George Gibbs (mineralogist)


George Gibbs (mineralogist)
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
InndeGeorge Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguGibbs Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo7 Siilo 1776 Taƴto
ƊofordeNewport Taƴto
Date of death6 Juko 1833 Taƴto
FatherGeorge Gibbs Taƴto
MotherMary Channing Taƴto
Dee/goriiwoLaura Wolcott Gibbs Taƴto
MarudeGeorge Gibbs, Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, Alfred Gibbs, Elizabeth Wolcott Tuckerman, Francis Sarason Gibbs Taƴto
Sana'ajimineralogist Taƴto
Memba enAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences Taƴto
Award receivedFellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Taƴto

George Gibbs (7 lewru Yarkomaa 1776 – 6 lewru Ut 1833) ko ganndo ko faati e njulaagu e mooftuɗo njulaagu Ameriknaajo. Gibbsite miniraal oo inniraa ko e makko.


George Gibbs jibini nder Newport, Rhode Island, ɓiɗɗo jaayndiyanke mawɗo George Gibbs e Mary (nanɗo Channing) Gibbs.


Nder 1796, Gibbs soomi diga baaba maako ngam janngugo kuuɗe jaayɗe nder Canton, China. Nder yahugo maako, Gibbs janngini nder Europe nden yahi Lausanne e Paris. Nder Paris, o janngini mineraloji bee Heinrich von Struve. Gibbs ɓesdii e minerals e o waɗii doomooɓe e ardiiɓe mineralogists Europe: Francois Gillet de Laumont, Jean-François d'Aubuisson de Voisins, e Jacques Louis, Comte de Bournon.

O waɗi duuɓi ɗuuɗɗi nder duuɓi maako nder ɓiyum, o yahii lesdi feere, o hokki wakkati maako ɗuuɗugo e jawdi maako ngam heɓugo jawdi. Nde o warti to Rhode Island, o wari e jaɓɓorgo ɓurɗum mawnugo e ɓurɗum boɗɗum nder lesdi Amerika haa saa'i maajum. Ɗum hawti e ko Jean Gigot d'Orcy (1733-1793) waɗi, e woodi goɗɗe 4,000, nden boo Gregoire de Razumowsky waɗi, e ɗon woodi goɗɗe 6,000. Ɗi, bee ko o jaɓii, ɓe laati ardiiɗo ko ɓuri 20,000. Koolol ngol fuɗɗiti hollaago nder Newport.

Nder hitaande 1805, Gibbs'en collection mawnini masin, o soodi nder wuro ɓadi to wuro maako to Newport. Nder hitaande boo, gomnati Rhode Island suɓii Gibbs bana "Aide de Camp" nden hokki mo laamorde Colonel. Nder hitaande 1807, Gibbs waɗi doomooɓe e jannginoowo Yale University Benjamin Silliman e ɓe ɗon ɓe ɗon ɓe kolli hollude ko Gibbs waɗi nder Yale nder hitaande 1811. O suɓii wonde Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences nder 1813. Nder 1825, Gibbs jaɓi darnde maako fuu dow limce ujune ɗiɗi ngam $20,000 to Yale. Kuɓol ngal ɓe ngartiri e nder Silliman. Gibbs tokki yiɗugo nder mineralogii, waɗuki yahugo ɗuuɗugo e ɓamtaago nokkuuje kesi.

Nder 1822 o suɓi hooreejo mawɗo New York Lyceum of Natural History, o wurtini kuutorɗe nder American Mineralogical Journal e American Journal of Science.

Gibbs waawaa haani waɗugo laawol arande to dow lesdi Mount Washington, New Hampshire, ko ɓaawo laawol Abel Crawford e ɓiɗɗo maako Ethan. Ɗuum waɗi Gibbs nder hitaande 1809 dow dow fuunaaŋge, ammaa jooni ɗum majjitii.

Nolde hoore

Laura Wolcott Gibbs, foto Gilbert Stuart

O waree Laura Wolcott e 27 lewru Desambar 1810. O debbo Oliver Wolcott Jr. o jannginooɗo e jannginoowo Sara Pierce's Litchfield Female Academy. Ɓe woodi ɓiɓɓe ɗiɗo e ɓiɓɓe ɗiɗo ɗiɗo hawti e George, Oliver Wolcott (mo laati jannginoowo anndal kemia e Harvard University), e Alfred. Gibbs maayi ha 6 August 1834, ha Sunswick, Long Island.
