Thomas Rowlandson
Thomas Rowlandson | |
(1814) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Old Jewry (en) eta City of London, 1757ko uztailaren 13a |
Herrialdea | Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua Britainia Handiko Erresuma 1801) |
Heriotza | Londres, 1827ko apirilaren 21a (69 urte) |
Familia | |
Seme-alabak | |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Royal Academy of Arts Soho Academy (en) |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | karikaturagilea, margolaria, ilustratzailea, umorista grafikoa, komikigilea, artista grafikoa eta grabatzailea |
Lantokia(k) | Paris Northern Low Countries (en) Amsterdam Amsterdam Rotterdam Haga Zaandam (en) Frantzia Alemania Düsseldorf Italia eta Gales |
Mugimendua | erromantizismoa |
Thomas Rowlandson (Londres, 1757ko uztailaren 13a – ibidem, 1827ko apirilaren 21a) britainiar Georgiar Aroko karikaturagilea izan zen, satira politikoa eta behaketa sozialerako gaitasuna nabarmenduta.
Artista eta grabatzaile emankorra izan zen, eta karikatura indibidualak eta politikoak egin zituen, bai eta ilustrazioak ere eleberrientzat, umorezko liburuentzat eta lan topografikoentzat. Bezero pribatuentzako ama erotiko esplizitua ere eragin zuen. Karikaturizatu egin zuen garaiko botereko jendea.
- Cupids Magick Lantern Etchings for a work by George Moutard Woodward, 1797–98
- Horse accomplishments Etchings for a work by George Moutard Woodward, 1797–98
- Matrimonial Comforts (series of eight sketches) c. 1799
- Le Brun Travestied or Caricatures of the Passions Etchings for a work by George Moutard Woodward, 1800
- The Schoolmaster's Tour, accompanied by verses by William Combe (published in the new Poetical Magazine) 1809–11
- Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, 1812
- The Second Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of Consolation, 1820
- The Third Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of a Wife, 1821
- The English Dance of Death, 1815–16
- The Dance of Life, 1816–17
- Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders (series of sketches), 1820
- An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting (sc Thomas Rowlandson), 1808
- Chesterfield Travestied, or School for Modern Manners (sc Thomas Rowlandson), 1808
"A Southwark Volunteer Cavalryman", c. 1798
"The Devonshire, or Most Approved Method of Securing Votes", 1784
"The Progress of the Emperor Napoleon", 1808
"The Corsican Spider in His Web", 1808
"Washing Day" from Matrimonial Comforts, 1811
"Portsmouth Point"
Cat Like Courtship
"Dr Syntax outside the Halfway House" from Dr Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, 1812
"Doctor Syntax loses his Money on the Race Ground at York" 1812
"Great News" from Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders, 1820
"Saloop" from Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders, 1820
"Curds and Whey" from Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders, 1820
"Macassar oil", from Iconographic Collections c. 1814, lampooning the Snake oil in some advertisements that Macassar oil would stimulate hair growth on balding men
Comforts of Bath, 1798
"Exhibition Room, Somerset House", 1800
"Vauxhall Gardens", c. 1784
"A Gibbet on the River Thames", c. 1790