Showtime, Storytime

Showtime, Storytime
Nightwishi kontsertalbum
Välja antud 29. november 2013
Salvestatud 3. august 2013
Stiil Sümfooniline metal
Pikkus 95:46
Plaadifirma Nuclear Blast

"Showtime, Storytime" on ansambli Nightwish kontsertalbum, mis ilmus 2013. aasta novembris. Kontsert salvestati Wacken Open Air festivalil saksamaal 2013. aasta augustis.


  1. "Dark Chest of Wonders" – 4:33
  2. "Wish I Had an Angel" – 4:49
  3. "She Is My Sin" – 4:55
  4. "Ghost River" – 6:05
  5. "Ever Dream" – 5:21
  6. "Storytime" – 5:38
  7. "I Want My Tears Back" – 6:44
  8. "Nemo" – 4:45
  9. "Last of the Wilds" – 6:32
  10. "Bless the Child" – 7:06
  11. "Romanticide" – 5:40
  12. "Amaranth" – 4:26
  13. "Ghost Love Score" – 10:31
  14. "Song of Myself" – 7:53
  15. "Last Ride of the Day" – 4:34
  16. "Outro: Imaginaerum" – 6:16


  1. "I Want My Tears Back" (Live From Helsinki) – 5:27
  2. "Ghost Love Score" (Live From Buenos Aires) – 11:00

CD 1

  1. "Dark Chest of Wonders" – 4:33
  2. "Wish I Had an Angel" – 4:49
  3. "She Is My Sin" – 4:55
  4. "Ghost River" – 6:05
  5. "Ever Dream" – 5:21
  6. "Storytime" – 5:38
  7. "I Want My Tears Back" – 6:44
  8. "Nemo" – 4:45
  9. "Last of the Wilds" – 6:32

CD 2

  1. "Bless the Child" – 7:06
  2. "Romanticide" – 5:40
  3. "Amaranth" – 4:26
  4. "Ghost Love Score" – 10:31
  5. "Song of Myself" – 7:53
  6. "Last Ride of the Day" – 4:34
  7. "Outro: Imaginaerum" – 6:16
