Timothy Leary
Timothy Leary | |
(1970) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Springfield, 1920ko urriaren 22a |
Herrialdea | Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Heriotza | Beverly Hills, 1996ko maiatzaren 31 (75 urte) |
Hobiratze lekua | Celestis 01 (en) |
Heriotza modua | berezko heriotza: prostatako minbizia |
Familia | |
Ezkontidea(k) | ezezaguna (1945eko apirila - 1955) ezezaguna (1956 - 1957) Nena von Schlebrügge (1964 - 1965) Rosemary Woodruff Leary (en) (1967 - 1976) Barbara Chase (en) (1978 - 1992) |
Bikotekidea(k) | ikusi
Seme-alabak | |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Washington State University (en) University of Alabama (en) Kaliforniako Unibertsitatea Berkeleyn College of the Holy Cross (en) |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | psikologoa, idazlea eta aktorea |
Enplegatzailea(k) | Kaliforniako Unibertsitatea Berkeleyn Kaiser Family Foundation (en) Harvard Unibertsitatea 1963) |
Diskoetxea | ESP-Disk (en) |
Zerbitzu militarra | |
Adar militarra | Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Armada |
Parte hartutako gatazkak | Bigarren Mundu Gerra |
Sinesmenak eta ideologia | |
Erlijioa | hinduismoa |
Timothy Francis Leary (Springfield, Massachusetts, 1920ko urriaren 22a - Los Angeles, 1996ko maiatzaren 31) estatubatuar psikologo eta idazlea izan zen. Droga psikodelikoetatik defendatzeagatik egin zen ezagun.
Harvardeko Unibertsitatean esperimentuak egin zituen psilozibinarekin. Esperimentuak egin bitartean, Learyk eta ikasle batzuek droga psikotropikoak hartu zituzten. Leary unibertsitatetik bota zuten 1963ko maiatzean.
LSDak psikiatrian erabilera terapeutikoa zuela uste zuen. Berak erabili zuen eta sustatu egin zuen. 1960ko hamarkadako kontrakulturako izar bihurtu zen. Kontzeptu transhumanistei buruz ere idatzi zuen, hala nola migrazio espaziala eta bizitzaren hedapena. 36 espetxetan egon zen preso munduan zehar eta Richard Nixonek Amerikako gizonik arriskutsuena zela esan zuen.
1976an askatu zuten espetxetik, eta hitzaldiak emanez atera zuen bizimodua.
- The Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality. Leary, Timothy. 1957.
- The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Leary, Timothy and Metzner, Ralph; Alpert, Richard. 1964. (ISBN 0-8065-1652-6)
- Psychedelic Prayers after the Tao Te Ching. Leary, Timothy. 1966, Poets Press.
- Start Your Own Religion. Leary, Timothy. Millbrook, New York: Kriya Press. 1967.
- The Politics of Ecstasy. Leary, Timothy. 1968. (ISBN 0-914171-33-)
- High Priest. Leary, Timothy. 1968. (ISBN 0-914171-80-1)
- Jail Notes. Leary, Timothy. 1970. Preface by Allen Ginsberg. Douglas Book Corp.
- Confessions of a Hope Fiend. Leary, Timothy. 1973.
- Neurologic, Leary, Timothy (with Joanna Leary), 1973.
- StarSeed, Leary, Timothy, 1973.
- Mystery, Magic & Miracle: Religion in a post-Aquarian age. Heenan, Edward F. and Jack Fritscher, Timothy Leary. 1973. Prentice-Hall. (ISBN 0-13-609032-X)
- What Does WoMan Want?: Adventures Along the Schwarzchild Radius. Leary, Timothy. 1976.
- The Periodic Table of Evolution. Leary, Timothy. 1977
- Exo-Psychology: A Manual on The Use of the Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers. Leary, Timothy. 1977. Starseed/Peace Press.
- Leary, Timothy; Robert Anton Wilson; George A. Koopman (1977). Gilbertson, Daniel; Koopman, George A. (eds.). Neuropolitics: The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis. designed and illustrated by Cynthia Marsh. Los Angeles: Starseed/Peace press. p. 160. ISBN 978-0-915238-18-7.
- The Game of Life. Leary, Timothy. 1979. Peace Press.
- The Intelligence Agents, Leary, Timothy. 1979. Peace Press.
- Changing My Mind Among Others. Leary, Timothy. 1982. Prentice Hall Trade. (ISBN 0-13-127829-0)
- Flashbacks. Leary, Timothy. 1983. Tarcher. (ISBN 0-87477-177-3)
- Info-Psychology. Leary, Timothy. 1987. Falcon Press. (revision of "Exo-Psychology")(ISBN 1-56184-105-6)
- Leary, Timothy; Metzner, Ralph; Weil, Gunther M., eds. (1993). The Psychedelic Reader: Classic Selections from the Psychedelic Review. Citadel Press. ISBN 978-0-8065-1451-2.
- Chaos and Cyber Culture. Leary, Timothy and Michael Horowitz, Vicki Marshall. 1994. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 0-914171-77-1)
- Surfing the Conscious Nets: A Graphic Novel. Leary, Timothy and Robert Williams. 1995. Last Gasp. (ISBN 0-86719-410-3)
- The Lost Beatles Interviews Leary, Timothy (Afterword) and Geoffrey Giuliano, Brenda Giuliano. 1996. Plume. (ISBN 0-452-27025-1)
- A Letter from Timothy Leary to Aldous Huxley. 1996. Leary Archives Press. (limited-edition publication includes the 1960 letter)
- Concrete & Buckshot: William S. Burroughs Paintings. Leary, Timothy and Benjamin Weissman. 1996. Smart Art Press. (ISBN 1-889195-01-4)
- Design for Dying. Leary, Timothy, with Sirius, R. U. 1997. HarperCollins Publishers Inc. ISBN 0-06-018700-X (cloth); ISBN 0-06-092866-2 (pbk.); ISBN 0-06-018250-4 (intl).
- The Delicious Grace of Moving One's Hand: The Collected Sex Writings Leary, Timothy. 1999. Thunder's Mouth Press. (ISBN 1-56025-181-6)
- Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out. various collected essays by Leary, Timothy, 1999. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1-57951-009-4)
- Change Your Brain, Leary, Timothy and Potter, Beverly, 2000, Ronin Publishers
- Politics of Self-Determination. Leary, Timothy and Potter, Beverly. 2001. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1-57951-015-9)
- The Politics of Psychopharmacology. Leary, Timothy and Potter, Beverly. 2001. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1-57951-056-6)
- Musings on Human Metamorphoses. Leary, Timothy and Potter, Beverly. 2002. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1-57951-058-2)
- Evolutionary Agents. Leary, Timothy and Beverly A. Potter. 2004. Ronin Publishing. (ISBN 1-57951-064-7)