no Taiyo: Gyakushuu no Sabata
- 1983:
- Time Pilot
- Frogger
- Super Cobra
- Sparkie (lanzado por Sony)
- Juno First (lanzado por Sony)
- Crazy Train (lanzado por Sony)
- 1984:
- Athletic Land
- Antarctic Adventure
- Monkey Academy
- Billiards (también conocido como Video Hustler y también lanzado por Sony como HBS-G008C)
- Mah Jong
- Hyper Olympic 1 & 2 (también conocido como Track and Field 1 & 2 y también lanzado por Sony como HBS-G010C y HBS-G011C)
- Circus Charlie (también lanzado por Casio como GPM-105)
- Magical Tree
- Comic Bakery
- Hyper Sports 1
- Cabbage Patch Kids
- Hyper Sports 2 (también lanzado por Sony como HBS-G012C)
- Tennis (también lanzado por Casio como GPM-106)
- Sky Jaguar
- Baseball
- Pinball (nunca vio la luz en el mercado)
- Badlands (juego en LaserDisc )
- 1985:
- Hyper Rally
- Golf
- Yie Ar Kungfu (también lanzado por Casio como GPM-108)
- King's Valley (también lanzado por Casio como GPM-110)
- Mopi Ranger (también lanzado por Casio como GPM-111)
- Pippols
- Road Fighter
- Ping Pong
- Football (también conocido como Soccer)
- Hyper Sports 3
- Yie Ar Kungfu 2
- Pooyan (lanzado por Hudson como una BeeCard, que requiere el BeePack)
- 1986:
- The Goonies
- The Game Master
- Boxing
- Knightmare
- Twinbee
- Synthesizer
- Gradius (también conocido como Nemesis)
- Penguin Adventure
- Q-Bert
- Green Beret (supuestamente realizado por Konami UK)
- 1987:
- The Maze of Galious
- Gradius 2 (conocido como Nemesis 2 en Europa)
- F1 Spirit
- Shalom
- 1988:
- The Game Master 2
- Salamander
- Parodius
- King's Valley 2 (hay una versión para MSX2)
- Nemesis 3
- 1989:
- Game Collection 1 (Knightmare, Antarctic Adventure, Yie Ar Kungfu, Yie Ar Kungfu 2, King's Valley)
- Game Collection 2 (Boxing, Tennis, Video Hustler, Hyper Olympic 1, Hyper Sports 2)
- Game Collection 3 (Twin Bee, Super Cobra, Sky Jaguar, Time Pilot, Nemesis)
- Game Collection 4 (Soccer, Ping-Pong, Golf, Hyper Olympic 2, Hyper Sports 3)
- desconocido:
- EC700 Procesador De Texto Japonés
- Billiards en cinta
- JE503 HyperShot Joystick
- 1986:
- Akumajou Dracula (llamadoVampire Killer en Europa)
- King Kong 2: Ikari's Megaton Punch
- 1987:
- Ganbare Goemon
- Hi no Tori
- Metal Gear
- The Treasure of Usas
- 1988:
- King's Valley 2 (El mismo cartucho de MSX, al ponerlo en un MSX2 o superior muestra características adicionales)
- Gekitotsu Pennant Race
- Konami no Uranai Sensation
- Snatcher
- Break Shot (nunca salió al público)
- 1989:
- 1990:
- Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
- Quarth
- SD Snatcher
- 1988:
- F1 Spirit 3D Special (dos computadoras MSX2+ podían ser unidas con un cable link multiplayer link cable)
- Parodius Da! (1992)
- Gradius / Nemesis
- Gradius II
- Life Force / Salamander
- Detana!! TwinBee
- Snatcher
- Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
- Tokimeki Memorial (1994)
- Martial Champion (1993)
- 2009
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
- Saw
- Tornado Outbreak
- 2012
- 2014
- 2015
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection
- Contra Anniversary Collection
- Contra: Rogue Corps
- eFootball PES 2020
- 2020
- Skelattack
- 2006
- 2007
- Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party
- Dewy's Adventure
- MLB Power Pros
- 2008
- Castlevania Judgement
- Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 2
- Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
- Gradius Rebirth
- Critter Round-Up
- 2009
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
- Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
- Scene It? Twilight
- Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth
- Tomena Sanner
- Sandy Beach
- Driift Mania
- Contra ReBirth
- Ant Nation
- Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 3
- 2010
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer
- Def Jam Rapstar
- Ben 10 Alien Force: The Rise of Hex
- Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Gormiti: The Lords Of Nature!
- 2011
- Dance Dance Revolution II
Virtual Console
- Super Castlevania IV
- Contra III: The Alien Wars
- Gradius
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Road Fighter
- Gradius III
- Castlevania
- The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
- Gradius II: Ambition of Gofer
- Konami's Ping Pong
- Antarctic Adventure
- Salamander
- Detana! Twinbee
- Super C
- Esper Dream
- Axelay
- Cybernator
- Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
- Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū
- Getsu Fūma Den
- Double Dribble
- Parodius
- Space Manbow
- Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
- Ganbare Goemon 3: Shichijuurokubei no Karakuri Manji Gatame
- Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: Kieta Ōgon Kiseru
- Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
- 2017:
- 2018:
- Snake Pass (Formato Digital solo en Japón)
- Mantis Burn Racing (Formato Físico solo en Japón)
- 2019:
- Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection
- Contra Anniversary Collection
- Contra: Rogue Corps
- Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū (Solo en Japón)
- 2020:
- eBaseball Powerful Pro Baseball 2020
- Skelattack (Desarrollado por Ukuza)
- Momotaro Dentetsu: Showa, Heisei, Reiwa Mo Teiban!
- 2021:
- Castlevania Advance Collection
- Solomon Program
- Super Bomberman R Online
- eBaseball Professional Baseball Spirits 2021: Grand Slam
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel: Saikyou Battle Royale!!
- Power Pro-Kun Pocket R
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 4th Heart
- 2022:
- Getsu Fūma Den: Undying Moon
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
- eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyū 2022
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel: Dawn of the Battle Royale!! Let’s Go! Go Rush!!
- 2023:
- Super Bomberman R 2
- WBSC eBASEBALL: Power Pros
- Super Crazy Rhythm Castle
- 2024:
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love for Nintendo Switch
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd Season for Nintendo Switch
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story for Nintendo Switch
- Felix the Cat
- Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked
- Contra: Operation Galuga
- Powerful Pro Baseball Eikan Nine Crossroad
- Powerful Pro Baseball 2024-2025
- Castlevania Dominus Collection
Nintendo eShop de Switch
Juegos Cancelados
- Hyper Sports R
- 2011: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
- 2012: Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection, Silent Hill: Book of Memories
- 2011: El Doctor Lautrec y los Caballeros Olvidados, Frogger 3D, 'Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, 'Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
- 2012: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (3D remasterizado), Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
- 1988
- Contra
- Top Gunner
- 1989
- Bloodwych
- Boot Camp
- Rush'n Attack
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- 1990
- Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge
- Blades of Steel
- Castlevania
- Double Dribble
- Metal Gear
- Predator 2
- Super C
- Theme Park Mystery
- 1991
- J.R.R. Tolkien's Riders of Rohan
- Killing Cloud
- Mission: Impossible
- Spacewrecked: 14 Billion Light Years From Earth
- The Simpsons Arcade Game
- The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op!
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan Missions
- 1992
- Batman Returns
- Plan 9 from Outer Space
- 1993
- Frontier: Elite 2
- 1996
- Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You
- Tokimeki Memorial Taisen: Puzzle Dama
- 1997
- 2000
- Metal Gear Solid: Integral
- The Grinch
- The Mummy
- Woody Woodpecker Racing
- 2001
- Dancing Karaoke DKara
- 2002
- Dance Dance Revolution
- ESPN NFL PrimeTime 2002
- Frogger: The Great Quest
- Konami Collector's Series: Castlevania & Contra
- Shadow of Destiny
- Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut
- Whiteout
- 2003
- Apocalyptica
- Bomberman Collection
- Casino, Inc.
- Frogger Beyond
- Frogger's Adventures: The Rescue
- International Superstar Soccer 3
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
- Pro Evolution Soccer 3
- Silent Hill 3
- Suikoden II
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny
- Tokimeki Memorial 2 Typing[cita requerida]
- 2004
- Pro Evolution Soccer 4
- Silent Hill 4: The Room
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love Typing
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Joey the Passion
- 2005
- Crime Life: Gang Wars
- Pro Evolution Soccer 5
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Melee
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Online
- Tokimeki Factory Vol.1: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side
- Tokimeki Factory Vol.2: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side
- 2006
- Busou Shinki
- Pro Evolution Soccer 6
- The Regiment
- Winx Club
- Tokimeki Factory: Tokimeki Memorial 2
- 2007
- Marvel Trading Card Game
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd Kiss Typing
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Duel Evolution
- 2013
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
- The Snowman and the Snowdog
- 2015
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- beatmania IIDX Infinitas
- 2017
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2018
- Sound Voltex III Gravity Wars (Konaste)
- 2020
- beatmania IIDX Infinitas (2020)
- pop'n music Lively
- Gitadora (Konaste)
- 2021
- Nostalgia (Konaste)
- Dance Dance Revolution Grand Prix
- Sound Voltex Exceed Gear (Konaste)
- 2008
- Frogger
- Silent Hill: The Escape
- 2009
- Dance Dance Revolution S
- Metal Gear Solid Touch
- Tomena Sanner
- Power Pros Touch
- Krazy Kart Racing
- 2010
- Mahjong Fight Club Touch
- Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night
- International Track & Field
- Draw Parking
- Wire Way
- Double Dribble Fastbreak
- MLB Power Pros Touch 2010
- Elebits: Capture
- Frogger Inferno
- 2011
- Alcatraz Breakout
- Power Pros Touch 2012
- Frogger Free
- Frogger Decades
- Kid vs Kat: Kat Attack
- Gesundheit!
- X-Men
- Frogger Pinball
- 2012
- Dragon Collection
- Million Paradise
- CrowsxWorst: Kenka Retsu-den
- 2013
- MLB Dream Nine Mobile
- Slot Revolution
- Domo Jump
- LINE GoGo! TwinBee
- Tokimeki Restaurant
- DanceDanceRevolution Pocket Edition
- Super Slot Stars
- Star Soldier for GREE
- Star Wars: Force Collection
- PES Manager
- Pop 'n Rhythmin
- Star Soldier for GREE
- 2014
- Monster Retsuden Oreca Battle
- Dragon Collection RPG
- Dragon Dice
- Saru Pion!
- Sudoku: Daily Challenge
- Shin Tenisu no ōjisama Pazuru & Tenisu
- Bomberman
- CrowsxWorst: Geiko Retsu-den
- Swords & Poker Adventures
- Powerful Pro Yakku Touch 2014
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation
- 2015
- CrowsxWorst V
- PES Club Manager
- UEFA Champions League PES Flick
- Chronos Ring
- Kingdom Dragonian
- Kyoshin Senso
- CrowsxWorst Dynamite
- Professional Baseball Spirits A
- 2016
- VS! Bomberman
- Jikkyou Powerful Soccer
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
- 2017
- PES 2017 - Pro Evolution Soccer
- 2018
- Weekly Shonen Jump Jikkyou Janjan Stadium
- Pixel Puzzle Collection
- 2019
- beatmania IIDX Ultimate Mobile
- 2023
- Powerful Pro Baseball Eikan Nine Crossroad
Windows Phone
- 2009
- Konami No Nanpure
- 2010
- Mobile Powerful Pro Baseball 3D
- Krazy Kart Racing
- 2011
- X-Men
- 2012
- KPE Dream Master
- 2013
- Star Wars: Force Collection
- LINE GoGo! TwinBee
- Tokimeki Restaurant
- 2014
- Nisekoi Majikore!?
- Mobile Pawapuro Baseball 2014
- Monsurobatoru
- Shin tenisunoōjisama pazuru& tenisu
- Min'na de bishibashi
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation
- 2017
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
- 2018
- Weekly Shonen Jump Jikkyou Janjan Stadium
- Pixel Puzzle Collection
- 2019
- beatmania IIDX Ultimate Mobile
- 2024
- Reberu Age ni Sugoku Choudo ī Shima
- Desconocido
- Mahjong Fight Club SP
- 2006
Teléfonos móviles
- 200?
- Quiz Magic Academy Mobile
- Magic Academy Puzzle-Dama
- Antarctic Adventure (¿2001?)
- Pop 'n Music
- 2000
- The Pirate Mileage
- Konami Characore World (コナミキャラコレワールド Konamikyarakorewārudo?, Konami Character World)
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- Parodius Da! -Shinwa kara Owarai e-
- Knightmare
- Mini Kyodai Robo Goemon Compact (ミニ巨大ロボ ゴエモンコンパクト?)
- Ganbare Goemon Karakuri Kiteretsu Rēsu (がんばれゴエモン からくり奇天烈レース?)
- Quarth
- Serie Konami Taisen Colosseum (コナミ対戦コロシアム?)
- Gradius
- Contra
- Time Pilot
- Salamander
- Star Devastator
- ''Kigaru ni! Basketball (気軽に!バスケットボール?)
- ''Kigaru ni! Golf (気軽に!ゴルフ?)
- 2004
- Tokimeki Memorial
- Detana!! TwinBee
- TwinBee Dungeon
- Gradius NEO
- Gradius NEO -IMPERIAL-
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Puzzle-Dama
- Metal Gear
- Solid Snake
- 'Castlevania'
- Silent Scope
- Track & Field
- Penta no Tsuri Bōken DX
- Gyruss
- Kawaī Jan
- Bakudan Ribāshi
- Bakudan Shinkei Suijaku
- Bakudan Go Mo Kunara Be
- Motto Mokemoke Dōchūki (もっともけもけ道中記?)
- Mikka bonsai
- 2005
- Ganbare Goemon 3: Shishijūrokubē no Karakuri Manji Gatame
- Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū
- Dance Dance Revolution Mobile 3D
- Gradius II
- Road Fighter
- Dancing Stage[cita requerida]
- 2006
- Frogger for Prizes
- Konami Wai Wai World
- Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun
- Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
- Gradius 2
- Konami Wai Wai Sokoban
- Space Manbow
- Parodius
- Pop'n Music
- Penguin Adventure
- Frogger 25th, Frogger Evolution
- Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Rush'n Attack
- Ai Senshi Nicol
- 2007
- Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: Kieta Ōgon Kiseru
- Castlevania: Order of Shadows
- Gokujō Parodius! ~Kako no Eikō o Motomete~
- Frogger Launch
- Pirate Poppers
- Shout! Shaberin Champ Mobile
- Quiz Magic Academy Mobile 2
- Silent Hill: Orphan
- Castlevania: Order of Shadows
- Tokimeki Memorial OnlyLove ~ Tokimeki no Partner ~
- Intuition! Bishi Bashi Champ Mobile
- Tokimeki Memorial 2
- Contra 4
- Jigoku Shōjo Puzzle-Dama
- Professor Fizzwizzle
- Esper Dream
- 2008
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
- Suikoden
- Konami Comic: Genso Suikoden
- Metal Gear Acid Mobile
- Metal Gear Solid Mobile
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side -Love Stories-
- Tomenasanna The pure Showa volume
- Frogger Beats n' Bounces
- Silent Hill Orphan 2
- Dewy's Adventure
- Quiz Magic Academy Mobile 3
- Tokimeki Memorial Mail Drama
- Konami Comic: Genso Suikoden II
- Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
- Yie Ar Kung-Fu
- Suikoden Tierkreis Stardust Castle
- Super Contra
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
- LOST in BLUE Mobile Marina & Riku Volume
- GTI Club: Supermini Festa!
- Power Pro World Home Run Competition 4
- 2009
- Suikoden II
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
- Metal Gear Acid 2 Mobile
- Tomenasanna PJ Emperor Strikes Back
- Tomenasanna UrbanCrisis
- The Bishi Bashi! e-AMUSEMENT
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd Season Short Stories
- Hayate no Gotoku!! Puzzle-Dama
- iW Toki Memo
- Logic Puzzle DX
- Power Pro World University Baseball Success Volume
- Power Pro World High School Baseball Success Volume
- Power Pro World Shakaijin Yakyū Success Volume
- Konami Comic: Genso Suikoden Tierkreis
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd Season: Novell Communications[cita requerida]
- Jackal
- Power Pro World Mobile - Powerful Pro Baseball MEGA-X
- Power Pro World Mobile Powerful Pro Baseball 6
- Gorufure!
- DX toranpu 6in
- Kuizu Gakumon Nosusume
- Puchitto Meitantei
- 2010
- Road Fighters
- Gradius Arc -Legend of Silver Wing-
- Tokimeki Memorial 4 Chu!
- Millionaire Handy[cita requerida]
- Suikoden Card Collection
- Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Mobile
- Tokimeki Memorial 4: Communication Comic
- Pop'n Music 18 Sengoku Retsuden
- DanceDanceRevolution X2
- Silent Hill Mobile 3
- Otegaru FreeCell
- Power Pro World Fierce Fighting High School Baseball Success Volume
- 2011
- Pop'n music M
- Social Appli Surotore! KPE for GREE
- Social Appli Power Pro home run competition for GREE
- ↑ Dragon Might en KLOV