Adar ingeles

Adar ingeles
Motaoboe family instrument (en) Itzuli eta transposing instrument (en) Itzuli
Hornbostel-Sachs sailkapena422.112-71

Adar ingelesa zurezko haize-instrumentua da, oboearen antzekoa. Ingeles izena izan arren, Frantzian sortu omen zen. Musika klasikoan asko erabili izan da baina baita beste musika motetan ere: jazz eta pop.


  • William Alwyn's Autumn Legend for English horn and string orchestra (1954)
  • Martín Niñerola, Raúl "Concertijo" for English horn and Band (2015)
  • Emmanuel Chabrier's Lamento for English horn and orchestra (1875)
  • Aaron Copland's Quiet City for trumpet, English horn, and string orchestra (1940) †
  • Gaetano Donizetti's Concertino in G major (1816)
  • Arthur Honegger's Concerto da camera, for flute, English horn & string orchestra (1948)
  • Gordon Jacob's Rhapsody for English Horn and Strings (1948)
  • Aaron Jay Kernis' Colored Field (2000)
  • James MacMillan's The World's Ransoming (1997) †
  • Walter Piston's Fantasy for English horn, harp and string orchestra (1952)
  • Ned Rorem's Concerto for English Horn and Orchestra (1992)
  • Jean Sibelius' Swan of Tuonela (1893) †
  • Pēteris Vasks' Concerto for English horn and orchestra (1989)
  • Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari's Concertino in A-flat, op. 34 (1947)
  • Teresa Borràs i Fornell "Concerto for solo English horn and string orchestra" op.116 (1994)
  • Joseph Haydn Concierto para corno y orquesta N° 1 en Re mayor

Beste musiketan

Musika klasika kanpo musikari ezagunek ere erabili dute:

  • Paul McCandless
  • Sonny Simmons
  • Vinny Golia
  • Nancy Rumbel (Tingstad and Rumbel kantan)
  • The Carpenters

Kanpo estekak