Kosovon kansainvälinen asema

Kosovon kansainvälinen asema on kiistanalainen. Se on julistautunut itsenäiseksi, mutta Serbia ei ole itsenäisyyttä tunnustanut. Kosovon asema jakaa maailman valtiot kahteen leiriin. Moni maa, mukaan lukien iso osa länsimaista, on tunnustanut Kosovon itsenäisyyden, kun taas osa maailman valtioista, Venäjä etunenässä, ja kaikki BRICS-maat ovat todenneet, etteivät tunnusta Kosovoa ennen Serbiaa.

Vuonna 2013 Serbia ja Kosovo allekirjoittivat 19. huhtikuuta Euroopan unionin neuvotteleman sopimuksen Brysselissä jossa Serbia ja Kosovo normalisoivat suhteensa. [1]. Sopimuksessa Kosovo saa oman puhelinnumeron maatunnuksen sekä yhteistyöt energia-asioissa ja televiestinnässä normaalisoistuvat[2].

Tunnustaneet valtiot

Kosovon itsenäisyyden tunnustaminen
  Kosovon itsenäisyyden tunnustaneet valtiot
  Valtiot, jotka eivät ole tunnustaneet Kosovon itsenäisyyttä.

YK:n jäsenvaltiot [3]

Numero Maa diplomaattinen tunnustaminen
1–8  Afganistan 2008
 Costa Rica
 Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
9  Australia
10–11  Latvia
12–15  Viro
16  Peru
17  Belgia
18  Puola
19  Sveitsi
20  Itävalta
21  Irlanti
22  Ruotsi
23  Alankomaat
24  Islanti
25  Slovenia
26  Suomi
27–28  Kanada
29–31  Monaco
32  Bulgaria
33  Liechtenstein
34–35  Etelä-Korea
36  Marshallinsaaret
37  Burkina Faso
38  Liettua
39  San Marino
40  Tšekki
41  Liberia
42  Kolumbia
43  Belize
44  Malta
45  Samoa
46  Portugali
47–48  Montenegro
49  Yhdistyneet arabiemiraatit
50  Malesia
51  Mikronesia
52  Panama 2009
53  Malediivit
54  Palau
55  Gambia
56  Saudi-Arabia
57  Komorit
58  Bahrain
59  Jordania
60  Dominikaaninen tasavalta
61  Uusi-Seelanti
62  Malawi
63  Mauritania 2010
64  Swazimaa
65  Vanuatu
66  Djibouti
67  Somalia
68  Honduras
69  Kiribati
70  Tuvalu
71  Qatar 2011
72  Guinea-Bissau
73  Oman
74  Andorra
75  Guinea
76  Niger
77  Benin
78  Saint Lucia
79  Gabon
80  Norsunluurannikko
81  Kuwait
82  Haiti 2012
83  Brunei
84  Tšad
85  Itä-Timor
86  Fidži
87  Saint Kitts ja Nevis
88  Pakistan
89  Tansania 2013
90  Guyana
91  Jemen
92  Egypti
93  Thaimaa
94  Grenada
95  Libya
96  Tonga 2014
97  Lesotho
98  El Salvador
99  Antigua ja Barbuda 2015
100  Suriname
101  Singapore 2016
102  Bangladesh 2017
103  Barbados 2018
104  Israel 2020

Muut valtiot

Tunnustuksen peruuttaneet maat

YK:n jäsenvaltiot

Ei tunnustaneet valtiot

YK:n jäsenvaltiot

Valtio Viite

 Algeria [32] [33][34]
 Angola [35]
 Argentiina [36][37][38][39]
 Armenia [40] [40][41][42][43][44][45][46]
 Azerbaidžan [47]
 Bolivia [48][49]
 Bhutan [50][51]
 Botswana [52] [53][54][55]
 Bahama [56][57].[58]
 Brasilia [59][60] [61][62][63] [49]
 Bosnia ja Hertsegovina [64]
 Etiopia [65][66] [67]
 Eritrea [68][69]
 Ecuador [70][71]
 Espanja [72]
 Filippiinit [73][74][75]
 Georgia [76] [77][78]
 Guatemala [79][80][81]
 Iran [82] [83][84][85][86]
 Intia [59][60][87][88] [89][90][91][92]
 Irak [93][94] [95][96][97][98] [99]
 Indonesia [59][60][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112]
 Israel [113] [114][115] [116][117][118] [119] [120][121] [122] [123] [124]
 Jamaika [125][126][127]
 Serbia [128][1][129][130][131][132][133][134] [135] [136] [137] [138][139][140][141][142][143]
 Kiina [59][60][144][145][146][147][148]
 Kazakstan [149][150] [151][152]
 Kenia [153][154][155][156]
 Kirgisia [157][158][159]
 Kypros [160] [161][162][163][164][165][166]
 Kuuba [167][168][169] [170]
 Laos [171]
 Libanon [172][173] [174][175][176]
 Mali [177][178][179][180] [181] [182]
 Mauritius [183] [184][185][186][187]
 Moldova [188] [189][190]
 Mongolia [191][192][191][192]
 Marokko [193][194][195][196][197] [198]
 Mosambik [199] [200][56][201]
 Myanmar [202]
 Namibia [203][204]
 Nicaragua [205]
 Nigeria [206][207][208] [209][210][211] [212] [213][214][215] [216]
 Paraguay [217][218]
 Päiväntasaajan Guinea [219][220] [221]
 Ruanda [222][223]
 Romania [224]
 São Tomé ja Príncipe [225][226] [227][228][229][230] .[231] [215] [232]
 Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit [233]
 Seychellit [234][235][236]
 Sri Lanka [237][238] [239] [240]
 Sudan [241][242]
Syyrian lippu Syyria [243] [244]
 Etelä-Sudan [245][246] [54] [69] [247][248]
 Sambia [249][250][251][252][253][254][255] [256]
 Slovakia [257]
 Venäjä [258]
 Tadžikistan [259][260][261]
 Trinidad ja Tobago [262][263]
 Tunisia [264] .[265][242][266][267] [268][269] [270] [271] [272][273]
 Turkmenistan [273]
 Ukraina [274]

 Uruguay [275]
 Uganda [149][276][277].[278][279] [280] [215][281]"[282]
 Uzbekistan [283]
 Valko-Venäjä [284]
 Venezuela [48][285][286]

 Vietnam [287][288][289][290]
 Zimbabwe [291].[292]

Asema kansainvälisissä järjestöissä

International Organisation Hakemuspäiväys Liittymispäiväys Asema
Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto[293] 10.heinäkuuta 2008 29 .kesäkuuta 2009 Jäsen
Maailmanpankki [294][295] 10. heinäkuuta 2008 29 .kesäkuuta 2009
Euroopan jälleenrakennus- ja kehityspankki [296] 2010 tai 2009 17 .joulukuuta 2012
Pysyvä välitystuomioistuin[297] 6 .marraskuuta 2015 5 .tammikuuta 2016
INTERPOL[298] huhtikuussa 2015 Hakija
UNESCO[299] heinäkuussa 2015 Heinäkuussa 2015 Kosovo haki jäsenyyttä Unescoon.

Unescon johtokunnan jäsenet äänestivät Albanian aloitteen puolesta suositella Kosovon liittymisestä Unescoon, 27 Unescon jäsenvaltiota äänesti puolesta, 14 vastusti ja 14 pidättyi äänestämättä.

Unescon yleiskokous äänesti 9. marraskuuta 2015 Kosovon hakemuksesta. 142 jäsenmaata äänesti ehdotuksesta: 92 puolesta, 50 vastaan ja 29 pidättyi äänestämästä. Kosovon hyväksyminen Unescon jäseneksi edellytti 95 ääntä (2/3 äänistä)

Jäsenyys hylättiin

Katso myös


  1. a b EU brokers historic Kosovo deal, door opens to Serbia accession. Reuters, 19 .4.2013. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 5 .11.2013. Arkistoitu 24.9.2015.
  2. Serbia ja Kosovo ottivat askeleen kohti väliensä normalisointia Yle Uutiset Ulkomaat. Yle. Viitattu 19.7.2017.
  3. AJLabs: Which countries recognise Kosovo’s statehood? Al Jazeera. Viitattu 24.1.2024. (englanniksi)
  4. The Republic of Kosovo officially declared independence on February 17, 2008, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) 2008-02-21
  5. 中華民國(台灣)自即日起正式承認科索沃共和國, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) 2008-02-19 (kiinaksi)
  6. Deputy Prime Minister Selimi received in a meeting Malta's Order of Templars, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosova
  7. Kosova lidh marrëdhënie diplomatike me Ishujt Cook KOHA.net. Viitattu 27 .11.2015. (albaniaksi)
  8. Kosova njihet nga Niue, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo (albaniaksi)
  9. Déclaration par la Républic du Burundi de la reconnaissance de l'État du Kossovo, Ministère des relations extérieures et de la coopération internationale de la Républic du Burundi, 2012-10-16 (ranskaksi)
  10. Note Verbale 15.2.2018. Ministry of External Relations and International Cooperation of Burundi. Arkistoitu 25.2.2018. Viitattu 25.2.2018.
  11. Dačić: Burundi povukao priznanje, krhka nezavisnost Kosova 17. helmikuuta 2018. N1. Arkistoitu 22.11.2018. Viitattu 17. helmikuuta 2018. (serbiaksi)
  12. “We’re Friends of All, Enemies of None”: Papua New Guinea Foreign Minister sputniknews.com. marraskuu 2018.
  13. Commonwealth of Dominica revokes Kosovo's recognition mfa.gov.rs. 2. marraskuuta 2018. Viitattu 3. marraskuuta 2018.
  14. a b Another country no longer recognizes Kosovo - FM announces=2. marraskuuta 2018 b92.net. Viitattu 18. joulukuuta 2018.
  15. Commonwealth of Dominica revokes Kosovo's recognition rs.n1info.com. 2. marraskuuta 2018. Arkistoitu 14.4.2019. Viitattu 18. joulukuuta 2018.
  16. Note verbale - Dominica pbs.twimg.com. Viitattu 18.12.2018.
  17. Ekskluzive: Ishujt Solomon e njoftojnë qeverinë e Kosovës për tërheqjen e njohjes 2. joulukuuta 2018. Koha Ditore. Viitattu 3. joulukuuta 2018.
  18. Dacic confirms, Pristina denies new recognition withdrawal 3. joulukuuta 2018. N1. Viitattu 3. joulukuuta 2018.
  19. La Serbie annonce que Madagascar annule sa reconnaissance du Kosovo actu.orange.mg. 8. joulukuuta 2018. (ranskaksi)
  20. POGLEDAJTE: Ovo je nota kojom je Togo poništio priznanje tzv. Kosova (FOTO) 26 .8.2019. Večernje novosti. Viitattu 27 .8.2019. (serbiaksi)
  21. g , First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-07-22 (ranskaksi)
  22. Travers, Eve-Anne: Kosovo's foreign policy 'needs a software update' prishtinainsight.com. 2 .8.2019. Viitattu 4 .8.2019.
  23. KosovaTimes 2012-01-24
  24. Ghana withdraws recognition of Kosovo as independent state ghanaweb.com. 12 November 2019. Arkistoitu 22 joulukuu 2019. Viitattu 12 .11.2019.
  25. Le Ghana retire sa reconnaissance d'un Kosovo indépendant. Le Figaro, 12 .11.2019. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 12 .11.2019. (ranskaksi)
  26. Republika e Naurusë njohu Republikën e Kosovës, President of the Republic of Kosovo, 2008-04-23 ((albaniaksi))
  27. Republika Nauru je 17. zemlja koja je povukla priznanje tzv. Kosova mfa.gov.rs. 22 .11.2019. Viitattu 22 .11.2019. (serbiaksi)
  28. Nauru withdraws recognition of Kosovo's independence. N1, 22 .11.2019. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 22 .11.2019. Arkistoitu 13.5.2020. (englanniksi) (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  29. Sierra Leone Recognized Kosovo, Press Release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2008-06-13
  30. Sierra Leone request to transmit recognition of Kosovo independence, American Embassy, Freetown (Wikileaks), 2008-06-12
  31. Serbia claims Sierra Leone has withdrawn Kosovo recognition. Prishtina Insight, 3 .3.2020. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 3 .3.2020. (englanniksi)
  32. Medelci : "L'Algérie ne reconnaîtra pas encore le Kosovo", Le Soir d'Algérie, 2008-03-03 (ranskaksi)
  33. Algérie-Serbie : Entretiens Medelci-Vuk Jeremic à Alger (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), El Moudjahid, 2009-03-21 (ranskaksi)
  34. "Kosovo is about secession, not self-determination" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-05-17
  35. Angola: Head of State Sends Message to Serbian Counterpart, Angola Press Agency, 2008-06-24
  36. Argentina rules out recognition (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2008-02-29
  37. Por las Malvinas, el Gobierno decidió no reconocer a Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Clarín, 2008-02-20
  38. ICJ Hears Further Kosovo Arguments, Balkan Insight, 2009-12-02
  39. Public hearing continues in Kosovo case (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-12-02
  40. a b Armenia doesn't view Kosovo as precedent, PanArmenian.net, 2008-03-12
  41. Armenia Rules Out Abkhazia, South Ossetia Recognition, Armenialiberty.org, 2008-09-04
  42. Armenia can't recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia before it recognizes Karabakh, PanArmenian.net, 2008-11-11
  43. Paralajmërohen njohje të reja, Telegrafi, 2009-05-28 (albaniaksi)
  44. Tadić ends Armenia visit (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-07-29
  45. Tadic and Sargasjan – full consent on conflict resolution (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Radio Srbija, 2009-07-29
  46. Armenia would not recognise the independence of Kosovo, Trend.az, 2011-04-05
  47. Azerbaijan says not recognising Kosovo independence 26.2.2008. Reuters. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  48. a b Venezuela's Chavez won't recognise independent Kosovo Venezuela's Chavez won't recognise independent Kosovo International Herald Tribune. Viitattu 21.2.2008.
  49. a b MSP, dan četvrti, RTS, 2009-12-04 (serbiaksi)
  50. The Government of Bhutan is expected to take a decision on recognition, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-05-28
  51. Zëvendëskryeministri Behgjet Pacolli ka takuar në Nju Jork, përfaqësuesin e përhershëm të mbretërisë së Bhutanit në OKB, z.Lhatu Wangchuk (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-09-19
  52. Minister Hyseni meets the Foreign Ministers of Botswana and the United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-09-22
  53. Botswana Unhappy With Czech Visa Requirements (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Botswana, 2012-10-07
  54. a b Hoxhaj merr premtime për njohje nga Botsuana dhe Sudani i Jugut. Määritä julkaisu!26 .9.2013. Kosovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 26 .9.2013.
  55. President Jahjaga met with the Foreign Minister of Botswana, Mr. Phandu Skelemani, Office of the President of Kosovo, 2014-09-27
  56. a b A report on meetings held by Minister Hyseni today in New York, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-06-18
  57. Kosovo NGO to lobby Bahamian government (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) The Tribune, 2010-05-01
  58. Hoxhaj: Bahama t'i bashkohet shteteve që e kanë njohur Kosovën, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-09-26 (albaniaksi)
  59. a b c d Kosovo MPs proclaim independence, BBC, 2008-02-17
  60. a b c d Transkript: Nga Seanca Plenare e Jashtëzakonshme Solemne e Kuvendit Të Kosovës Me Rastin e Shpalljes Së Pavarësisë, Të Mbajtur Më 17 Shkurt 2008, Republic of Kosovo Assembly, 2008-02-17 (albaniaksi)
  61. Brasil não reconhece Kosovo sem acordo com Sérvia (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Grupo RBS, 2008-02-22
  62. Brasil não reconhece Kosovo sem acordo com Sérvia, Canal Rural, 2008-02-22 (portugaliksi)
  63. Brazil to take part in ICJ hearings (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-09-04
  64. Resolution on nonrecognition of a unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo and Metohija and commitments of the Republic of Srpska 22.2.2008. Bosnian serbitasavalta. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  65. Serbia, Kosovo Spar Over Ethiopia Visa Question, Balkan Insight, 2010-01-29
  66. I presin notat, Gazeta Express, 2012-08-05 (albaniaksi)
  67. Poor Ethiopia Blackmails Serbia Over Kosovo. Määritä julkaisu!30 .12.2014. tesfanews.net. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 18 .1.2015.
  68. Eritrea undecided on Kosovo, WikiLeaks, 2008-09-05
  69. a b Hoxhaj në samitin BE-Afrikë, lobon për njohje te vendet afrikane, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2014-04-03 (albaniaksi) )
  70. Ecuador seriously considers the recognition of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-01-28
  71. Ekuadori po ndjek me kujdes zhvillimet në Kosovë, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-03-26 (albaniaksi)
  72. Spain Will Not Change Position Against Kosovo Independence (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Latin American Herald Tribune
  73. Philippines prefers negotiated settlement to Kosovo's independence declaration, International Herald Tribune, 2008-02-19
  74. Philippines tiptoes around Kosovo recognition, Reuters Tribune, 2008-02-19
  75. Ministri Hoxhaj kërkon njohjen e Kosovës nga Tailanda dhe Filipinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-11-18 (albaniaksi)
  76. Georgia not planning to recognise Kosovo-minister, Reuters, 2008-02-18
  77. "Georgia will not recognize Kosovo" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  78. Georgia Will Not Recognise Kosovo - Foreign Minister 19.2.2008. The Georgian Times. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  79. Guatemala Still Considering Kosovo Recognition, American Embassy, Guatemala (Wikileaks), 2008-03-26
  80. Time is on Kosovo's side, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-03-26
  81. Jahjaga demands recognition of Kosova by Guatemala, Kosova Press, 2014-04-03
  82. Ahmadinejad: US 'Enemies of All Humanity', Alalam, 2008-03-14
  83. Golamreza Ansari, Iran's Ambassador to Russia: "We don't have such missiles", Moscow News, 2008-03-13
  84. Tehran will not recognize Kosovo, International Radio Serbia, 2012-04-11
  85. "Deklarata e 27t6 Ahmadinexhad? Pika të errëta në kujtesën historike të popujve" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Gazeta Shekulli, 2012-08-05 (albaniaksi)
  86. INTERVISTA/ Ambasadori iranian: Shqipëria nuk ka pse të varet kaq shumë nga SHBA-ja, TemA Online, 2013-02-14 (albaniaksi)
  87. In response to questions on developments regarding Kosovo, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, 2008-02-18
  88. Ambassador: India's Kosovo stand consistent (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2008-03-31
  89. Russia, India, China urge resumption of Kosovo talks, Xinhua, 2008-05-15
  90. Russia, China & India insist Kosovo and Serbia resume talks, Russia Today, 2008-05-15
  91. India to back Serbian UN GA bid (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), B92, 2008-07-31
  92. Ambassador: India continues to back Serbia (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), B92, 2009-01-24
  93. Kosovo's Foreign Minister engaged in tough lobbying campaign, Kosovo Times, 2009-05-28
  94. Iraq will not change stance on Kosovo-Metohija issue, Serbian Government, 2010-02-18
  95. Premtimi irakian, Gazeta Express, 2010-05-18 (albaniaksi)
  96. Iraq supports sovereignty, territorial integrity of Serbia, Serbian Government, 2010-08-06
  97. Irak ne menja stav oko Kosova, B92, 2011-08-10
  98. Deputy Prime Minister Pacolli meets the President of Iraq, Mr. Jalal Talabani; is invited for an official visit to Iraq (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-09-14
  99. Iraku përkrah progresin e Kosovës së pavarur, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-11-16 (albaniaksi)
  100. Indonesia urged to recognise Kosovo's independence, Antara, 2008-02-20
  101. Turkey lobbying for stronger Muslim support for Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) APA, 2008-03-11
  102. Indonesia supports Kosovo problem solution through negotiations[vanhentunut linkki]
  103. OIC foreign ministers split over Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) APA, 2008-06-19
  104. Indonesia in strong support over Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2008-08-26
  105. "Indonesia does not plan to recognize Kosovo", Ekonomist Media Group, 2009-01-30
  106. Indonesia to recognize Kosovo soon (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), New Kosova Report, 2009-04-02
  107. Indonesia open towards recognition of Kosovo, Kosovo Thanks You, 2009-04-02
  108. Indonezija poštuje integritet Srbije, Radio Television of Serbia, 2009-08-14 (serbiaksi)
  109. Indonesia is closely looking at recognition of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-09-30
  110. "Indonesia will not recognize Kosovo" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2010-02-25
  111. ICJ ruling 'could inspire RI separatists', Jakarta Post, 2010-07-27
  112. Kosovo Minta Indonesia Akui Kemerdekaannya, Republika Online, 2011-08-10 (indonesiaksi)
  113. Israel won't recognize Kosovo, for now, The Jerusalem Post, 2008-02-19
  114. Israel won't recognize Kosovo, for now The Jerusalem Post, 2008-02-19
  115. Israel breaks ranks on Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) The Jewish Chronicle, 2008-02-21
  116. Израиль пока не намерен признавать независимость Косово, RIA Novosti, 2008-02-19 (venäjäksi)
  117. "Israeli position on Kosovo firm" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-04-28
  118. Izrael ne menja stav o nezavisnosti Kosova, RTS, 2009-04-28 (serbiaksi)
  119. Press conference with FM Lieberman in Belgrade, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2009-09-16
  120. "Israel firm in refusing to recognize Kosovo" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-10-28
  121. Israeli will recognize Kosovo after Spain and Greece, says FM (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) AlbanianEconomy.com, 2011-06-28
  122. Liberman nuk prononcohet rreth mundësisë së njohjes së Kosovës, RTK, 2012-08-03 (albaniaksi)
  123. Izraeli së shpejti do ta njeh pavarësinë e Kosovës (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Telegrafi} 2012-08-03
  124. Njohja e Kosovës nga Izraeli, ambasadori Cohen: Po punojmë në këtë drejtim, Ora News, 2012-12-18 (albaniaksi)
  125. Jamaica Gov't Refused To Recognise Kosovo, The Gleaner, 2011-06-06
  126. Jamaica:No palns to recognize Kosovo, WikiLeaks, 2009-07-23
  127. Jamaica endorses Serbia's sovereignty, territorial integrity, Serbian Government, 2010-04-13
  128. Serbian PM claims Kosovo breaches Brussels agreement:Belgrade, Pristina overcome dispute ahead of Kosovo local 29 October 2013. EUbusiness. Viitattu 8 October 2013.
  129. The Kosovo-Serbia Agreement: Why Less Is More International Crisis Group. Arkistoitu 28.4.2019. Viitattu 29 .10.2013.
  130. Serbia and Kosovo reach landmark deal European Union External Action Service. Viitattu 28 .10.2013.
  131. Ban welcomes ‘landmark’ agreement between Serbia and Kosovo negotiators UN News Centre. Viitattu 29 .10.2013.
  132. First agreement of principles governing the normalization of relations rts.rs. Viitattu 22.8.2015.
  133. The Kosovo-Serbia Agreement: Why Less Is More 7 May 2013. Crisis Group. Arkistoitu 10 syyskuu 2015. Viitattu 22.8.2015.
  134. Serbia and Kosovo hold talks in Brussels. Euronews, 27 .8.2013. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 28 .10.2013. Arkistoitu 5.11.2013. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  135. Brussels Deal: Serbian Officials Free To Enter Kosovo. inSerbia, 8 .10.2013. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 29 .10.2013.
  136. Serbia allocated calling code to Kosovo. B92, 9 .9.2013. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 28 .10.2013.
  137. Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini following the meeting of the EU-facilitated dialogue EEAS - European Union. Viitattu 25 .8.2015.
  138. http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/383-kosovo-s-dial-code-12-15-2016
  139. Смиља Аврамов: Споразум Београда и Приштине индиректно признање самопроглашеног Косова. Novinar Online, Määritä ajankohta! SRNA. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30 .10.2013.
  140. [1]
  141. http://www.parlament.gov.rs/upload/archive/files/lat/pdf/zakoni/2013/299-13Lat.pdf
  142. http://www.parlament.gov.rs/upload/archive/files/lat/pdf/ostala_akta/2013/RS21-13Lat.pdf
  143. "Briselski sporazum je politički" - B92.net. B92.net, Määritä ajankohta! Artikkelin verkkoversio. (serbiaksi)
  144. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao's Remarks on Kosovo's Unilateral Declaration of Independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, 2008-02-18
  145. Russia, China & India insist Kosovo and Serbia resume talks, Russia Today, 2008-05-15
  146. Zajednička izjava Srbije i Kine, Vreme, 2009-08-20 (serbiaksi)
  147. China: Kosovo declaration violates intl. law (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-12-07
  148. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-taiwan-kosovo-idUSTP33781020080220
  149. a b Kosovo's proclamation of independence triggers more mixed responses, Xinhua News Agency, 2008-02-18
  150. Казахстан не станет признавать Южную Осетию, Komsomolskaya Pravda, 2008-10-02 (venäjäksi)
  151. Руководство Казахстана не будет признавать независимость Абхазии и Южной Осетии, Polit.ru, 2008-12-12 (venäjäksi)
  152. Kosovo's proclamation of independence triggers more mixed responses 18.2.2008. XinhuaNet. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  153. Вести амбасаде, Embassy of the Republic of Serbia – Nairobi, Kenya, 2008-07-30 (serbiaksi)
  154. The representative of Kenya: Kosovo deserves a place in the family of nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-05-27
  155. Bangladeshi e Kenia pro pavarësisë së Kosovës, Gazeta Express, 2010-09-21 (albaniaksi)
  156. Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet Pacolli meets Prime Minister of Kenya, Mr. Raila Odinga (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-10-10
  157. The position of the Kyrgyz Republic on Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  158. Kirgisien erkennt Kosovo-Unabhängigkeit nicht an, RIA Novosti, 2008-02-20 (saksaksi)
  159. Kirgisien erkennt Kosovo-Unabhängigkeit nicht an 20.2.2008. RIA Novosti. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (saksaksi)
  160. FM: Cyprus will never recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, People's Daily Online, 2008-02-12
  161. Cyprus president 'plans for unity', Al Jazeera, 2008-03-07
  162. "Cyprus doesn't recognize Kosovo independence" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2008-03-26
  163. "Cyprus will never recognize Kosovo" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-02-23
  164. Papakostas: Kipar nikada neće priznati nezavisnost Kosova Blic.rs, 2009-06-16 (kroatiaksi)
  165. Cyprus will never recognise Kosovo, Serbian Government, 2009-10-16
  166. Declaration on Kosovo on the occasion of the assumption of the EU Council Presidency by the Republic of Cyprus – 28/06/2012 (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2012-06-28
  167. I hope I never have reason to be ashamed, "Reflections of Fidel Castro", Trabajadores, 2008-04-12
  168. Kuba podržava teritorijalni integritet Srbije, SMedia, 2009-09-25 (serbiaksi)
  169. Ministri i Punëve të Jashtme, z. Edmond Haxhinasto u takua me Ministrin e Punëve të Jashtme të Kubës, z. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, 2010–09 (albaniaksi)
  170. Cuba backs Serbia on Kosovo, Nikolic invited to visit Havana B92.net. Viitattu 27 .11.2015.
  171. Archive-Laonews: Laos comments on Kosovo, Yahoo groups archive of KPL News
  172. Lebanon, searching for the right moment for recognition; South Africa, following closely developments in Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-05-28
  173. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Edith Harxhi holds a series of meetings in Lebanon (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, 2009-11-22
  174. Mualem: No recognition of Kosovo in near future (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Radio Srbija, 2009-11-27
  175. Kosovo in Lebanon's agenda. Parliament of Albania, 14 February 2012
  176. Hoxhaj në Samitin e OBI-t, i dorëzon kërkesat për njohje nga Libani, Tunizia dhe Indonezia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2013-12-09
  177. Serbia can count on Mali's support on Kosovo, Serbian Government, 2010-05-21
  178. Pacolli merr garanci për njohje nga Guineja (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) Zëri, 13 August 2011 (albaniaksi)
  179. Note Verbale Présidente du Mali (allegedly), 2012-08-09 (ranskaksi)
  180. Reconnaissance de la République du Kosovo: Koulouba Dement (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) L'Essor, 2012-08-24 (ranskaksi)
  181. Editorial nga zëvendëskryeministri Behgjet Pacolli –"Mbi Malin dhe procesin e njohjeve (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo (albaniaksi)
  182. Pacolli në Afrikë, pritet rikonfirmimi i njohjes nga Mali (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) zeri.info, 2012-08-31 (albaniaksi)
  183. Mauritius will not budge on Kosovo, American Embassy, Port Louis (Wikileaks), 2008-08-09
  184. Kosovo: Logjam continues, American Embassy, Port Louis (Wikileaks), 2008-09-02
  185. Mauritius to Recognize Kosovo, Prime Minister Says, American Embassy, Port Louis (Wikileaks), 2009-06-05
  186. Pronunciamiento de México en Torno a la Situación en Kosovo, México – Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, 2008-02-19 (espanjaksi)
  187. "Meksiko nije i neće priznati Kosovo", Vesti Online, 2013-02-26 (serbiaksi)
  188. Moldova will not recognise Kosovo's independence, Associated Press, 2008-02-18
  189. Moldova "will not recognize Kosovo," says minister. Määritä julkaisu!5 .12.2013. B92. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 5 .12.2013.
  190. Moldova will not recognise Kosovo's independence, gov't says 17.2.2008. RIA Novosti. Arkistoitu 28.2.2008. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  191. a b Sejdiu: Mongolia te njohe Kosoven, Top Channel, 2009-05-08 (albaniaksi)
  192. a b Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri met with the President of Mongolia, Tsakhia Elbegdorj, Prime Minister of Kosovo, 2012-07-17
  193. People and institutions of Morocco Kingdom support the will of Kosovo people, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-01-29
  194. Marocco not yet ready to recognize Kosovo, WikiLeaks, 2009-05-05
  195. Jeremić: Morocco won't recognize Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-09-15
  196. Zv.Kryeministri z. Pacolli viziton Marokon (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) AKR, 2011-06-28 (albaniaksi)
  197. Hoxhaj requests recognitions by Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Libya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-07-06
  198. PM Berisha meets PM Benkirane of Morocco in Strasbourg Republic of Albania Council of Ministers, 2012-10-08
  199. Mozambique undecided about recognising Kosovo, afrik-news.com, 2008-02-28
  200. More Kosovo Recognitions 'Soon'[vanhentunut linkki], Balkan Insight, 2008-11-14
  201. Ministri i Punëve të Jashtme z. Edmond Panariti, takon Ministrin e Punëve të Jashtme të Mozambikut, z. Oldemiro Julio Marques Baloi (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, 2012-09-28 (albaniaksi)
  202. Myanmar has not recognised Kosovo, inserbia.info, 2014-01-24
  203. Namibia will not recognise unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, Serbian Government, 2010-09-02
  204. Nepal: Still abstaining from recognition of Kosovo, American Embassy, Kathmandu (Wikileaks), 2009-02-20
  205. Nicaragua mantiene postura de observación ante independencia de Kosovo, Terra, 2008-02-19 (espanjaksi)
  206. Nigeria Doesn't Recognise Kosovo, Says Yar'Adua[vanhentunut linkki], This Day, 2009-07-19
  207. Nigeria will not recognize Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-11-22
  208. Pacolli: Këtë javë vijnë disa njohje, Gazeta Express, 16 August 2011 (albaniaksi)
  209. Countries that have recognized the Republic of Kosova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo (archived by the Wayback Machine, 2006-23-01)
  210. Nigeria recognizes Kosovo Independence (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Top Channel, 2011-09-13
  211. FG approves establishment of trade and commercial relations with Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), News Agency of Nigeria, 2011-09-12
  212. FG makes U-turn on trade office in Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Nigerian Tribune, 2011-09-14
  213. As Nigeria, Gazeta Express, 2012-09-07 (albaniaksi)
  214. Pacolli: Hoxhaj ka insistuar që Thaçi ta falënderojë Malin në KS, kosovaonline.info, 2012-09-08 (albaniaksi)
  215. a b c Dispute Arises Over Kosovo's 98th Recognition balkaninsight.com. Viitattu 5 .10.2014.
  216. Nigeria is yet to Recognise Kosovo as Independent State – Wali, Daily Times, 2014-03-28
  217. Comunicado de Prensa sobre la Declaración de Independencia de Kosovo. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, 2008-02-25 (espanjaksi)
  218. Pilot on mission to promote Kosovo, Trinidad and Tobago Guardian, 2010-04-02
  219. At UN, Equatorial Guinea President's Son's $ 100 Million Wired Into USA is "Just Business," Pro Moroccan, Pro Kosovo, Inner City Press, 2010-09-06
  220. Pacolli kërkon njohjen e Kosovës nga liderët afrikanë, Telegrafi, 2011-09-21 (albaniaksi)
  221. Media Monitoring Headlines (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), UNMIK, 2012-01-25
  222. Rwanda on Kosovo recognition, American Embassy, Kingali (Wikileaks), 2009-02-12
  223. Kosovo demarche delivered, American Embassy, Kigali (Wikileaks), 2009-09-18
  224. Après les Etats-Unis, la France reconnaît officiellement l'indépendance du Kosovo 18.2.2008. Le Monde. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (ranskaksi)
  225. In private meeting with Americans, Gonsalves snipes at Bolivian colleague (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), I-Witness News, 2012-08-25
  226. Resolução sobre o Reconhecimento Internaticonal da República do Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe Ministério da Justiça e Reforma do Estado, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo (portugaliksi)
  227. Comunicado
  228. São Tomé: Presidente da República declara inexistente reconhecimento do Kosovo
  229. Alfredo Prado: Presidência santomense desmente reconhecimento de Kosovo africa21digital.com. Arkistoitu 27.11.2015. Viitattu 27 .11.2015.
  230. Oposição critica presidente santomense por não reconhecer Kosovo africa21digital.com. Arkistoitu 7.10.2014. Viitattu 5 .10.2014.
  231. Processo de reconhecimento do Kosovo "é uma situação anómala" telanon.info. Viitattu 5 .10.2014.
  232. Sao Tome, çështje e mbyllur (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Telegrafi, 2012-01-11 (albaniaksi)
  233. Priority lobbying for Kosovo independence: EC nations, American Embassy, Bridgetown (Wikileaks), 2008-02-14
  234. Deputy Prime Minister Pacolli meets the Foreign Minister of the Seychelles Mr. Jean-Paul Adam (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-09-27
  235. Zamenik predsednika vlade Pacolisastao se sa ministrom spoljnih poslova Sejšelag.Žan-Pol Adamom (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-09-27 (serbiaksi)
  236. President Jahjaga met with the Foreign Minister of Seychelles, Mr. Jean Paul Adam, Office of the President of Kosovo, 2014-09-27
  237. Foreign Ministry Statement on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka, 2008-02-17
  238. Serbia appreciates Sri Lankan support on Kosovo issue (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Government of Sri Lanka, 2009-07-16
  239. Thaçi u takua me kryeministrin e Shri Lankës (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Telegrafi.com, 2013-02-23 (albaniaksi)
  240. Sri Lanka says Kosovo independence a threat to world peace 17.2.2008. AFP. Arkistoitu 26.2.2008. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  241. Sudan UN envoy says Georgia war eased international pressure on his country (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Sudan Tribune, 2008-08-29
  242. a b Minister Hyseni meets the Foreign Ministers of Sudan, the Holy See and Tunisia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-09-27
  243. Syria "refuses to recognize Kosovo" (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2009-05-13
  244. The Syrian opposition promise Kosovo's recognition immediately after the triumph of democracy in Syria, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-04-26
  245. Thaçi and Pacolli meet the Vice President of South Sudan, Dr Riek Machar Teny (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), 1st Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-09-27
  246. Zëvendëskryeministri Behgjet Pacolli ka takuar presidentin e Sudanit Jugor, z. Salva Kiir Mayardit (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-10-24 (albaniaksi)
  247. President Jahjaga met with the Foreign Minister of South Sudan, Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, Office of the President of Kosovo, 2014-09-25
  248. Pacolli ftohet në Sudanin Jugor, gjatë shpalljes së pavarësisë, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty/Radio Liberty, 2011-07-06 (albaniaksi)
  249. Zambia to decide on Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) ZNBC, 2008-03-03
  250. Zambia on Kosovo recognition, WikiLeaks, 2009-02-18
  251. Minister Hyseni meets Foreign Minister of Zambia and other senior representatives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-09-26
  252. Ministri i Punëve të Jashtme të Shqipërisë z. Edmond Haxhinasto u takua me Ministrin e Punëve të Jashtme të Zambias z. Kabinga J. Pande (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, 2010-09-28 (albaniaksi)
  253. Zambia studying Kosovo 'friendship'[vanhentunut linkki], Zambia Daily Mail, 27 February 2011
  254. Deputy Prime Minister Pacolli meets the minister of foreign affairs of Zambia (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-09-30
  255. Edgar Lungu holds talks with Kosovo counterpart (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) Zambia Daily Mail, 8 December 2013
  256. Zambia promises to recognise Kosovo's independence Kosova Press, 6 December 2013
  257. Kosovo MPs proclaim independence 17.2.2008. BBC. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  258. МЗС Росії визнав "незалежність" Криму, Ukrayinska Pravda, 2014-03-11
  259. Таджикистан не признает независимость Косово, Central Asian News, 2008-02-19 (venäjäksi)
  260. Kosovo recognition -No Tajik position, American Embassy, Dushanbe (Wikileaks), 2009-02-13
  261. Таджикистан не признает независимость Косово 19.2.2008. Central Asian News. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (venäjäksi)
  262. U.S. decision to recognize Kosovo independence: Trinidad and Tobago positive, American Embassy, Port of Spain (Wikileaks), 2008-02-21
  263. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago will consider the request of Kosovo for recognition, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-03-25
  264. The Ambassador of Tunisia: I will inform the authorities, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-05-28
  265. Podrška Srbiji za kompromis oko Kosova Blic Online, 2009-11-07 (serbiaksi)
  266. K. Albanians lobby for new recognitions (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) B92, 2011-08-14
  267. Annual Report 2011 (Pages 24–25) (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo (albaniaksi)
  268. Sao Tome dhe Tunizia afër njohjes së Kosovës (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Telegrafi, 2011-10-30 (albaniaksi)
  269. Panariti: Shqipëria dhe vendet e Këshillit të Evropës mbështesin fuqimisht një Tunizi demokratike dhe moderne (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, 2012-10-31 (albaniaksi)
  270. Minister Hoxhaj seeks Kosovo's recognition by Tunisia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2013-01-17 (albaniaksi)
  271. Minister Hoxhaj meets Prime Minister of Tunisia, Hamadi Jebali, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2013-01-17
  272. Tunisia won't recognize Kosovo despite pressure. B92, 28 .2.2013. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 28 .2.2013. Arkistoitu 3 .3.2013.
  273. a b Premier Berisha meets presidents of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan and PM of Mauritania (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) Republic of Albania Council of Ministers, 2010-09-21
  274. Ukraine not to change position on Kosovo in wake of United Nations Court judgment, Kyiv Post, 2010-07-27
  275. Uruquay will never recognize Kosovo's independence emg.rs, 2010-09-29
  276. Uganda në kohë optimale do të marrë vendimin e për Kosovën, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-03-26 (albaniaksi)
  277. Uganda, gati ta njoh Kosovën, Gazeta Express, 22 August 2011 (albaniaksi)
  278. The Republic of Uganda recognizes the independence of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-02-17
  279. Verbal Note (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo 2011-05-12
  280. Jeremic says Uganda did not recognize Kosovo (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  281. Hoxhaj u bënë thirrje vendeve anëtare të OBI-t ta njohin Kosovën, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2014-06-19
  282. Situación de Kosovo a estudio (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ultimas Noticias, 2008-03-04 (espanjaksi)
  283. 19 февраля с.г. в г.Вене состоялось ... (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) , Uzbekistan Foreign Ministry, 2008-02-20 (venäjäksi)
  284. Statement by the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Belarus relating to the unilateral proclamation of independence by the Kosovo temporary authorities of self-government 18.2.2008. Valko-Venäjän ulkoministeriö. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  285. Chavez: U.S. encouraging Tibet violence, USA Today, 2008-03-24
  286. Chavez: Venezuela no reconoce "independencia" de Kosovo YouTubessa, 2008-02-23
  287. Vietnam says against unilateral Kosovo independence 18.2.2008. Reuters. Viitattu 26.2.2008. (englanniksi)
  288. Vietnam says against unilateral Kosovo independence, Reuters, 2008-02-18
  289. Government in Brief 24/2, VietNamNet, 2011-02-24
  290. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Edmond Haxhinasto meet with the Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Pham Binh Minh (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, 2011-11-24
  291. Kosovo pilot lands in Zim (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) The Financial Gazette, 2011-04-01
  292. Thaçi kërkoi njohjen nga Zimbabve (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Telegrafi.com, 2013-02-23 (albaniaksi)
  293. Press Release: Kosovo Becomes the International Monetary Fund’s 186 th Member International Monetary Fund. Viitattu 2.6.2020.
  294. Kosovo's costly World Bank membership OBC Transeuropa. Viitattu =2.6.2020.
  295. Member Countries World Bank Group. Viitattu 2.6.2020.
  296. EBRD – Our shareholders
  297. Kosova anëtarësohet në Gjykatën e Përhershme të Arbitrazhit,TRT (albaniaksi)2016-06-15
  299. Tenth plenary meeting of the 38th session of the General Conference, Page 14 unesco.org. Viitattu 9.11.2015.

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