
branch of science, academic discipline, hobby
Subclass ofphysical sciences, exact science Taƴto
Start time8. millennium BCE Taƴto
Is the study ofastronomical object, dark fluid Taƴto
Studied inscience studies Taƴto
HashtagAstronomie Taƴto
Taarikihistory of astronomy Taƴto
Practiced byastronomer Taƴto
Entry in abbreviations tableastro. Taƴto
WordLift URL Taƴto
Stack Exchange site URL Taƴto
Stack Exchange tag Taƴto

Astoronomy jannguɓe andal keeɓetol ngal nder hitaande ndunngu alif 1543 -1661 kowngal keemiyaaje lesdi e nyalde lewru ɓe kebeti nɗaatal andal taa nder bincikewal Abdullahi galileo ɓeeɗo leydi itaaliya anɗer leydi awroofa habbeeke, winndetooɓe jeytul limngal nyalɗe liɓɓe e howterde ndiyam too duuniyaaru ɓekeeɓe asalon ndiga leydi giirka[1]
