Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson

New Statesman (en) Itzuli editore

1965 - 1970
Jaiotzako izen-deiturakPaul Bede Johnson
JaiotzaManchester1928ko azaroaren 2a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaLondres2023ko urtarrilaren 12a (94 urte)
HeziketaMagdalen College
Stonyhurst College (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakkazetaria, hizketa-idazlaria, historialaria, editorea, idazlea, iritzi-kazetaria eta autorea
Jasotako sariak
Zerbitzu militarra
Adar militarraBritainia Handiko Armada
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
ErlijioaErromatar Eliza Katolikoa

Paul Bede Johnson (Manchester, 1928ko azaroaren 2a - Londres, 2023ko urtarrilaren 12a) ingeles kazetari, idazle eta historialaria izan zen.

Jesuiten ikastetxe batean eta Oxfordeko Unibertsitatean hezi zen. 1950eko hamarkadan New Statesman aldizkariko kazetari gisa lan egin zuen eta ondoren bere editorea izan zen. Hasieran ezker politikoan kokatu zen, baina gero jarrera kontserbadoreetara eboluzionatu zuen. 40 liburu baino gehiago idatzi eta artikuluak argitaratu zituen egunkari eta aldizkarietan.

Lan hautatuak

Antologiak eta historia garaikidea

  • Johnson, Paul Bede; Abel-Smith, Brian; Calder, Nigel; Hoggart, Richard; Jones, Mervyn; Marris, Peter; Murdoch, Iris; Shore, Peter; Thomas, Hugh; Townsend, Peter; Williams, Raymond (1957), "A Sense of Outrage", in Mackenzie, Norman Ian (ed.), Conviction, London: MacGibbon & Kee, pp. 202–17.
  • Johnson, Paul Bede (1957), The Suez War, London: MacGibbon & Kee.
  • ——— (1958), Journey into Chaos, Western Policy in the Middle East, London: MacGibbon & Kee.
  • ——— (1971), Statesmen and Nations, Sidgwick & Jackson. An anthology of New Statesman articles from the 1950s and 1960s.
  • ——— (1977), Enemies of Society, Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
  • ——— (1980), The Recovery of Freedom, Mainstream, Basil Blackwell.
  • ——— (1981), Davis, William (ed.), The Best of Everything – Animals, Business, Drink, Travel, Food, Literature, Medicine, Playtime, Politics, Theatre, Young World, Art, Communications, Law and Crime, Films, Pop Culture, Sport, Women's Fashion, Men's Fashion, Music, Military – contributor.
  • ——— (1985), The Pick of Paul Johnson, Harrap
  • ——— (1991) [1986], The Oxford Book of Political Anecdotes (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press.
  • ——— (1988), Intellectuals: From Marx and Tolstoy to Sartre and Chomsky, Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
  • 1994 The Quotable Paul Johnson A Topical Compilation of His Wit, Wisdom and Satire (George J. Marlin, Richard P. Rabatin, Heather Higgins (Editors)) 1994 Noonday Press/1996 Atlantic Books (US)
  • 1994 Wake Up Britain – a Latter-day Pamphlet Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1996 To Hell with Picasso & Other Essays: Selected Pieces from "The Spectator" Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 2009 Churchill (biography), 192 pp.
  • 2012 Darwin: Portrait of a genius (Viking, 176 pages)

Arte eta arktektura

  • 1980 British Cathedrals Weidenfeld & Nicolson ISBN 0-297-77828-5
  • 1993 Gerald Laing : Portraits Thomas Gibson Fine Art Ltd (with Gerald Laing & David Mellor MP)
  • 1999 Julian Barrow's London Fine Art Society
  • 2003 Art: A New History Weidenfeld & Nicolson


  • 1972 The Offshore Islanders: England's People from Roman Occupation to the Present/to European Entry [1985 ed as History of the English People; 1998 ed as Offshore Islanders: A History of the English People] Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1974 Elizabeth I: a Study in Power and Intellect Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1974 The Life and Times of Edward III Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1976 Civilizations of the Holy Land Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1977 Education of an Establishment in The World of the Public School (pp. 13–28), edited by George MacDonald Fraser, Weidenfeld & Nicolson /St Martins Press (US edition)
  • 1978 The Civilization of Ancient Egypt Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1981 Ireland: A Concise History from the Twelfth Century to the Present Day [as ...Land of Troubles 1980 Eyre Methuen] Granada
  • 1983 A History of the Modern World from 1917 to the 1980s Weidenfeld & Nicolson – Paperback[1]
  • 1983 Modern Times: A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1980s Weidenfeld & Nicolson [later, ...Present Time and ...Year 2000 2005 ed] Weidenfeld & Nicolson – Hardcover
  • 1986 The Oxford Book of Political Anecdotes Oxford University Press (editor)
  • 1987 Gold Fields A Centenary Portrait Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 1987 The History of the Jews [2001ed] Weidenfeld & Nicolson (later editions titled A History of the Jews)
  • 1991 The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815–1830 Weidenfeld & Nicolson (UK) ISBN 978-1-78-022714-6
  • 1997 A History of the American People Weidenfeld & Nicolson ISBN 0-06-093034-9 [2]
  • 2000 The Renaissance [: A Short History *] Weidenfeld & Nicolson/*Random House (USA)
  • 2002 Napoleon (Lives S.) Weidenfeld & Nicolson [2003 Phoenix pbk]
  • 2005 George Washington: The Founding Father (Eminent Lives Series) Atlas Books
  • 2006 Creators: From Chaucer and Durer to Picasso and Disney HarperCollins Publishers (US) ISBN 0-06-019143-0
  • 2007 Heroes: From Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar to Churchill and De Gaulle HarperCollins Publishers (US) ISBN 978-0-06-114316-8 i ISBN 0-06-114316-2Script error: No such module "utilitats".
  • 2010 Humorists: From Hogarth to Noel Coward HarperCollins Publishers (US) ISBN 978-0-06-182591-0
  • 2011 Socrates: A Man For Our Times Viking (US)


  • 2004 The Vanished Landscape: A 1930s Childhood in the Potteries Weidenfeld & Nicolson: ISBN 978-0-7538-1933-3
  • 2010 Brief Lives Hutchinson


  • 1959 Left of Centre MacGibbon & Kee ["Left of Centre describes the meeting of a Complacent Young Man with an Angry Old City"]
  • 1964 Merrie England MacGibbon & Kee


  • 1975 Pope John XXIII Hutchinson
  • 1977 A History of Christianity Weidenfeld & Nicolson /1976 Simon & Schuster /Atheneum (US) ISBN 0-684-81503-6 (S&S Touchstone division paperback edition published in 1995)
  • 1982 Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Restoration St Martins Press
  • 1996 The Quest for God: A Personal Pilgrimage Weidenfeld & Nicolson/HarperCollins (US)
  • 1997 The Papacy Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • 2010 Jesus: A Biography From a Believer Penguin Books


  • 1973 The Highland Jaunt Collins (with George Gale)
  • 1974 A Place in History: Places & Buildings of British History Omega [Thames TV (UK) tie-in]
  • 1978 National Trust Book of British Castles Granada Paperback [1992 Weidenfeld ed as Castles of England, Scotland And Wales]
  • 1984 The Aerofilms Book of London from the Air Weidenfeld & Nicolson

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