Tommaso Bai

Tommaso Bai
chapelmaster (en) Fassara

Haihuwa Crevalcore (en) Fassara, 1650
Mutuwa Roma, 22 Disamba 1714
Harsuna Italiyanci
Sana'a mai rubuta kiɗa da opera singer (en) Fassara
Fafutuka Baroque music (en) Fassara
Yanayin murya tenor (en) Fassara
Kayan kida murya
Tommaso Bai

Tommaso Bai, ko Tommaso Baj, ya kasance kuma mai ba da izini na Italiyanci, mawaƙi, kuma mai tsarawa a Vatican. An haife shi a Crevalcore a wajajen shekarar 1650 kuma ya mutu a Rome a 22 ga watan Disamba 1714.[1] Ya aka mafi kyau a san shi Miserere, wanda ya hada a 1713,[2][3] wanda ya yi koyi da Gregorio Allegri 's Miserere. Bai yaba ne saboda tsananin kulawarsa ga wadatar zuci, lafazin kalmomi, da sanarwa. </ref> Bai was acclaimed for his intricate attention to prosody, accentuation of words, and notation.[3]


Preview of references

  1. Hughes, Rupert (1939). Music Lovers' Encyclopedia. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc.
  2. Baggs, Charles Michael (1839). The Ceremonies of Holy-Week at the Vatican and S. John Lateran's Described and Illustrated from History and Antiquities; with an Account of the Armenian Mass at Rome on Holy-Saturday, Etc (in Turanci). Rome.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Proceedings of the Musical Association (in Turanci). Whitehead & Miller, Limited for the Musical Association. 1875.