Liste de films ouzbeks

Ci-dessous une liste non exhaustive de films produits par le cinéma ouzbek.

Films de l'ère soviétique

Films post-soviétiques

Tournage de film dans les environs de Tachkent en 2009
  • God khoroshego rebyonka (1991) de Boris Konunov
  • Kholod (1991) de Hussein Erkenov
  • Tamerlano the Great (1991) de Ali Khamraev
  • Les Mousquetaires vingt ans plus tard (en) (Mushketyory 20 let spustya - Мушкетёры 20 лет спустя, 1992) de Gueorgui Jungwald-Khilkevitch
  • Nulevoy variant (1992) de Ravshan Otkirov
  • Le Code du Silence (Kodeks molchaniya-2, 1992) de Zinovi Roizman
  • The Mystery of Ferns (Kirk kulok siri, 1992) de Rashid Malikov
  • Hullabaloo, or Off the Cuff (Tram-tararam, ili bukhty-barakhty, 1993) de Eldor Urazbaev
  • Don't Shoot the Passengers (Ne strelyayte v passazhira, 1993) de Hussein Erkenov
  • The Secret of Queen Anna or Musketeers 30 Years Later (Tayna korolevy Anny ili mushketyory 30 let spustya, 1993) de Gueorgui Jungwald-Khilkevitch
  • V Bagdade vsyo spokoyno (1993) de Mukhitdin Mukhammadiyev
  • Hagi-Tragger (Хагги-Траггер, 1994) de Eldor Urazbaev
  • Velikij turan (1995) de Giyas Shermukhamedov
  • Scams, Music, Love... (Afyory, muzyka, lyubov..., 1997) de Gueorgui Jungwald-Khilkevitch
  • The Stowaway (De Verstekeling, 1997) de Ben van Lieshout
  • Bo Ba Bu (1998) de Ali Khamraev
  • Luna Papa (1999) de Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov
  • Women Kingdom (Zjenskoe tsarsvo, 2000) de Yusup Razykov
  • Orator (Voiz, 2000) de Yusup Razykov
  • Hurly Burly (2001) de Shavkat Karimov
  • Let's Not Cry (Gwenchana uljima, 2001) de Biong Hun Min
  • La Danse des hommes (Dilhiroj, 2002) de Yusup Razykov
  • Boys in the Sky (Malchiki v Nebe, 2002) de Zulfikar Musakov
  • Cinedictum (2002) de Shavkat Karimov
  • Giant and Squab (2004) de Djakhangir Kasymov
  • Erkak (2005) de Yusup Razykov
  • Teenager (Orzu ortida, 2005) de Yolkin Tuychiev
  • Kelgindi kelin (Alien Bride) (2006)
  • Boyvachcha (Rich Guy) (2007)
  • Jazo (Punishment) (2007)
  • Panoh (Succor) (2007)
  • Zumrad va Qimmat (Zumrad and Qimmat) (2007)
  • Jannat Qaydadir (Where is Paradise) (2008)
  • Sukunat (Silence) (2008)
  • Nortoy (2008)
  • Shabnam (2008)
  • Tashlandiq (Foundling) (2008)
  • Super Kelinchak (Super Bride) (2008)
  • Telba (Insane) (Russian: Иной) (2008)
  • Boyvachcha 2: Amakivachchalar (2008)
  • Achchiq hayot (Bitter Life) (2009)
  • Challari (2009)
  • Chol va nabira (The Old Man and His Grandson) (2009)
  • Faryod (Cry) (2009)
  • Ich kuyov (2009)
  • Jvanob hech kim (Mr. Nobody) (Russian: Мистер Х) (2009)
  • Kirakash (Moonshiner Driver/Gypsy Cab Driver) (2009)
  • Oshiqlar (Beloved) (2009)
  • Qalbaki dunyo (Fake World) (2009)
  • So'nnggi lahza (Last Moment) (Russian: Последнее мгновение) (2009)
  • Tundan tonggacha (From Dusk to Dawn) (Russian: От заката до рассвета) (2009)
  • Uylanish (Getting Married) (2009)
  • O'zimdan O'zimgacha (From Me to Myself) (2009)

Années 2010


  • Farishta (Angel) (2002)
  • Hijron (Separation) (2010)
  • Majruh (Sick) (2010)
  • Men talabaman! (I'm a Student!) (2010)
  • Nazar (2010)
  • O'g'rigina kelin (Light-Fingered Bride) (2010)
  • Qalb ko'zi (The Eye of the Soul) (Russian: Глаз души) (2010)
  • Qorako'z (2010)
  • Sahahrlik olifta (Stylish Urban Boy) (2010)
  • Tango yoxud adashgan sovchilar (Tango or Errant Matchmakers) (2010)
  • Uchar qiz (Flying Girl) (Russian: Летающая девушка) (2010)
  • Xavfli sarguzasht (A Dangerous Adventure) (Russian: Опасные приключения) (2010)
  • Yuma-yuz (Face to Face) (2010)


  • Aldangan ayol (Misled Woman) (2011)
  • Bekochilar makoni (The Land of the Lazybones) (2011)
  • Farzandim (My Child) (2011)
  • Baxt izlab (Seeking Happiness) (2011)
  • Er bermoq - jon bermoq (Giving Your Husband - Giving Your Life) (2011)
  • Hay-fay bolakay (Hi-Fi Kiddo) (2011)
  • Ishonch (Trust) (2011)
  • Jigarbandim (My Kin) (2011)
  • Jodugar (Witch) (2011)
  • Kelganda kelin 2: Anjancha muhabbat (Alien Bridegroom 2: Love, Andijan Style) (2011)
  • Kichkina xo'jayin (Small Boss) (2011)
  • Mening akam bo'ydoq! (My Brother is a Bachelor) (2011)
  • Oling quda, bering quda (Take and Give, My In-Laws) (2011)
  • Omadli yigitlar (Lucky Boys) (2011)
  • O'xshatmasdan uchratmas (2011)
  • Uchrashuv (Meeting) (2011)
  • Yondiradi, kuydiradi (2011)
  • Zamonaviy sovchilar (Modern Matchmakers) (2011)


  • Aql va yurak (Mind and Heart) (2012)
  • Hay, hay, qizaloq! (Hey, Girl!) (2012)
  • Salom sevgi, xayr sevgi (Hello Love, Good-Bye Love) (2012)
  • Sevgi farishtasi (The Angel of Love) (2012)
  • So'nggi qo'ng'iroq (The Last Bell) (2012)
  • Super qaynona (Super Mother-in-Law) (2012)
  • Vafodorim (My Faithful) (2012)
  • Visol (Encounter) (2012)
  • Yolg'izginam (My Only) (2012)

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