Prix Jean-Nicod
Le prix Jean-Nicod est remis chaque année, à Paris à un chercheur effectuant des recherches philosophiques se rapportant à la cognition[1].
Année | Nom | Université | Lectures Title | Video | Publication | |
1993 | Jerry Fodor | Université Rutgers | The Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics | n/a | (ISBN 0-26256-093-3) | |
1994 | Fred Dretske | Université Stanford | Naturalizing the Mind | n/a | (ISBN 0-26254-089-4) | |
1995 | Donald Davidson | Université de Californie à Berkeley | n/a | n/a | n/a | |
1996 | Hans Kamp | Université de Stuttgart | Thinking and Talking about Things | n/a | n/a | |
1997 | Jon Elster | Université Columbia | Strong Feelings. Emotion, Addiction, and Human Behavior | n/a | (ISBN 0-26205-056-0) | |
1998 | Susan Carey | Université de New York | The Origins of Concepts: Evolution vs Culture | n/a | n/a | |
1999 | John Perry | Université Stanford | Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness | n/a | (ISBN 0-26216-199-0) | |
2000 | John Searle | Université de Californie à Berkeley | Rationality in Action | n/a | (ISBN 0-26219-463-5) | |
2001 | Daniel Dennett | Université Tufts | Sweet Dreams. Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness | n/a | (ISBN 0-26204-225-8) | |
2002 | Ruth Millikan | Université du Connecticut | Varieties of Meaning | n/a | (ISBN 0-26213-444-6) | |
2003 | Ray Jackendoff | Université Tufts | Mental Structures. Language, Society, Consciousness | [1] | n/a | |
2004 | Zenon Pylyshyn | Université Rutgers | Things and Places. How the mind connects with the world | [2] | n/a | |
2005 | Gilbert Harman | Université de Princeton | The Problem of Induction and Statistical Learning Theory | n/a | (ISBN 978-0-26208-360-7) | |
2006 | Michael Tomasello | Institut Max-Planck d'anthropologie évolutionniste, Leipzig | Origins of Human Communication | [3] | (ISBN 978-0-26220-177-3) | |
2007 | Stephen Stich | Université Rutgers | Moral Theory Meets Cognitive Science: How the Cognitive Science Can Transform Traditional Debates. | [4] | n/a | |
2008 | Kim Sterelny | Université Victoria de Wellington | The Fate of the Third Chimpazee | n/a | n/a | |
2009 | Elizabeth Spelke | Université Harvard | Sources of Human Knowledge | n/a | n/a | |
2010 | Tyler Burge | Université de Californie à Los Angeles | Thresholds of Reason | n/a | n/a | |
2011 | Gergely Csibra and György Gergely | CEU, Budapest | Pédagogie naturelle | [5] | ||
2013 | Ned Block | Université de New York | Conscience, Inconscience, Preconscience | [6] | ||
2014 | Uta Frith et Chris Frith | University College de Londres | What makes us social | [7] | ||
2015 | David Chalmers | Université de New York | Spatial experience and virtual reality | [8] | ||
2016 | Patrick Haggard | University College de Londres | Volition, Agency, Responsibility: Cognitive Mechanisms of Human Action | [9] | ||
2017 | John Campbell (en) | University of California, Berkeley | How language enters perception | [10] | ||
2019 | Martine Nida-Rümelin (en) | Université de Fribourg | Philosophical fundamentals for scientific studies of consciousness | [11] | ||
2020 | John Tooby et Leda Cosmides |
Université de Californie à Santa Barbara | The Adapted Mind : Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture |
Notes et références
- ↑ «… »( • Wikiwix • • Google • Que faire ?).
Voir aussi
- Jean Nicod
- Institut Jean-Nicod
- philosophie de la cognition, philosophie de l'esprit, philosophie de la psychologie