Swadesh zerrenda
Swadesh zerrenda oinarrizko berbak biltzen dituen zerrenda bat da (207 berba bertsio luzeenean), Morris Swadesh (1909-1967) hizkuntzalariak paratu zuena. Harremana ei duten bi edo hizkuntza gehiagoren arteko alderatzea ahalbideratzen du, euren arteko lotura denboran zehar nolakoa izan den balioetsiz. Hizkuntzalaritza konparatiboaren, glotokronologiaren eta hizkuntzalaritza estatistikoaren tresnetako bat da.
Erkaketa horrek antzekotasunak agerian lagako ditu, beti ere erabilitako errepertorioak fidatzeko inferentziak eragiten baditu. Hori berori izan zen Swadeshen kezka nagusia zerrenda proposatu zuenean. Denborak baino kontrolpean ez dauden hainbat eraldaketak gauzatu ohi dute hizkuntza baten lexikoaren bilakaera. Kulturazko arrazoiek eragiten dituzte transformazio horiek: teknologiaren hedapenak, politikak bultzatutako aldian aldiko dinamikek eta harreman ekonomikoek.
Swadeshen zerrendak arrazoibide hau zuen sustraizko: Oinarrizko Hiztegi bat bada, berbategi egonkor bat, kultur aldaketek itxuraldatuko ez dutena. Beraz zerrenda horrek kanpo utzi behar zituen kulturazko konzeptuak eta baliozkoa behar zuen izan edozein lekutarako eta hizkuntzatarako. Adibidez elur berbak ez du baliorik izango Afrika erdialdeko hizkuntza tropikalak alderatzeko, ezta telebista hitzak greko klasikoa eta modernoa erkatzeko ere.
Aukeratutako berbak edozein kulturatan ezagunak dira (hona adibideak: ura, harria, emakumea,...). Kanpoko mailegu batek nekez ordezkatuko ditu, hain dira oinarrizkoak.
Swadesh zerrenda
Hona 207 itemek osatutako zerrenda, euskarazkoa eta ingelesezkoa lagun.
Zb. | Ingelesa | Euskara |
1 | I | ni |
2 | thou (singular) |
zu, hi (familiar) |
3 | he | hura / bera |
4 | we | gu |
5 | you (plural) |
zuek |
6 | they | haiek |
7 | this | hau |
8 | that | hori, hura |
9 | here | hemen |
10 | there | hor |
11 | who | nor |
12 | what | zer |
13 | where | non |
14 | when | noiz |
15 | how | nola, zelan |
16 | not | ez |
17 | all | guzti |
18 | many | asko |
19 | some | batzuk, zenbait |
20 | few | gutxi |
21 | other | beste |
22 | one | bat |
23 | two | bi |
24 | three | hiru |
25 | four | lau |
26 | five | bost |
27 | big | handi |
28 | long | luze |
29 | wide | zabal |
30 | thick | lodi |
31 | heavy | astun |
32 | small | txiki |
33 | short | labur |
34 | narrow | mehe, estu, mehar |
35 | thin | argal |
36 | woman | emakume |
37 | man (adult male) |
gizon |
38 | man (human being) |
gizaki |
39 | child (a youth) |
haur, ume |
40 | wife | emazte |
41 | husband | senar |
42 | mother | ama |
43 | father | aita |
44 | animal | animalia, abere, piztia |
45 | fish | arrain |
46 | bird | txori |
47 | dog | txakur |
48 | louse | zorri |
49 | snake | suge |
50 | worm | har |
51 | tree | zuhaitz, arbola |
52 | forest | zuhaizti, oihan |
53 | stick (of wood) |
makil |
54 | fruit | fruitu, zitu |
55 | seed | hazi |
56 | leaf | hosto |
57 | root | sustrai, erro |
58 | bark (of tree) |
enbor |
59 | flower | lore |
60 | grass | belar |
61 | rope | soka |
62 | skin (of a person) |
larru |
63 | meat (as in flesh) |
haragi, okela |
64 | blood | odol |
65 | bone | hezur |
66 | fat (noun) |
gantz |
67 | egg | arrautza |
68 | horn | adar |
69 | tail | buztan |
70 | feather (rather not down) |
luma |
71 | hair | ile |
72 | head | buru |
73 | ear | belarri |
74 | eye | begi |
75 | nose | sudur |
76 | mouth | aho |
77 | tooth (rather not molar) |
hagin,hortz |
78 | tongue | mihi |
79 | fingernail | azazkal |
80 | foot | oin |
81 | leg | hanka,zango |
82 | knee | belaun |
83 | hand | esku |
84 | wing | hego |
85 | belly | sabel |
86 | guts | erraiak |
87 | neck | lepo |
88 | back | bizkar |
89 | breast | bular, ugatz |
90 | heart | bihotz |
91 | liver | gibel |
92 | to drink | edan |
93 | to eat | jan |
94 | to bite | hozka egin, kosk egin |
95 | to suck | zurrupatu |
96 | to spit | txistu egin |
97 | to vomit | oka egin |
98 | to blow (as wind) |
putz egin |
99 | to breathe | arnasa hartu |
100 | to laugh | barre egin |
101 | to see | ikusi |
102 | to hear | entzun |
103 | to know (a fact) |
jakin |
104 | to think | pentsatu, oldoztu |
105 | to smell (sense odor) |
usain(a) hartu |
106 | to fear | beldur izan |
107 | to sleep | lo egin |
108 | to live | bizi izan |
109 | to die | hil |
110 | to kill | hil, akabatu |
111 | to fight | borroka egin |
112 | to hunt (transitive) |
ehizatu |
113 | to hit | jo |
114 | to cut | ebaki,moztu |
115 | to split | zatitu, pitzatu |
116 | to stab (or stick) |
sastatu |
117 | to scratch (an itch) |
hazka egin, urratu |
118 | to dig | aitzurtu, zulatu |
119 | to swim | igeri egin |
120 | to fly | hegan egin |
121 | to walk | ibili |
122 | to come | etorri |
123 | to lie (as on one's side) |
etzan |
124 | to sit | eseri |
125 | to stand | zutitu |
126 | to turn (change direction) |
biratu |
127 | to fall (as in drop) |
erori |
128 | to give | eman |
129 | to hold (in one's hand) |
hartu |
130 | to squeeze | estutu |
131 | to rub | igurtzi |
132 | to wash | garbitu, ikuzi |
133 | to wipe | garbitu |
134 | to pull | tiratu |
135 | to push | bultzatu |
136 | to throw | bota, egotzi |
137 | to tie | lotu |
138 | to sew | josi |
139 | to count | zenbatu |
140 | to say | esan |
141 | to sing | abestu, kantatu |
142 | to play | jokatu, jolastu |
143 | to float | flotatu, ur gainean egon |
144 | to flow | isuri |
145 | to freeze | izoztu |
146 | to swell | hanpatu |
147 | sun | eguzki |
148 | moon | ilargi |
149 | star | izar |
150 | water | ur |
151 | to rain | euria egin |
152 | river | ibai |
153 | lake | aintzira, laku |
154 | sea (as in ocean) |
itsaso |
155 | salt | gatz |
156 | stone | harri |
157 | sand | harea |
158 | dust | hautz |
159 | earth (as in soil) |
lur |
160 | cloud | hodei |
161 | fog | laino |
162 | sky | zeru |
163 | wind (as in breeze) |
haize |
164 | snow | elur |
165 | ice | izotz |
166 | smoke | erre |
167 | fire | su |
168 | ashes | errauts |
169 | to burn (intransitive) |
erre |
170 | road | bide |
171 | mountain | mendi |
172 | red | gorri |
173 | green | berde, orlegi |
174 | yellow | hori |
175 | white | zuri |
176 | black | beltz |
177 | night | gau |
178 | day (daytime) |
egun |
179 | year | urte |
180 | warm (as in weather) |
bero |
181 | cold (as in weather) |
hotz |
182 | full | bete |
183 | new | berri |
184 | old | zahar |
185 | good | on |
186 | bad | txar |
187 | rotten (as, a log) |
ustel |
188 | dirty | zikin |
189 | straight | zuzen |
190 | round | biribil |
191 | sharp (as a knife) |
zorrotz |
192 | dull (as a knife) |
kamuts |
193 | smooth | leun |
194 | wet | busti, heze |
195 | dry (adjective) |
lehor, siku |
196 | right (correct) |
zuzen |
197 | near | gertu |
198 | far | urruti, urrun |
199 | right (side) |
eskuin, eskubi |
200 | left (side) |
ezker |
201 | at | -(e)an |
202 | in | -(e)an |
203 | with (accompanying) |
-(r)ekin |
204 | and | eta |
205 | if | ba- |
206 | because | -elako |
207 | name | izen |
- Campbell, Lyle. (1998). Historical linguistics; An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Embleton, Sheila (1995). Review of ‘An Indo-European classification: A lexicostatistical experiment’ by I. Dyen; J.B. Kruskal & P.Black. TAPS Monograph 82-5, Philadelphia. in Diachronica 12-2/1992:263-68.
- Gray, Russell D.; & Atkinson, Quentin D. Language-tree divergence times support the Anatolian theory of Indo-European origin, Nature, 426.
- Gudschinsky, Sarah. (1956). The ABC's of lexicostatistics (glottochronology). Word, 12, 175-210.
- Hoijer, Harry. (1956). Lexicostatistics: A critique. Language, 32, 49-60.
- Swadesh, Morris. (1950). Salish internal relationships. International Journal of American Linguistics, 16, 157-167.
- Swadesh, Morris. (1952). Lexicostatistic dating of prehistoric ethnic contacts. Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 96, 452-463.
- Swadesh, Morris. (1955). Towards greater accuracy in lexicostatistic dating. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21, 121-137.
- Swadesh, Morris (1972). What is glottochronology? In M. Swadesh, The origin and diversification of languages (pp. 271–284). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Kanpo estekak
Ikusi honako hau ere
- Swadesh lists at Wiktionary Swadesh zerrendak Wiktionaryn