Dischord Records
Dischord Records on sõltumatu plaadifirma, mis on spetsialiseerunud põhiliselt punk rock'i, hardcore'i ja post-hardcore'i stiili viljelevatele bändidele.
Firma asutasid Jeff Nelson, Nathan Strejcek ja Ian MacKaye aastal 1980. Plaadifirma on eelkõige tuntud 1980. aastate lõpul emo ja post-hardcore'i žanritele hoo andmisega ning oma DIY-eetika printsiipide tõttu.
- Antelope
- The Aquarium
- Artificial Peace
- Autoclave
- Beauty Pill
- Beefeater
- Black Eyes
- Bluetip
- Branch Manager
- Capitol City Dusters
- Circus Lupus
- The Crownhate Ruin
- Dag Nasty
- Deadline
- Egg Hunt
- El Guapo
- Embrace
- The Evens
- Faith
- Faraquet
- Fidelity Jones
- Fire Party
- French Toast
- Fugazi
- Government Issue
- Gray Matter
- Happy Go Licky
- High Back Chairs
- Holy Rollers
- Hoover
- Ignition
- Iron Cross
- Jawbox
- Lungfish
- The Make-Up
- Marginal Man
- Medications
- Minor Threat
- Nation of Ulysses
- One Last Wish
- The Pupils
- Q and Not U
- Red C
- Rites of Spring
- Scream
- Severin
- Shudder to Think
- Skewbald/Grand Union
- Slant 6
- Smart Went Crazy
- Soulside
- State of Alert (SOA)
- Teen Idles
- Three
- Trusty
- Untouchables
- Void
- The Warmers
- Youth Brigade