John Lynch (taƴtoowo ɗemngal)

John Lynch (taƴtoowo ɗemngal)
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuOsterliya, Fanuwatu Taƴto
InndeJohn, Dominic Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguLynch Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo8 Morso 1946 Taƴto
ƊofordeSydney Taƴto
Date of death25 Duujal 2021 Taƴto
Place of deathPort Vila Taƴto
WoldeInngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajilinguist Taƴto
Field of workOceanic Taƴto
EmployerUniversity of Papua New Guinea, University of the South Pacific Taƴto
Memba enAustralian Academy of the Humanities Taƴto

John Dominic Lynch (8 sulyee 1946 to Sidney, Ostarali[1] – 25 mee 2021 to Port Vila, Vanuatu) ko ganndo ɗemɗiyanke keɓtinaaɗo e ɗemɗe geec. O woniino porfeseer emeritus ɗemɗe Pasifik, kadi ko o gonnooɗo gardiiɗo fedde ɗemɗe Pasifik to Duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Pasifik worgo to Port Vila, Vanuatu.


Kaandu Lynch yahi Vanuatu, o waɗi duuɓi 21 haa jaŋde Papua New Guinea, duuɓi jowi je'eteeɗi nder maɓɓe o je'eteeɗo mawɗo. Fedde maako fuɗɗii haandi Ɗemɗe Vanuatu, taariika ɗemɗe Pacific, ɗemɗe pidgin e Creole, wayla ɗemɗe, deftere e defte.

O laati marɗo bolle Oceanic Linguistics diga 2007 haa 2019.


  1. Geraghty, Paul; Pawley, Andrew (2021). "John Dominic Lynch (1946–2021)". Oceanic Linguistics. Project Muse. 60 (2): 489–502. doi:10.1353/ol.2021.0016. ISSN 1527-9421.