This template is designed to be used to show the pronunciation of English words or names, using a simple respelling method at "Wikipedia:Pronunciation respelling key". It is intended especially to clarify the name of the article in the lead section or introductory paragraph. The template provides a link to the key so that readers may easily look up how to pronounce the word. For example,
- Worcestershire (उच्चारित/ˈwʊstərʃər/ WUUS-tər-shər) is a county located in the West Midlands region of central England.
'''Worcestershire''' ({Pron-en|ˈwʊstərʃər} {Respell|WUUS|tər-shər}) is a county located in the [[West Midlands (region)|West Midlands region]] of central [[England]].
The respelling key covers only English pronunciation, and should not be used for foreign names or words which have not been assimilated into English. Per the Manual of Style, it should follow the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), and never be used in place of it. The example above used the {pron-en} template to format and link the IPA. If you need help transcribing the pronunciation into the IPA, please ask at Wikipedia talk:IPA for English.
This template accepts up to five values, {Respell|1|2|3|4|5}. Alternating values ending with the second-last are formatted small, so that when filled in all capital letters, the result is small caps:
- {Respell|unstressed|STRESSED|unstressed|STRESSED|unstressed}.
Therefore, when several unstressed syllables follow each other, they need to be placed together in a single cell. For final stress, put an apostrophe (') in the final cell; this means only four cells can take sound values:
- {Respell|unstressed|STRESSED|unstressed|STRESSED|'}.
For longer words, place more two templates end to end, with a hyphen if necessary.
Here are examples of how to use the template for words with different numbers of syllables and different stress patterns:
Pattern | Example | Coding | Result | |
No stress | . | of | {Respell|uv} | uv |
Two syllables, first one stressed | – . | Ceres | {Respell|SEER|eez} | SEER-eez |
Three syllables, middle one stressed | . – . | Haumea | {Respell|how|MAY|ə} | how-MAY-ə |
Stress followed by multiple unstressed syllables | – . . . | algorithm | {Respell|AL|gə-ridh-əm} | AL-gə-ridh-əm |
Two stressed syllables | – . – . | Makemake | {Respell|MAH|kee|MAH|kee} | MAH-kee-MAH-kee |
Two stressed syllables with strings of unstressed syllables | . . – . . – . . . . | disestablishmentarianism | {Respell|dis-ə|STAB|lish-mən|TAIR|ee-ən-iz-əm} | dis-ə-STAB-lish-mən-TAIR-ee-ən-iz-əm |
Monosyllable with stress | – | Pan | {Respell|PAN|'} | PAN-' |
Two syllables, final stress | . – | perfume | {Respell|pər|FEWM|'} | pər-FEWM-' |
Two stressed syllables, first and final | – . . – | overconsume Azerbaijan | {Respell|OH|vər-kən|SEWM|'} {Respell|AZ|ər-by|JAHN|'} | OH-vər-kən-SEWM-' AZ-ər-by-JAHN-' |
Too many syllables for one template | if you wish upon a star | {Respell|IF|ew|WISH|ə-}{Respell|PON|ə|STAR|'} | IF-ew-WISH--'ə-PON-ə-STAR-' | |
Word break fits inside a cell | betting odds | {Respell|BET|ing odz} | BET-ing odz | |
Word break does not fit inside a cell | Jazze Pha | {Respell|JAZ|ee} {Respell|FAY|'} | JAZ-ee FAY-' |
Ambiguous readings
This transcription may supplement the IPA, but is not sufficient for general use. For example, MOW and TOW are poor transcriptions, because people will tend to read them as Moe, toe rather than as Mao, Tao, which is what they actually trascribe. The metal cobalt is likewise impractical to transcribe with this system, because people will invariably read KOH-bolt incorrectly as rhyming with molt and dolt. (This cannot be easily fixed; *KOH-balt and *KOH-bahlt have the wrong vowel.) In such cases, rhymes, sound-alikes, or {USdict} transcription may be better choices.
See also
- Wikipedia:IPA for English
- Wikipedia:Pronunciation respelling key
IPA formatting templates for English:
- {Pron-en} with Ceres for
- उच्चारित/ˈsɪəriːz/
- {IPA-en} for
- आईपीए: /ˈsɪəriːz/ or आईपीए: /ˈsɪəriːz/ (etc.)
- {IPA-all} is analogous but used for non-English words and names. There are also specific templates for several oft-used languages.