Akinori Nishiyama

Akinori Nishiyama
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Akinori Nishiyama est un développeur de jeux vidéo.

Liste de jeux

Date Nom du jeu Fonction occupée
1988 Space Harrier II -
1988 Phantasy Star Game Testing
1989 Phantasy Star II Writer / Director
1989 Forgotten Worlds Game Testing
1990 Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom -
1993 Panic! Graphic Design
1994 Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium script
1995 Magic Knight Rayearth -
1997 Sonic Jam -
1998 Sonic Adventure Scenario Writer
1999 ChuChu Rocket! Puzzle Editing
2000 Sonic Shuffle Supervisor
2001 Sonic Adventure 2 Product Support / Recording Coordinator
2001 Sonic Advance Director
2003 Sonic Pinball Party Director
2003 Sonic Heroes Product Support / Recording Coordinator
2006 Sonic Riders Recording Coordinator

Notes et références