John Julius Norwich
John Julius Norwich | |||||
1966ko maiatzaren 2a - 1970eko apirilaren 1a
1954ko urtarrilaren 1a - 1999ko azaroaren 11 | |||||
Bizitza | |||||
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | John Julius Cooper | ||||
Jaiotza | Oldham, 1929ko irailaren 15a | ||||
Herrialdea | Erresuma Batua | ||||
Lehen hizkuntza | Ingeles britainiarra | ||||
Heriotza | Londres, 2018ko ekainaren 1a (88 urte) | ||||
Hobiratze lekua | St Mary on Paddington Green Church (en) | ||||
Familia | |||||
Aita | Duff Cooper | ||||
Ama | Diana Cooper | ||||
Ezkontidea(k) | Anne Clifford (en) (1952ko abuztuaren 5a - Mary Makins (en) (1989ko ekainaren 14a - | ||||
Bikotekidea(k) | ikusi
| ||||
Seme-alabak | |||||
Hezkuntza | |||||
Heziketa | Eton College Upper Canada College (en) New College (en) | ||||
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa | ||||
Jarduerak | |||||
Jarduerak | telebista aurkezlea, politikaria, historialaria, diplomazialaria, idazlea eta aristokrata | ||||
Enplegatzailea(k) | Eton College | ||||
Jasotako sariak | |||||
Kidetza | Society of Antiquaries of London (en) Europako Kontseiluko Legebiltzarra Errege Literatura Elkartea | ||||
John Julius Cooper, bigarren Norwicheko bizkontea (Oldham, 1929ko irailaren 15a – 2018ko ekainaren 1a) britaniar historialaria eta idazlea izan zen.
- Mount Athos, 1966 (Reresville Sitwellerekin)
- The Normans in the South, 1016-1130, 1967
- Sahara, 1968
- The Kingdom in the Sun, 1970
- Great Architecture in the World, 1975
- A History of Venice, 1982
- Britain´s Heritage, 1983 (argitarazle)
- The Italian World:History, Art and the Genius of the People, 1983 (argitarazle)
- The Architecture of Southern England, 1985
- Fifty Years of Glyndebourne, 1985
- A Taste for Travel, 1985
- Byzantium:The Early Centuries, 1988
- Oxford Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Art, 1990 (argitarazle)
- Byzantium; V. 2:The Apogee, 1992
- Byzantium; v. 3:Decline and Fall, 1995
- A Short History of Byzantium, 1997
- The Twelve Days of Christmas, 1998
- Shakespeare´s Kings: the Great Plays and the History of England in the Middle Ages, 2000
- Treasures of Britain, 2002 (argitarazle)
- Paradise of Cities: Venice and its Nineteenth-century Visitors, 2003
- The Duff Cooper Diaries, 2006 (argitarazle)
- The Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean, 2006
- Trying to Please (autobiografia), 2008
- The Big Bang: Christmas Crackers 2000-2009, 2010
- Absolute Monarchs: A History of the Papacy, 2010
- A History of England in 100 Places: From Stonehenge to the Gherkin, 2012
- Darling Monster: The Letters of Lady Diana Cooper to Her Son John Julius Norwich, 2013 (argitarazle)
- Cities That Shaped the Ancient World, 2014 (argitarazle)
- Sicily: An Island at the Crossroads of History, 2015
- Four Princes: Henry VIII, Francis I, Charles V; Suleiman the Magnificent and the Obsessions that Forged Modern Europe, 2016
- France: A History: From Gaul to De Gaulle, 2018