Rolley ard-valjyn ayns Israel
Ta'n duillag shoh soilshghey magh ard-valjyn Israelagh ta soit ayns Israel myrane lesh ny buill chummaltit ta fo stiurey Israel çheusthie jeh'n Vroogh Heear. Ta'n rolley bunnit er yn ayndagh roie ta currit magh ec Ard-Oik Staydraa Israel (AOS). Rere corys gurneilys ynnydagh Israel foddee coonseil ard-valjagh ve bronnit er baljaght valjagh tra ta ny smoo na 20,000 dooinney cummal ayn.[1]
Ta 14 ard-valley ayns Israel as ny smoo na 100,000 sleih cummal ayndaue, goaill stiagh Jerusalem (ny smoo na 500,000 as goaill stiagh Jerusalem Hiar) as Tel Aviv.[2] 'Syn ym-lane, ta staydys "ard-valjagh" bronnit er 75 baljaght Israelagh ec Rheynn y Çheusthie. Va staydys ard-valjagh bronnit er Kafr Qasim 'sy vlein 2008.[3]
Ta'n rolley shoh goaill stiagh kiare boayl 'sy Vroogh Heear, ard nagh vel soit çheusthie jeh Israel hene. Ta Coonseil Shickyrys ny h-Ashoonyn Unnaneysit,[4] Ard-Hionnal ny h-Ashoonyn Unnaneysit,[5] Quaiyl Eddyr-Ashoonagh y Vriwnys,[6] as Bing Eddyr-Ashoonagh y Chrosh Yiarg[7] cur yn enmys Thalloo ny Palasteen fo Cummaltys. Ta eaghtyr as earroo pobble Jerusalem goaill stiagh Jerusalem Hiar va goit stiagh ayns Israel hene de facto fo conaantyn Leigh Jerusalem. Ansherbee, cha nel eh shen er enney ec y phobble eddyr-ashoonagh.[8][9]
Ta'n taabyl shoh heese rang-oardraghey dagh ard-valley Israelagh rere ennym, slyst, eaghtyr, as earroo yn phobble, rere coontey-pobble 2009 jeh Ard-Oik Staydraa Israel:[10]

Ennym | Slyst | Ewnish | Arabish | Earroo yn phobble (2009)[10]n[›] |
Eaghtyr (km²)[11] |
Meoir |
Acrea[›] | Twoaie | עכו | عكا | 46,300 | 13.533 | Shimon Lancry |
Afula | Twoaie | עפולה | العفولة | 40,500 | 26.909 | Avi Elkabetz |
Arad | Jiass | ערד | عراد | 23,400 | 93.140 | Tali Ploskov |
Arielb[›] | Judaea as y Tamaar (Y Broogh Heear)c[›] |
אריאל | أريأل | 17,600 | 14.677 | Eliyahu Shaviro |
Ashdod | Jiass | אשדוד | أشدود | 206,400 | 47.242 | Yehiel Lasri |
Ashkelond[›] | Jiass | אשקלון | عسقلان | 111,900 | 47.788 | Benny Vaknin |
Baqa-Jatt | Haifa | באקה-ג'ת | باقة جت | 34,300 | 16.392 | Yitzhak Veled |
Bat Yam | Tel Aviv | בת ים | بات يام | 130,000 | 8.167 | Shlomo Lahiani |
Beershebae[›] | Jiass | באר שבע | بئر السبع | 197,300 | 52.903 | Rubik Danilovich |
Beit She'anf[›] | Twoaie | בית שאן | بيسان | 16,900 | 7.330 | Jacky Levi |
Beit Shemeshg[›] | Jerusalem | בית שמש | بيت شيمش | 77,100 | 34.259 | Moshe Abutbul |
Beitar Illit | Judaea as y Tamaar (Y Broogh Heear)c[›] |
ביתר עילית | بيتار عيليت | 35,000 | 6.801 | Meir Rubenstein |
Bnei Brakh[›] | Tel Aviv | בני ברק | بني براك | 154,400 | 7.088 | Ya'akov Asher |
Dimona | Jiass | דימונה | ديمونة | 32,400 | 29.877 | Meir Cohen |
Eilatj[›] | Jiass | אילת | إيلات | 47,400 | 84.789 | Meir Yitzhak Halevi |
El'ad | Meanagh | אלעד | أيلعاد | 36,300 | 2.756 | Yitzhak Idan |
Giv'atayim | Tel Aviv | גבעתיים | جفعاتايم | 53,000 | 3.246 | Ran Kunik |
Giv'at Shmuel | Meanagh | גבעת שמואל | 21,800 | 2.579 | Yossi Brodny | |
Hadera | Haifa | חדרה | الخضيرة | 80,200 | 49.359 | Haim Avitan |
Haifa | Haifa | חיפה | حيفا | 265,600 | 63.666 | Yona Yahav |
Herzliyak[›] | Tel Aviv | הרצליה | هرتسليا | 87,000 | 21.585 | Yehonatan Yassur |
Hod HaSharon | Meanagh | הוד השרון | هود هشارون | 47,200 | 21.585 | Hai Adiv |
Holon | Tel Aviv | חולון | حولون | 184,700 | 18.927 | Moti Sasson |
Jerusalem | Jerusalem | ירושלים | أورشليم, القدس | 815,600 | 125.156 | Nir Barkat |
Karmiell[›] | Twoaie | כרמיאל | كرميئيل | 44,100 | 19.188 | Adi Eldar |
Kafr Qasimm[›] | Meanagh | כפר קאסם | كفر قاسم | 18,800 | 8.745 | Sami Issa |
Kfar Sabao[›] | Meanagh | כפר סבא | كفار سابا | 83,600 | 14.169 | Yehuda Ben-Hemo |
Kiryat Atap[›] | Haifa | קריית אתא | كريات آتا | 50,700 | 16.706 | Ya'akov Peretz |
Kiryat Bialikq[›] | Haifa | קריית ביאליק | كريات بياليك | 37,300 | 8.178 | Eli Dokursky |
Kiryat Gatr[›] | Jiass | קריית גת | كريات جات | 47,400 | 16.302 | Aviram Dahari |
Kiryat Malakhis[›] | Jiass | קריית מלאכי | كريات ملاخي | 20,600 | 4.632 | Motti Malka |
Kiryat Motzkint[›] | Haifa | קריית מוצקין | كريات موتسكين | 38,000 | 3.778 | Haim Zuri |
Kiryat Onou[›] | Tel Aviv | קריית אונו | كريات أونو | 31,000 | 4.112 | Yossi Nishri |
Kiryat Shmonav[›] | Twoaie | קריית שמונה | كريات شمونة | 23,100 | 14.228 | Nissim Malka |
Kiryat Yamw[›] | Haifa | קריית ים | كريات يام | 37,700 | 4.339 | Shmuel Sisso |
Lod | Meanagh | לוד | اللد | 69,800 | 12.226 | Ilan Harari |
Ma'ale Adumim | Judaea as y Tamaar (Y Broogh Heear)c[›] |
מעלה אדומים | معلي أدوميم | 34,300 | 49.177 | Benny Kashriel |
Ma'alot-Tarshiha | Twoaie | מעלות-תרשיחא | معالوت ترشيحا | 20,600 | 6.832 | Shlomo Bohbot |
Migdal HaEmekx[›] | Twoaie | מגדל העמק | مجدال هعيمق | 23,900 | 7.637 | Eliyahu Barda |
Modi'in Illit | Judaea as y Tamaar (Y Broogh Heear)c[›] |
מודיעין עילית | موديعين عيليت | 46,200 | 4.746 | Ya'akov Gutterman |
Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'uty[›] | Meanagh | מודיעין-מכבים-רעות | موديعين-مكابيم-ريعوت | 72,700 | 50.176 | Haim Beebas |
Nahariyaz[›] | Twoaie | נהריה | نهاريا | 51,200 | 10.233 | Jacky Sabag |
Nasair | Twoaie | נצרת | الناصرة | 72,200 | 14.123 | Ali Salam |
Nasair Illitaa[›] | Twoaie | נצרת עילית | الناصرة العليا | 40,800 | 32.521 | Shimon Gapso |
Nesher | Haifa | נשר | نيشر | 23,600 | 12.790 | David Amar |
Ness Zionaab[›] | Meanagh | נס ציונה | نيس تسيونا | 38,100 | 15.579 | Yossi Shvo |
Netanya | Meanagh | נתניה | نتانيا | 183,200 | 28.954 | Miriam Feirberg |
Netivot | Jiass | נתיבות | نتيفوت | 26,700 | 5.626 | Yehiel Zohar |
Ofakimac[›] | Jiass | אופקים | أوفاكيم | 24,000 | 10.273 | Zvika Greengold |
Or Akivaad[›] | Haifa | אור עקיבא | أور عكيفا | 16,100 | 3.539 | Simha Yosipov |
Or Yehuda | Tel Aviv | אור יהודה | أور يهودا | 34,400 | 5.141 | David Yosef |
Petah Tikvaae[›] | Meanagh | פתח תקווה | بيتح تكفا | 209,600 | 35.868 | Uri Ohad |
Qalansawe | Meanagh | קלנסווה | قلنسوة | 18,700 | 8.417 | |
Ra'anana | Meanagh | רעננה | رعنانا | 68,300 | 14.878 | Nahum Hofree |
Rahat | Jiass | רהט | رهط | 51,700 | 19.586 | Talal al-Krenawi |
Ramat Gan | Tel Aviv | רמת גן | رمات غان | 145,000 | 13.229 | Israel Singer |
Ramat HaSharon | Tel Aviv | רמת השרון | رمات هشارون | 40,600 | 16.792 | Yitzhak Rochberger |
Ramla | Meanagh | רמלה | الرملة | 65,800 | 11.854 | Yoel Lavi |
Rehovot | Meanagh | רחובות | رحوفوت | 112,700 | 23.041 | Rahamim Malul |
Rishon LeZionaf[›] | Meanagh | ראשון לציון | ريشون لتسيون | 228,200 | 58.704 | Dov Tzur |
Rosh HaAyin | Meanagh | ראש העין | رأس العين | 38,500 | 24.390 | Moshe Sinai |
Safedag[›] | Twoaie | צפת | صفد | 29,500 | 29.248 | Ilan Shohat |
Sakhnin | Twoaie | סח'נין | سخنين | 25,700 | 9.816 | Mazen Ghnaim |
Sderotah[›] | Jiass | שדרות | سديروت | 23,700 | 4.472 | David Buskila |
Shefa-'Amr (Shfar'am)ai[›] | Twoaie | שפרעם | شفا عمرو | 36,200 | 19.766 | Nahed Khazem |
Tamra | Twoaie | טמרה | طمرة | 28,700 | 29.259 | Abu el-Hija Adel |
Tayibe | Meanagh | טייבה | الطيبة | 36,500 | 18.662 | Hemi Doron |
Tel Avivaj[›] | Tel Aviv | תל אביב | تل أبيب يافا | 403,700 | 51.788 | Ron Huldai |
Tiberias | Twoaie | טבריה | طبريا | 41,300 | 10.872 | Zohar Oved |
Tira | Meanagh | טירה | الطيرة | 22,600 | 11.894 | Mamoun Abd al-Hay |
Tirat Carmelak[›] | Haifa | טירת כרמל | طيرة الكرمل | 18,600 | 5.601 | Aryeh Tal |
Umm al-Fahm | Haifa | אום אל-פחם | أم الفحم | 46,100 | 22.253 | Khaled Aghbariyya |
Yavne | Meanagh | יבנה | يبنة | 33,000 | 10.700 | Zvi Gov-Ari |
Yehud-Monosson | Meanagh | יהוד-מונוסון | يهود مونوسون | 26,500 | 5.014 | Yossi Ben-David |
Yokneam | Twoaie | יקנעם | يوقنعم | 19,100 | 7.390 | Simon Alfasi |
Jeeagh er neesht
- Buill Arabagh ayns Israel
- Coonseil ard-valjagh (Israel)
- Boayl boodeeyssagh (Israel)
- Deyn-oaylleeaght Israel
- Balley lhiassee
- Slystyn Israel
- Çheer-oaylleeaght Israel
- Rolley kibbutzim
- Rolley moshavim shitufiim
- Rolley ard-valjyn ayns thallooyn y Phalasteen
- ^ a: Lettraghey CBS: Akko
- ^ b: Lettraghey CBS: Ari'el
- ^ c: Ta ny h-ard-valjyn shoh soit 'sy Vroogh Heear raad nagh vel kioneys Israel currit sheese. Rere y leigh eddyr-ashoonagh, ta'n Broogh Heear coontit myr thalloo nagh vel ny chooid jeh çheer erbee de jure. Ta'n Broogh Heear, goaill stiagh Jerusalem Heear, coontit ayns thallooyn ny Palasteen ec ny h-Ashoonyn Unnaneysit as ram sheshaghtyn cairyn deiney elley.
- ^ d: Lettraghey CBS: Ashqelon
- ^ e: Lettraghey CBS: Be'er Sheva
- ^ f: Lettraghey CBS: Bet She'an
- ^ g: Lettraghey CBS: Bet Shemesh
- ^ h: Lettraghey CBS: Bene Beraq
- ^ i: Lettraghey CBS: Ir Karmel
- ^ j: Lettraghey CBS: Elat
- ^ k: Lettraghey CBS: Herzliyya
- ^ l: Lettraghey CBS: Karmi'el
- ^ m: Lettraghey CBS:Kfar Kassem
- ^ n: Ayns Kafr Qasim lurg y vlein 2005
- ^ o: Lettraghey CBS: Kefar Sava
- ^ p: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Atta
- ^ q: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Bialik
- ^ r: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Gat
- ^ s: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Mal'akhi
- ^ t: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Motzkin
- ^ u: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Ono
- ^ v: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Shemona
- ^ w: Lettraghey CBS: Qiryat Yam
- ^ x: Lettraghey CBS: Migdal HaEmeq
- ^ y: Lettraghey CBS: Modi'in-Makkabbim-Re'ut
- ^ z: Lettraghey CBS: Nahariyya
- ^ aa: Lettraghey CBS: Nazerat Illit
- ^ ab: Lettraghey CBS: Nes Ziyyona
- ^ ac: Lettraghey CBS: Ofaqim
- ^ ad: Lettraghey CBS: Or Aqiva
- ^ ae: Lettraghey CBS: Petah Tiqwa
- ^ af: Lettraghey CBS: Rishon LeZiyyon
- ^ ag: Lettraghey CBS: Zefat
- ^ ah: Lettraghey CBS: Sderot
- ^ ai: Lettraghey CBS: Shefar'am
- ^ aj: Lettraghey CBS: Tel Aviv-Yafo
- ^ ak: Lettraghey CBS: Tirat Karmel
- ^ al: Va ard-valjyn er lheh va nyn goonseilyn ynnydagh 'sy vlein 2005 goit magh ass y rolley, Modi'in Illit, El'ad as Giv'at Shmu'el er lheh.
- ↑ "Israeli Democracy: How Does It Work?" (ayns Baarle). Rheynn Cooishyn Joaree Israel. Feddynit magh er 8 Boaldyn 2013.
{cite web}
: CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link) - ↑ "Inventory of World Cities" (ayns Baarle). Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network. Er ny hashtey veih yn lhieggan bunneydagh er 2018-12-26. Feddynit magh er 2008-04-11.
{cite web}
: CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link) - ↑ "Arab village of Kfar Kassem declared a city" (ayns Baarle). Ynetnews. Feddynit magh er 2008-04-11.
{cite web}
: CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link) - ↑ UNSCR 446, UNSCR 465, UNSCR 484, as kiarailyn elley
- ↑ "Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories" (ayns Baarle). ny h-Ashoonyn Unnaneysit. 17 Nollick, 2003. Feddynit magh er 2006-09-27.
{cite web}
: Check date values in:|date=
(cooney)CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link) - ↑ "Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" (ayns Baarle). Quaiyl Eddyr-Ashoonagh y Vriwnys. 9 J. Souree, 2004. Feddynit magh er 2006-09-27.
{cite web}
: Check date values in:|date=
(cooney)CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link) - ↑ "Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)". International Review of the Red Cross. Bing Eddyr-Ashoonagh y Chrosh Yiarg. 30 M. Fouyir, 2002. Er ny hashtey veih yn lhieggan bunneydagh er 2011-02-07. Feddynit magh er 11 J. Fouyir, 2012.
{cite web}
: Check date values in:|accessdate=
(cooney) - ↑ Symon, Fiona (4 Nollick, 2001). "Jerusalem: Crucible of the conflict". BBC News Online. Feddynit magh er 11 J. Fouyir 2012.
{cite web}
: Check date values in:|accessdate=
(cooney) - ↑ "Background on East Jerusalem". B'Tselem. 8 J. Souree 2012. Feddynit magh er 11 J. Fouyir 2012.
{cite web}
: Check date values in:|accessdate=
(cooney) - ↑ a b "Table 3 - Population of Localities Numbering Above 2,000 Residents and Other Rural Population" (PDF). Ard-Oik Staydraa Israel. 2010-06-30. Feddynit magh er 2011-01-29.
- ↑ "2004 local government profile" (ayns (Ewnish)). Ard-Oik Staydraa Israel. Feddynit magh er 2007-08-17.
{cite web}
: CS1 maint: çhengey gyn enney (link)
Kianglaghyn magh

- Earroo yn phobble, rere Possan, Craueeaght, Eash, Keintys as Sorçh boayl ec Ard-Oik Staydraa Israel (Baarle)