सौर मंडल के सबसे बड़े क्रेटरों की सूची

Following are the largest craters on various worlds of the Solar System.

पिंड क्रेटर व्यास स्वामी पिंड का
अनुपात नोट्स
बुध Caloris Basin 1,550 कि॰मी॰ (963 मील) 4880 32%
Rembrandt 715 कि॰मी॰ (444 मील) 15%
शुक्र Mead 280 कि॰मी॰ (170 मील) 12,100 2%
पृथ्वी Vredefort 250–300 km (160–190 mi) 12,740 2%
चंद्रमा Procellarum Basin 3,000 कि॰मी॰ (1,900 मील) 3470 86% Not confirmed as an impact basin.
दक्षिण ध्रुव-ऐटकेन घाटी 2,500 कि॰मी॰ (1,600 मील) 70%
Mare Imbrium 1,145 कि॰मी॰ (711 मील) 33%
मंगल North Polar Basin 10,600 × 8,500 km (6,550 × 5,250 mi) 6780 140% Not confirmed as an impact basin
Hellas Planitia 2,300 कि॰मी॰ (1,400 मील) 34% Largest visible crater in the Solar System
Utopia Planitia 3,300 कि॰मी॰ (2,100 मील) 49% Largest confirmed impact basin on Mars and in the Solar System
वॅस्टा Rheasilvia 505 कि॰मी॰ (310 मील) 529 (569)[1] 90%[1] See also List of tallest mountains in the Solar System
Veneneia 395 कि॰मी॰ (250 मील) 70%[1] Partially obscured by Rheasilvia
Ganymede (Jupiter) Epigeus 343 कि॰मी॰ (213 मील) 5270 6½%
Callisto (Jupiter) Valhalla 360 कि॰मी॰ (224 मील) 4820 7½%
Heimdall 210 कि॰मी॰ (130 मील) 4%
Mimas (Saturn) Herschel 139 कि॰मी॰ (86 मील) 396 35% See also List of tallest mountains in the Solar System
Tethys (Saturn) Odysseus 445 कि॰मी॰ (277 मील) 1060 42%
Dione (Saturn) Evander 350 कि॰मी॰ (220 मील)[2] 1023 34%
Rhea (Saturn) Mamaldi 480 कि॰मी॰ (300 मील)[3] 1530 31%
Tirawa 360 कि॰मी॰ (220 मील) 24%
Titan (Saturn) Menrva 392 कि॰मी॰ (244 मील) 5150 7½%
Iapetus (Saturn) Turgis 580 कि॰मी॰ (360 मील) 1470 39%
Engelier 504 कि॰मी॰ (313 मील) 34%
Gerin 445 कि॰मी॰ (277 मील) 30% Gerin is overlain by Engelier
Falsaron 424 कि॰मी॰ (263 मील) 29%
Titania (Uranus) Gertrude 326 कि॰मी॰ (203 मील) 1580 21% Little of Titania has been imaged, so it may well have larger craters.


  1. Rheasilvia and Veneneia are 95% and 75% of the mean diameter of Vesta, 529 km. However, the mean is affected by the craters themselves. They are 89% and 69% the mean equatorial diameter of 569 km.
  2. "USGS". मूल से 22 सितंबर 2019 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 7 अक्तूबर 2014.
  3. "USGS". मूल से 18 फ़रवरी 2018 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 7 अक्तूबर 2014.