अरब-इजराइल संघर्ष

अरब-इजरायल संघर्ष
File:Arab-Israeli Conflict Key Players.svg
अरब-इजराइल संघर्ष के प्रमुख खिलाड़ी
तिथि c. May 15, 1948–present
(76 साल, 4 माह, 2 सप्ताह और 4 दिन)
स्थान मध्य पूर्व
परिणाम Low-level ongoing:
  • Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty
  • Oslo Accords
  • Israel–Jordan peace treaty
  • UNSC 1701
*Establishment of Israel and All-Palestine Government (1948); Jordanian occupation of the West Bank;
  • Dissolution of All-Palestine Government and Egyptian occupation of the Gaza Strip
  • Israeli occupation (1967-82) of the Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights
  • Israeli-Egyptian peace and formation of the Israeli Civil Administration (1982)
  • Oslo Accords and formation of the Palestinian National Authority in areas A,B of the West Bank and Gaza in 1994.
  • Israel-Jordan peace treaty (1994)
*  Israel
  • Mahal volunteers (1947–49)
  •  United Kingdom (1956 only)
  • फ़्रान्स France (1956 only)
  • Kataeb Party (1978-82)
  • Free Lebanon State (1978-84)
  • South Lebanon Army (1984-2000)

Supported by:
 United States (1973–)

 All-Palestine (1948-59)
  • AHW (1947–49)
  • Fedayeen (1949–64)

 Arab League

Gaza Strip (2006–) Supported by:
 Soviet Union (1967–91)[1]
 Iran (2006-2012)

  • इज़राइल David Ben-Gurion (1948–63)
  • इज़राइल Yigael Yadin (1948–52)
  • इज़राइल Yaakov Dori (1948–49)
  • इज़राइल Yitzhak Rabin (1948–95)
  • इज़राइल Ariel Sharon (1948–2005)
  • इज़राइल Ehud Barak (1948–2013)
  • Moshe Dayan (1948–79)
  • Saad Haddad (1978–84)
  • Antoine Lahad (1984–2000)
  • Bachir Gemayel (1978–82)
  • जार्डन John Bagot Glubb (1948–86)
  • जार्डन Habis al-Majali (1948–2001)
  • Abd al-Q. al-Husayni 
  • Hasan Salama 
  • Fawzi Al-Qawuqji (1948–77)
  • मिस्र Ahmed Ali al-Mwawi (1948–1979)
  • Haj Amin Al-Husseini (1948–74)
  • मिस्र King Farouk I (1948–65)
  • मिस्र Ahmad Ali al-Mwawi (1948–79)
  • मिस्र Muhammad Naguib (1948–84)
  • मिस्र Saad El Shazly (1948–2011)
मृत्यु एवं हानि
≈22,570 military deaths[2]

≈1,723 civilian deaths[3] ≈1,050 SLA militiamen deaths[4]

91,105 total Arab deaths[5]
Both sides:
74,000 military deaths
18,000 civilian deaths

अनेकों अरब देशों तथा इजराइल के बीच चला आ रहा राजनैतिक तनाव तथा सैन्य संघर्ष अरब-इजराइल संघर्ष कहलाता है। इस संघर्ष का मूल कारण १९वीं शताब्दी के अन्त में यहूदीवाद तथा अरब राष्ट्रवाद का उदय होना है।


  1. Pollack, Kenneth, M., Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, University of Nebraska Press, (2002), pp. 93–94, 96.
  2. Memorial Day / 24,293 fallen soldiers, terror victims since Israel was born Archived 2015-09-24 at the वेबैक मशीन. Haaretz. Retrieved on 2014-07-28.
  3. Memorial Day / 24,293 fallen soldiers, terror victims since Israel was born Archived 2015-09-24 at the वेबैक मशीन. Haaretz Retrieved on 2014-07-28.
  4. Hamzeh, Ahmad Nizar (1 January 2004). "In The Path Of Hizbullah". Syracuse University Press. मूल से 25 दिसंबर 2018 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 10 जनवरी 2017 – वाया Google Books.
  5. Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict Archived 2016-12-28 at the वेबैक मशीन. Jewish Virtual Library.

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