Patricia Cornwell

Patricia Cornwell

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakPatricia Carroll Daniels
JaiotzaMiami1956ko ekainaren 9a (68 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
Ezkontidea(k)Staci Ann Gruber (en) Itzuli
HeziketaDavidson College (en) Itzuli
King University (en) Itzuli
Charles D. Owen High School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakidazlea, eleberrigilea, kazetaria eta arte bildumagilea
Lan nabarmenak
Jasotako sariak
IMDB: nm0180503 Facebook: patricia.cornwell Twitter: 1pcornwell Instagram: 1pcornwell Musicbrainz: 6ab0318a-0ed6-4c4e-9891-7b7851b92fc4 Discogs: 699561 Edit the value on Wikidata

Patricia Cornwell Patricia Carroll Daniels (Miami, 1956ko ekainaren 9a) estatubatuar detektibe-fikzioko eleberrigilea da. Kay Scarpetta auzitegiko medikua da bere eleberrien protagonista eta bilbeetan auzitegiko zientziak egiten du enfasi. Jack Tripa-ateratzailearen krimenei buruzko ikerketa berri bat ere hasi du, eta Walter Sickert pintore britainiarrari egotzi dio errua.


Kay Scarpetta saila:
  1. Postmortem (1990)
  2. Body of Evidence (1991)
  3. All That Remains (1992)
  4. Cruel and Unusual (1993)
  5. The Body Farm (1994)
  6. From Potter's Field (1995)
  7. Cause of Death (1996)
  8. Unnatural Exposure (1997)
  9. Point of Origin (1998)
    • Scarpetta's Winter Table (1998)
  10. Black Notice (1999)
  11. The Last Precinct (2000)
  12. Blow Fly (2003)
  13. Trace (2004)
  14. Predator (2005)
  15. Book of the Dead (2007)
  16. Scarpetta (2008)
  17. The Scarpetta Factor (2009)
  18. Port Mortuary (2010)
  19. Red Mist (2011)
  20. The Bone Bed (2012)
  21. Dust (2013)
  22. Flesh and Blood (2014)
  23. Depraved Heart (2015)
  24. Chaos (2016)
  25. Autopsy (2021)
  26. Livid (2022)
Andy Brazil / Judy Hammer saila:
  1. Hornet's Nest (1996)
  2. Southern Cross (1998)
  3. Isle of Dogs (2001)
Win Garano saila:
  1. At Risk a book by Patricia Cornwell (2006)
  2. The Front (2008)
Captain Chase saila:
  1. Quantum (2019)
  2. Spin (2020)

Haurrentzako liburuak

  • Life's Little Fable (1999)


  • A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Graham Bell Story (1983)
  • Food to Die For: Secrets from Kay Scarpetta's Kitchen (2002)
  • Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper—Case Closed (2002)
  • Ripper: The Secret Life of Walter Sickert (2017)


  • The First Scarpetta Collection. Postmortem and Body of Evidence (1995)
  • A Scarpetta Omnibus: Postmortem, Body of Evidence, All that Remains (2000)
  • A Second Scarpetta Omnibus: Cruel and Unusual, The Body Farm, From Potter's Field (2000)
  • A Third Scarpetta Omnibus: Cause of Death, Unnatural Exposure & Point of Origin (2002)
  • The Scarpetta Collection Volume 1: Postmortem and Body of Evidence (2003)
  • The Scarpetta Collection Volume 2: All that Remains and Cruel and Unusual (2003)

Kanpo estekak