Aria (manga)

Aria (mai salo kamar ARIA)jerin manga ne na Jafananci wanda Kozue Amano ya rubuta kuma ya kwatanta.Asalin jerin an yi wa lakabi da Aqua (mai salo kamar AQUA)Lokacin da aka buga shi a cikin mujallar Enix 's Monthly Stencil daga 2001 zuwa 2002,kuma an sake masa suna lokacin da aka tura shi zuwa Mag Garden 's Comic Blade,inda ya ci gaba da yin jerin gwano daga Nuwamban shekarar 2002 zuwa Afrilu. 2008.An tattara Aqua a cikin juzu'i na tankobon guda biyu,kuma an tattara Aria cikin juzu'i goma sha biyu.

Hal Film Maker ya daidaita manga zuwa jerin talabijin na anime da yawa.An watsa kakar farko a cikin 2005,kakar wasa ta biyu a cikin 2006,OVA ta saki Satumba 2007,da kuma kakar wasa ta uku a cikin 2008 wanda ya ƙare kusan lokaci guda da jerin abubuwan manga.An fitar da wani OVA,mai suna Aria the Avvenire,a cikin jerin animekwatin bikin cika shekaru 10 na Blu-ray tsakanin Disamba 2015 da Yuni 2016.Fim don murnar cika shekaru 15 na jerin anime mai taken Aria the Crepusscolo wanda aka fara ranar 5 ga Maris 2021.Fim ɗin anime na biyu mai suna Aria the Benedizone wanda aka fara ranar 3 ga Disamba 2021.

ADV Manga ya fitar da fassarorin Turanci na litattafai uku na farko na Aria a cikin 2004 kafin barin lasisi. Daga nan Tokyopop ya sami haƙƙin Ingilishi zuwa Aqua da Aria.Tokyopop ya fitar da juzu'i biyu na Aqua a cikin Oktoba 2007 da Fabrairu 2008 da juzu'i shida na Aria tsakanin Janairu 2008 da Disamba 2010.An ba da lasisin anime a Arewacin Amurka ta The Right Stuf International,wanda ya fito da duk yanayi uku a cikin akwatin akwatin a ƙarƙashin tambarin Nishaɗi na Nozomi tsakanin 30 Satumba 2008 da 2 Maris 2010.


Aqua da Aria faruwa a farkon karni na 24th,farawa a 2301 AD,a cikin birnin Neo-Venezia (ネオ・ヴェネツィアNeo Venetia,a zahiri "New Venice")a kan duniyar Aqua (ク), wani lokacin アAkusized.a cikin manga tare da rubutun tushe na "Mars" yana aiki azaman mai sheki ),wanda aka sake masa suna bayan an mai da shi duniyar da za ta iya zama wacce aka rufe a cikin teku a kusa da shekaru 150 kafin. Neo-Venezia,wanda ya dogara da Venice a duka gine-gine da yanayi, birni ne mai tashar jiragen ruwa mai kunkuntar magudanar ruwa maimakon tituna, wanda gondola marasa motsi ke tafiya.

A farkon Aqua,wata budurwa mai suna Akari ta zo daga Manhome [sic] (マンホームManhomu,a da Duniya,wani lokacin ana salo kamar  tare da rubutun tushe don"Duniya"yana aiki azaman mai sheki)don zama gondolier gondolier tare da Kamfanin Aria,ɗaya daga cikin manyan kamfanoni uku masu jagorar ruwa a cikin birni.Burinta shine ta zama Undine,gondolier wanda ke aiki azaman jagorar yawon shakatawa (duba Sharuɗɗan da ke ƙasa).Yayin da take atisaye,Akari yana abokantaka da mai ba ta shawara Alicia,masu horarwa da kuma manya daga kamfanonin kishiya-Aika,Alice,Akira,da Athena—da sauran su a Neo-Venezia. Aqua ta ba da labarin zuwan Akari kan Aqua da horon da ta fara a matsayin Ma'aurata ko almajiri.Aria ta ci gaba da horar da ita a matsayin Single, ko mai tafiya,wanda ya ƙare a lokacin kammala karatun ta,Aika,da Alice a matsayin cikakkiyar Prima Undines.

Kowane babi yanki ne na rayuwa na binciken Akari na duniyar gondoliers,Neo-Venezia,da Aqua kanta. Amano akai-akai yana amfani da shafuka da yawa na zane-zane masu ban sha'awa don nuna yanayi,yana nuna al'ajabin abubuwan yau da kullun da abubuwan da suka faru na iri ɗaya.Masu bita sun bayyana shi da kamanceceniya a cikin sauti da tasiri ga Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko. [1]


Kamfanin Aria

Kamfanin Aria karamin kamfani ne na jagorar ruwa wanda ya fara da ma'aikata biyu kawai.Tufafin sa suna sanye da shuɗi,kuma shugabanta (da sunan sa) shine Aria Pokoteng.

Voiced by: Erino Hazuki[11] (Japanese); Veronica Taylor[12] (English)
A native of Japan on Manhome (Earth) who immigrates to Aqua when she is 15 to become an Undine. While not as skillful at rowing a gondola as Alice nor as familiar with the history of her adopted city as Aika, Akari makes friends quickly and easily converses with customers and other strangers. She is depicted as optimistic and cheerful, finding enjoyment in things or events that others think humdrum and mundane, for which Aika and Alice call her "mysterious"; in the anime, Aika and Alice separately comment that Akari seems to attract mysterious phenomena to her. Akari often says Hohe or Hahi, which is her short version of "wow". When Akari used gondola simulations on Manhome, she accidentally learned how to row backwards and has to relearn the proper method when she starts at Aria Company; however, as Alicia puts it, "When rowing backward, Akari-chan is unrivaled!"[2]
Most chapters of the manga and episodes of the anime are framed with narration taken from e-mails written by Akari. In the anime, the recipient is a young girl named Ai, a customer in the first episode who becomes Akari's pen pal, but in the manga the recipient is someone she does not name and is referred to as zenryaku but has never seen.
At the start of Aqua, Akari arrives on Aqua as a new Pair (apprentice) at Aria Company. In chapter 5 of Aqua, when Aika is promoted to Single (journeyman), Alicia tests and promotes Akari as well. Later, in chapter 58 of Aria and episode 12 of Aria the Origination, after Aika is promoted to Prima (full Undine), Alicia gives Akari the test for Prima. When Akari passes, she is given the title "Aquamarine" (遙かなる蒼, Harukanaru Ao, lit. "Distant Blue").
Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara[11] (Japanese); Marissa Lenti[16] (English)
The only other Undine with Aria Company, Alicia is one of the Three Water Fairies of Neo-Venezia, known by the title "Snow White" (白き妖精, Shiroki Yōsei, lit. "White Fairy"). At the start of the series, she is 19 years old and the most popular Undine in the city, noted especially for her graceful rowing style. She was promoted to Prima at 15, the youngest ever to do so. Like Akari, she is relaxed and easy-going, but she also likes to tease others, especially her childhood friend Akira. Her favorite phrase is "My, my" (ara ara; "Well Well") and she frequently giggles, to Akira's annoyance.[3] According to Grandma Akino, she is an excellent Undine because of her ability to enjoy everything.[4]
At the end of the series, Alicia announces her upcoming marriage and retirement to take an administrative position with the Gondola Association. She tells Akari she had put off her Prima exam because she had been planning to retire after that and did not want to leave her student and friend.[5] According to issue No. 6 of Monthly Undine, after her retirement, "Snow White" is designated the 8th "honored appellation" by the Gondola Association, as an Undine who made great contributions to the industry.
Voiced by: Yoshiko Matsuo[20] (Japanese); Karen Smith[21] (English)
A famous and long-serving Prima Undine, who started Aria Company with Aria Pokoteng after realizing she was missing too much of life as Himeya's top ace. She was Prima Undine for 30 years and mentor to Alicia, her last disciple, to whom she left the company on her retirement. She is highly respected by younger Undines, who call her "Grandma".[6]
Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi[11] (Japanese); Lisa Oritz[16] (English)
A girl from Manhome. In the anime, she befriends Akari in episode 1 and becomes Akari's e-mail correspondent, while visiting Aqua whenever she can. In the manga, she first appears in chapter 60 as Aria Company's newest employee. In both versions, at the end of the series she becomes a Pair under Akari after Alicia's marriage and retirement. At some point before the start in the OVA Aria the Avvenire, she becomes a Single.
Anna (アンナ, Anna)
Voiced by: Risa Hayamizu[24] (Japanese); Erica Schroeder[21] (English)
A retired Undine who trained under Grandma Akino, becoming a Prima before Alicia. She left Aria Company shortly after Alicia was promoted to Prima to marry a fisherman named Alberto. She has a son named Ahito, and lives with her family on Neo-Burano Island.

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