Warriors of the World
Warriors of the World on heavy metal bändi Manowar üheksas täispikk album, mis on välja antud 4. juuni 2002 . Giacomo Puccini ooperist "Turandot " pärit laul "Nessun Dorma" on pühendatud Adamsi emale, kes sama aasta alguses suri.
Lugude nimekiri "Call to Arms" – 5:29 "The Fight for Freedom" – 4:26 "Nessun Dorma" – 3:29 "Valhalla" – 0:32 "Swords in the Wind" – 5:10 "An American Trilogy" – 4:20 "The March" – 3:56 "Warriors of the World United" – 5:56 "Hand of Doom" – 5:49 "House of Death" – 4:19 "Fight until We Die" – 4:00
Koosseis Eric Adams – vokaal Karl Logan – kitarr, klahvpillid Joey DeMaio – bass kitarr, klahvpillid Scott Columbus – trummid
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