
Tha Buidseachd, ann iomadach brìgh eachdraidheil, cràbhach, agus fionn-sgeulach, 'na cleachdadh nan seòrsaichean cinnteach nan cumhachdan air aithris os-nàdarrach no draoidheile. 'S e buidseach a th' ann duine (air uairibh gu sònraichte boireannach) gum gabh an sàs sa' bhuidseachd.

Tha connsachail an facal buidseachd (agus buidseach) le eachdraidh iol-fhillte. Th' air fhaicinn gu h-eugsamhail buidseachd anns na dualchasan air leth mun chruinne. Air chleachdadh le brìghean fìor-eugsamhaile, agus anns na h-iomraidhean dualchasach fìor-eugsamhaile, gabhaidh i brìghean air leth, agus gu tric breugachadh.


Hans Baldung Grien: Buidsichean. Dealbh-fiodha, 1508

Tha a cholann sònraichte fhèin aig dualchas nam brìghean a' làimhseachadh le draoidheachd, creideamh, spioradan caoimhneasach agus gamhlasach, agus deas-ghnàth; agus cha lorg na smuaintean seo mac-samhlaidhean soilleire ann an dualchasan eile.

Seallaibh cuideachd

  • Eòlas-ùr-sgeulachd mu buidseachd na Catalòinia
  • Cazi
  • An Clann Artemis
  • Buidseachd Eòrpach
  • Companach
  • Ungadh-itealaich
  • Buidseach-callaide
  • Clàr nam buidsichean ùr-sgeulach
  • Clàr nam faclan na draoidheachd agus an dualchais
  • Clàr nan Wiccanaich
  • Lysa Hora (os-nàdarrach)
  • Draoidheachd
  • Dìomhaireachas
  • Osculum infame
  • Seid (draoidheachd na t-sagartachd)
  • Draoidh
  • Dearbhadh na Buidseachd
  • Sealg na Buidseachd
  • Wyrd



Ceanglaichean a-mach

Leughadh nas fhaide

Clàr leis a' cheann-là an foillseachaidh:

  • Kramer, Heinrich and Springer, James, Malleus Maleficarum [Òrd nam Buidsichean], 1486
  • Scot, Reginald, Discoverie of Witchcraft, England, 1584
  • Mather, Cotton. Wonders of the Invisible World, Boston, 1692.
  • Calef, Robert. More wonders of the Invisible World, London, 1700.
  • Hansen, Joseph. Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Hexenwahns und der Hexenverfolgung im Mittelalter. Bonn, 1901.
  • Williams, Charles. Witchcraft. London: Faber & Faber, 1941.
  • Malinowski, Bronislaw. Magic, Science, and Religion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1948.
  • Davidson, Thomas. Rowan Tree and Red Thread. Oliver and Boyd, 1949.
  • Evans-Prichard, E. E. Theories of Primitive Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965.
  • Mair, Lucy, Witchcraft. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
  • Huson, Paul. Mastering Witchcraft. Perigee, 1970.
  • Kors, Alan C.; Peters, Edward. Witchcraft in Europe, 1100-1700. A Documentary History. Philadelphia, 1972.
  • Heinsohn, Gunnar and Steiger, Otto, Die Vernichtung der weisen Frauen - Hexenverfolgung, Kinderwelten, Bevölkerungswissenschaft, Menschenproduktion. Beiträge zur Theorie und Geschichte von Bevölkerung und Kindheit. München 1985.
  • Henningsen, Gustav; Tedeschi, John. The Inquisition in Early Modern Europe. Studies on Sources and Methods. Dekalb, 1986.
  • Behringer, Wolfgang. Hexen und Hexenprozesse in Deutschland. Munich, 1988.
  • Ginzburg, Carlo. Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath. Giulio Einaudi Editore 1989. English translation by Hutchinson Radius, London. American version by Random House, Inc., 1991
  • Ankarloo, Bengt. Henningsen, Gustav, Early Modern European Witchcraft. Centres and Peripheries. Oxford, 1990.
  • Dunwich, Gerina. Wicca Craft. Citadel Press, 1991.
  • Abrahams, Ray. Witchcraft in contemporary Tanzania. Cambridge, 1994.
  • Jackson, Nigel A. Call of the Horned Piper. Capall Bann, 1994.
  • -- Masks of Misrule. Capall Bann 1996.
  • Rainbird, Ariadne; Rankine, David. Magick Without Peers - A Course in Progressive Witchcraft.Capall Bann, 1997.
  • Ankarloo, Bengt. et al. Witchcraft and Magic in Europe vol.I -VI. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.
  • Edred. Witchdom of the True. Rûna Raven Press, 1999.
  • Heselton, Philip. Wiccan Roots. Capall Bann, 2000.
  • Evan John Jones; Robert Cochrane. Editor Mike Howard. The Roebuck in the Thicket. Capall Bann, 2001.
  • Ruickbie, Leo. Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History. Robert Hale, 2004.
  • Stewart, Pamela J., Strathern, Andrew, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors, and Gossip. Cambridge University Press, 2004.