Lista de estrelas convidadas en Futurama
Esta é a Lista de estrelas convidadas en Futurama, unha serie de animación para televisión creada por Matt Groening e David X. Cohen. Ó igual que ocorre coa outra serie animada de Groening, The Simpsons, Futurama conta cun gran número de celebridades invitadas que achegan as súas voces para facer a animación, xa sexa como eles mesmos ou como personaxes de ficción. Esta lista non inclúe ós famosos cuxas voces foron suplantadas.
Tempada | Episodio nº | Título | Convidado | Personaxe |
1 | 1 | "Space Pilot 3000" | Dick Clark | El mesmo |
1 | 1 | "Space Pilot 3000" | Leonard Nimoy | El mesmo |
1 | 5 | "Fear of a Bot Planet" | Tom Kenny | Xuíz informático |
1 | 6 | "A Fishful of Dollars" | Pamela Anderson | Ela mesma |
1 | 8 | "A Big Piece of Garbage" | Nancy Cartwright | Boneco de Bart Simpson |
1 | 8 | "A Big Piece of Garbage" | Ron Popeil | El mesmo |
1 | 9 | "Hell Is Other Robots" | Dan Castellaneta | Robot Devil |
1 | 9 | "Hell Is Other Robots" | Mike Diamond | El mesmo |
1 | 9 | "Hell Is Other Robots" | Adam Horovitz | El mesmo |
1 | 10 | "A Flight to Remember" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
1 | 13 | "Fry and the Slurm Factory" | Pamela Anderson | Dixie |
2 | 16 | "A Head in the Polls" | Claudia Schiffer | Ela mesma |
2 | 17 | "Xmas Story" | John Goodman | Robot Santa |
2 | 17 | "Xmas Story" | Conan O'Brien | El mesmo |
2 | 19 | "The Lesser of Two Evils" | Bob Barker | El mesmo |
2 | 21 | "Raging Bender" | Rich Little | El mesmo |
2 | 21 | "Raging Bender" | Tom Kenny | Abner Doubledeal Unidade enmascarada |
2 | 24 | "How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Condrad |
2 | 24 | "How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back" | Nora Dunn | Morgan Proctor |
2 | 25 | "The Deep South" | Donovan | El mesmo |
2 | 25 | "The Deep South" | Parker Posey | Umbriel |
2 | 28 | "The Problem with Popplers" | Phil Hendrie | Free Waterfall Jr. |
2 | 29 | "Anthology of Interest I" ("The Unfreeze of a Lifetime") | Al Gore | El mesmo |
2 | 29 | "Anthology of Interest I" ("The Unfreeze of a Lifetime") | Gary Gygax | El mesmo |
2 | 29 | "Anthology of Interest I" ("The Unfreeze of a Lifetime") | Stephen Hawking | El mesmo |
2 | 29 | "Anthology of Interest I" ("The Unfreeze of a Lifetime") | Nichelle Nichols | Ela mesma |
2 | 30 | "War Is The H-Word" | Todd Susman | Locutor P.A. |
2 | 32 | "The Cryonic Woman" | Pauly Shore | El mesmo |
2 | 32 | "The Cryonic Woman" | Sarah Silverman | Michelle |
3 | 33 | "Amazon Women in the Mood" | Beatrice Arthur | Femputer |
3 | 35 | "A Tale of Two Santas" | Coolio | Kwanzaabot |
3 | 36 | "The Luck of the Fryrish" | Tom Kenny | Yancy Fry Jr. Andy Goldman |
3 | 37 | "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz" | Phil Hendrie | Free Waterfall Sr. Old Man Waterfall |
3 | 38 | "Bendless Love" | Jan Hooks | Angleyne |
3 | 40 | "That's Lobstertainment!" | Hank Azaria | Harold Zoid |
3 | 41 | "The Cyber House Rules" | Tom Kenny | Adlai Atkins |
3 | 44 | "The Route of All Evil" | Bumper Robinson | Dwight Conrad |
3 | 44 | "The Route of All Evil" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
3 | 45 | "Bendin' in the Wind" | Beck | El mesmo |
3 | 47 | "I Dated a Robot" | Lucy Liu | Ela mesma |
3 | 48 | "A Leela of Her Own" | Dawnn Lewis | Jackie Anderson |
3 | 48 | "A Leela of Her Own" | Bob Uecker | El mesmo |
3 | 48 | "A Leela of Her Own" | Hank Aaron | El mesmo |
3 | 48 | "A Leela of Her Own" | Tom Kenny | Abdner Doubledeal |
3 | 53 | "Future Stock" | Tom Kenny | Locutor comercial |
4 | 57 | "Love and Rocket" | Sigourney Weaver | Nave de Planet Express |
4 | 57 | "Love and Rocket" | Lucy Liu | Ela mesma |
4 | 59 | "A Taste of Freedom" | Phil Hendrie | Old Man Waterfall Frida Waterfall |
4 | 60 | "Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV" | Bumper Robinson | Dwight Conrad |
4 | 61 | "Jurassic Bark" | Tom Kenny | Yancy Fry Jr. |
4 | 62 | "Crimes of the Hot" | Al Gore | El mesmo |
4 | 63 | "Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
4 | 64 | "The Why of Fry" | Bob Odenkirk | Chaz |
4 | 65 | "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" | George Takei | El mesmo |
4 | 65 | "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" | Jonathan Frakes | El mesmo |
4 | 65 | "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" | Leonard Nimoy | El mesmo |
4 | 65 | "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" | Nichelle Nichols | Ela mesma |
4 | 65 | "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" | Walter Koenig | El mesmo |
4 | 65 | "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" | William Shatner | El mesmo |
4 | 66 | "The Sting" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
4 | 67 | "Bend Her" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
4 | 70 | "Three Hundred Big Boys" | Roseanne Barr | Ela mesma |
4 | 72 | "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings" | Dan Castellaneta | Demo Robot |
5 | 73 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
5 | 74 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Al Gore | El mesmo |
5 | 74 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
5 | 74 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Sarah Silverman | Michelle |
5 | 74 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Tom Kenny | Yancy Fry Jr. |
5 | 75 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
5 | 76 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Al Gore | El mesmo |
5 | 76 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Coolio | Kwanzaabot |
5 | 76 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
5 | 76 | "Futurama: Bender's Big Score" | Mark Hamill | Zombie de Chanukah |
5 | 77 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | Brittany Murphy | Colleen O'Hallahan |
5 | 77 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | Stephen Hawking | El mesmo |
5 | 78 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | Brittany Murphy | Colleen O'Hallahan |
5 | 79 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | Brittany Murphy | Colleen O'Hallahan |
5 | 79 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | David Cross | Yivo |
5 | 80 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | Brittany Murphy | Colleen O'Hallahan |
5 | 80 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | Dan Castellaneta | Demo Robot |
5 | 80 | "Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs" | David Cross | Yivo |
5 | 81 | "Futurama: Bender's Game" | George Takei | El mesmo |
5 | 81 | "Futurama: Bender's Game" | Rich Little | El mesmo |
5 | 84 | "Futurama: Bender's Game" | Gary Gygax | El mesmo |
5 | 85 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Phil Hendrie | Frida Waterfall Hutch Waterfall |
5 | 85 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Penn Jillette | El mesmo |
5 | 85 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Teller | El mesmo |
5 | 85 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Seth MacFarlane | Cantante |
5 | 86 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Phil Hendrie | Frida Waterfall Hutch Waterfall |
5 | 87 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad |
5 | 87 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Phil Hendrie | Frida Waterfall Hutch Waterfall |
5 | 88 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad Directora da prisión |
5 | 88 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Phil Hendrie | Hutch Waterfall O Enciclópodo |
5 | 88 | "Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder" | Snoop Dogg | El mesmo |
6 | 90 | "In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela" | Chris Elliott | V-Giny |
6 | 91 | "Attack of the Killer App" | Craig Ferguson | Susan Boyle |
6 | 92 | "Proposition Infinity" | George Takei | El mesmo |
6 | 99 | "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences" | Katee Sackhoff | Grrrl |
6 | 99 | "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences" | Matt Groening | El mesmo |
6 | 99 | "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences" | David X. Cohen | El mesmo |
6 | 99 | "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences" | Sergio Aragonés | El mesmo |
6 | 100 | "The Mutants Are Revolting" | Mark Mothersbaugh | El mesmo |
6 | 101 | "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular" | Al Gore | El mesmo |
6 | 101 | "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular" | Coolio | Kwanzaabot |
6 | 101 | "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad Abella raíña espacial |
6 | 102 | "Neutopia" | Dawnn Lewis | LaBarbara Conrad Amana |
6 | 103 | "Benderama" | Patton Oswalt | Monstro xigante |
6 | 104 | "Ghost in the Machines" | Dan Castellaneta | Demo Robot |
6 | 107 | "Yo Leela Leela" | Tom Kenny | Abner Doubledeal |
6 | 112 | "Cold Warriors" | Buzz Aldrin | El mesmo |
6 | 112 | "Cold Warriors" | Tom Kenny | Yancy Fry Jr. |
6 | 114 | "Reincarnation" ("Future Challenge 3000") | Stephen Hawking | El mesmo |
7 | 115 | "The Bots and the Bees" | Wanda Sykes | Bev |
7 | --- | Descoñecido | Patrick Stewart | Descoñecido |
7 | --- | Descoñecido | Dan Castellaneta | Demo Robot |
7 | --- | Descoñecido | Estelle Harris | Descoñecido |
7 | --- | "Saturday Morning Fun Pit" | George Takei | El mesmo |
7 | --- | "Saturday Morning Fun Pit" | Larry Bird | El mesmo |