Walter de la Mare

Walter de la Mare

JaiotzaCharlton (en) Itzuli1873ko apirilaren 25a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
BizilekuaCharlton (en) Itzuli
Twickenham (en) Itzuli
HeriotzaTwickenham (en) Itzuli1956ko ekainaren 22a (83 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaSan Paulo katedrala
Heriotza modua: Tronbosia
Ezkontidea(k)Elfie Ingpen (en) Itzuli
HeziketaSt Paul's Cathedral School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakpoeta, idazlea, haur literatura idazlea, eleberrigilea eta prosalaria
Jasotako sariak
Izengoitia(k)Walter Ramal
Genero artistikoalirika

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Walter de la Mare (Charlton, Londres, 1873ko apirilaren 25a - Twickenham, Londres, 1956ko ekainaren 22a) ingeles idazlea izan zen. Olerkiak, istorio laburrak, eleberriak eta haurrentzako lanak idatzi zituen. Beldur psikologiko eta mamuen istorioengatik ere nabarmendu zen.



  • Henry Brocken (1904)
  • The Three Mulla Mulgars (1910)
  • The Return (1910)
  • Memoirs of a Midget (1921)
  • Mr. Bumps and His Monkey (1942)

Ipuin bildumak

  • The Riddle and Other Stories (1923): "The Almond Tree", "The Count's Courtship", "The Looking-Glass", "Miss Duveen", "Selina's Parable", "Seaton's Aunt", "The Bird of Travel", "The Bowl", "The Three Friends", "Lispet", "Lispet and Vaine", "The Tree", "Out of the Deep", "The Creatures", "The Riddle", "The Vats"
  • Ding Dong Bell (1924): "Lichen", "Benighted", "Strangers and Pilgrims", "Winter"
  • Broomsticks and Other Tales (1925): "Pigtails, Ltd.", "The Dutch Cheese", "Miss Jemima", "The Thief", "Broomsticks", "Lucy", "A Nose", "The Three Sleeping Boys of Warwickshire", "The Lovely Myfanwy", "Maria-Fly", "Visitors"
  • The Connoisseur and Other Stories (1926): "Mr Kempe", "Missing", "The Connoisseur". "Disillusioned", "The Nap", "Pretty Poll", "All Hallows", "The Wharf", "The Lost Track"
  • On the Edge (1930): "A Recluse", "Willows", "Crewe", "At First Sight", "The Green Room", "The Orgy", "An Idyll", "The Picnic", "An Ideal Craftsman"
  • The Dutch Cheese (1931) (haurrentzako ipuinak)
  • The Lord Fish (1933) (haurrentzako ipuinak)
  • The Walter de la Mare Omnibus (1933)
  • The Wind Blows Over (1936): "What Dreams May Come", "Cape Race", "Physic", "The Talisman", "In the Forest", "A Froward Child", "Miss Miller", "The House", "A Revenant", "A Nest of Singing-Birds", "The Trumpet"
  • The Nap and Other Stories (1936)
  • Stories, Essays and Poems (1938)
  • The Best Stories of Walter de la Mare (1942)
  • The Scarecrow and Other Stories (1945)
  • Collected Stories for Children (1947)
  • A Beginning and Other Stories (1955): "Odd Shop", "Music", "The Stranger", "Neighbours", "The Princess", "The Guardian", "The Face", "The Cartouche", "The Picture", "The Quincunx", "An Anniversary", "Bad Company", "A Beginning"
  • Eight Tales (1971)
  • Walter de la Mare, Short Stories 1895–1926 (1996): Collection comprising the contents of The Riddle and Other Stories, Ding Dong Bell and The Connoisseur and Other Stories, as well as "Kismet", "The Hangman Luck", "A Mote", "The Village of Old Age", "The Moon's Miracle", "The Giant", "De Mortuis", "The Rejection of the Rector", "The Match-Maker", "The Budget", "The Pear-Tree", "Leap Year", "Promise at Dusk", "Two Days in Town"
  • Walter de la Mare, Short Stories 1927–1956 (2000): Collection comprising the contents of On the Edge, The Wind Blows Over and A Beginning and Other Stories, as well as "The Lynx", "A Sort of Interview", "The Miller's Tale", "A:B:O.", "The Orgy: An Idyll, Part II", "Late", "Pig", "Dr Iggatt"
  • Walter de la Mare, Short Stories for Children (2006)


  • Songs of Childhood (1902)
  • Poems (1906)
  • The Listeners (1912)
  • Peacock Pie (1913)
  • The Sunken Garden and Other Poems (1917)
  • Motley and Other Poems (1918)
  • The Veil and Other Poems (1921)
  • Down-Adown-Derry: A Book of Fairy Poems (1922)
  • A Child's Day: A Book of Rhymes (1924)
  • Selected Poems by Walter de la Mare (1927, 1931)
  • Stuff and Nonsense and So On (1927)
  • This Year: Next Year (1937)
  • Bells and Grass (1941)
  • Time Passes and Other Poems (1942)
  • Inward Companion (1950)
  • O Lovely England (1952)
  • Walter de la Mare: The Complete Poems, ed. Giles de la Mare (1969)


  • Crossings: A Fairy Play (1921)


  • Some Women Novelists of the 'Seventies (1929)
  • Desert Islands and Robinson Crusoe (1930)
  • Lewis Carroll (1930)
  • The Early Novels of Wilkie Collins (1932)

Argitaratutako antologiak

  • Come Hither (1923)
  • Tom Tiddler's Ground (1931)
  • Early One Morning, in the Spring: Chapters on Children and on Childhood As It Is Revealed in Particular in Early Memories and in Early Writings (1935)
  • Behold, This Dreamer!: Of Reverie, Night, Sleep, Dream, Love-Dreams, Nightmare, Death, the Unconscious, the Imagination, Divination, the Artist, and Kindred Subjects (1939)
  • Love (1943)

Kanpo estekak