
Suidheachadh Les Casquets

'S e aon de na h-Eileanan a' Chaolais a th’ ann an Les Casquets neo The Casquets. Tha e suidhichte anns a’ Chaolas Shasannach mu 13 cilemeatair air falbh san àird an iar-thuath Alderney. 'S e seo na co-chomharran aige: 49°43’ 4” Tuath is 2° 22’ 7” Iar. Tha e na phàirt den Bailiwick of Guernsey.

Bha mòran bàtaichean nan crannalaich air na Casquets, ri measg an HMS Victory ( 1744), an SS Stella (1899) is an Ievoli Sun ann an 2000.

Tha trì taighean solais air an eilean ris an canar:

  • North West Tower
  • East Tower
  • South West Tower

Sgrìobh Victor Hugo a bha a’ fuireach ann an Guernsey anns an leabhar The Laughing Man (L'Homme qui Rit) mu Les Casquets:

"To be wrecked on the Casquets is to be cut into ribbons; to strike on the Ortac is to be crushed into powder... On a straight frontage, such of that of the Ortac, neither the wave nor the cannon ball can ricochet... if the wave carries the vessel on the rock she breaks on it, and is lost..."

Ceangal a-mach

Eileanan a' Chaolais
Bailiwick of Jersey JerseyLes ÉcréhousLes MinquiersPierres de LecqLes Dirouilles
Bailiwick of Guernsey GuernseyAlderneySarkHermBrecqhouBurhouOrtacLes CasquetsJethouLihouCrevichonLes Houmets