Proboj godine

Proboj godine (engl. Breakthrough of the Year) godišnja je nagrada koju dodjeljuje časopis Science za najznačajniji razvoj u znanstvenom istraživanju. Inspirirana Čovjekom godine magazina Timea, nagrada je prvi put dodijeljena 1989. godine pod imenom Molekula godine, a ime je promijenila u Proboj godine 1996. godine. Proboj godine naširoko se smatra najvećim priznanjem u znanosti.

Molekula godine

Od 2002. godine Molekulu godine dodjeljuje Međunarodno društvo za molekularnu i staničnu biologiju i biotehnološke protokole i istraživanja (engl. International Society For Molecular and Cell Biology and Biotechnology Protocols and Researches, akr. ISMCBBPR).[7]

  • 2002.: sve-trans-retinoična kiselina[8]
  • 2003.: adenovirusni glikoproteini (GP) i nukleoproteini (NP) cjepiva protiv ebole[9]
  • 2004.: imidazoloctenokiselinski ribotid[10]
  • 2005.: 4E10[11]
  • 2006.: hsa-mir-155 i hsa-let-7a-2[12]
  • 2007.: PKD2L1[13]
  • 2008.: anti-SAG 421-433 katalitički IgA[14]
  • 2009.: Trnoružičina transpozaza SB 100X[15]
  • 2010.: FOXM1[16][17][18][19]
  • 2011.: BMP7[20]
  • 2012.: dezmosterol[21]

Proboj godine


  1. R. L. Guyer and D. E. Koshland, Jr. 1989. The Molecule of the Year. Science. 246 (4937): 1543–1546. doi:10.1126/science.2688087. PMID 2688087
  2. D. E. Koshland, Jr. 1990. The Molecule of the Year. Science. 250 (4988): 1637. Bibcode:1990Sci...250.1637K. doi:10.1126/science.250.4988.1637
  3. D. E. Koshland, Jr. 1991. Molecule of the Year. Science. 254 (5039): 1705. Bibcode:1991Sci...254.1705K. doi:10.1126/science.254.5039.1705
  4. D. E. Koshland, Jr. 1992. The Molecule of the Year. Science. 258 (5090): 1861. Bibcode:1992Sci...258.1861K. doi:10.1126/science.1470903. PMID 1470903
  5. D. E. Koshland, Jr. 1993. Molecule of the Year. Science. 262 (5142): 1953. Bibcode:1993Sci...262.1953K. doi:10.1126/science.8266084. PMID 8266084
  6. D. E. Koshland, Jr. 1994. Molecule of the Year: the DNA repair enzyme. Science. 266 (5193): 1925. Bibcode:1994Sci...266.1925K. doi:10.1126/science.7801114. PMID 7801114
  7. Molecule of the Year. ISMCBBPR.
  8. Kitareewan S, Pitha-Rowe I, Sekula D, Lowrey CH, Nemeth MJ, Golub TR, Freemantle SJ, Dmitrovsky E. 2002. UBE1L is a retinoid target that triggers PML/RARα degradation and apoptosis in acute promyelocytic leukemia. PNAS. 99 (6): 3806–11. Bibcode:2002PNAS...99.3806K. doi:10.1073/pnas.052011299. PMC 122605. PMID 11891284CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  9. Nancy J. Sullivan, Thomas W. Geisbert, Joan B. Geisbert, Ling Xu, Zhi-yong Yang, Mario Roederer, Richard A. Koup, Peter B. Jahrling and Gary J. Nabel. 2000. Development of a preventive vaccine for Ebola virus infection in primates. Nature. 408 (6812): 605–9. doi:10.1038/35046108. PMID 11117750CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  10. George D Prell, Giorgio P Martinelli, Gay R Holstein, Jasenka Matulić-Adamić, Kyoichi A Watanabe, Susan L F Chan, Noel G Morgan, Musa A Haxhiu, Paul Ernsberger. 2004. Imidazoleacetic acid-ribotide: an endogenous ligand that stimulates imidazol(in)e receptors. PNAS. 101 (37): 13677–13682. Bibcode:2004PNAS..10113677P. doi:10.1073/pnas.0404846101CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  11. Rosa M.F. Cardoso, Michael B. Zwick, Robyn L. Stanfield, Renate Kunert, James M. Binley, Hermann Katinger, Dennis R. Burtonand Ian A. Wilson. 2005. Broadly Neutralizing Anti-HIV Antibody 4E10 Recognizes a Helical Conformation of a Highly Conserved Fusion-Associated Motif in gp41. Immunity. 22 (2): 163–173. doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2004.12.011. PMID 15723805CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  12. Nozomu Yanaihara, Natasha Caplen, Elise Bowman, Masahiro Seike, Kensuke Kumamoto, Ming Yi, Robert M. Stephens, Aikou Okamoto, Jun Yokota, Ta dao Tanaka, George Adrian Calin, Chang-Gong Liu, Carlo M. Croce and Curtis C. Harris. 2006. Unique microRNA molecular profiles in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Cancer Cell. 9 (3): 189–198. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2006.01.025. PMID 16530703CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  13. Yoshiro Ishimaru, Hitoshi Inada, Momoka Kubota, Hanyi Zhuang, Makoto Tominaga and Hiroaki Matsunami. 2006. Transient receptor potential family members PKD1L3 and PKD2L1 form a candidate sour taste receptor. PNAS. 103 (33): 12569–12574. Bibcode:2006PNAS..10312569I. doi:10.1073/pnas.0602702103CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  14. Stephanie Planque, Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Hiroaki Taguchi, Maria Salas, Carl Hanson and Sudhir Paul. 2008. Catalytic antibodies to HIV: Physiological role and potential clinical utility. Autoimmunity Reviews. 7 (6): 473–479. doi:10.1016/j.autrev.2008.04.002. PMC 2527403. PMID 18558365CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  15. Mátés L, Chuah MK, Belay E, Jerchow B, Manoj N, Acosta-Sanchez A, Grzela DP, Schmitt A, Becker K, Matrai J, Ma L, Samara-Kuko E, Gysemans C, Pryputniewicz D, Miskey C, Fletcher B, Vandendriessche T, Ivics Z, Izsvák Z. 2009. Molecular evolution of a novel hyperactive Sleeping Beauty transposase enables robust stable gene transfer in vertebrates. Nature Genetics. 41 (6): 753–61. doi:10.1038/ng.343. PMID 19412179CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  16. Gemenetzidis E, Costea ED, Parkinson EK, Waseem A, Wan H, Teh MT. 2010. Induction of Human Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Expansion by FOXM1. Cancer Research. 70 (22): 9515–26. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-10-2173. PMC 3044465. PMID 21062979CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  17. Molecule of the Year 2010:
  18. tiskovno priopćenje Sveučilišta kraljice Marije u Londonu: inačica izvorne stranice od 21. veljače 2014. (Wayback Machine)
  19. tiskovno priopćenje: inačica izvorne stranice od 24. srpnja 2011. (Wayback Machine)
  20. inačica izvorne stranice od 21. veljače 2014. (Wayback Machine)
  21. Spann NJ, Garmire LX, McDonald JG, Myers DS, Milne SB, Shibata N, Reichart D, Fox JN, Shaked I, Heudobler D, Raetz CR, Wang EW, Kelly SL, Sullards MC, Murphy RC, Merrill AH Jr, Brown HA, Dennis EA, Li AC, Ley K, Tsimikas S, Fahy E, Subramaniam S, Quehenberger O, Russell DW, Glass CK. 2012. Regulated accumulation of desmosterol integrates macrophage lipid metabolism and inflammatory responses. Cell. 151 (1): 138–152. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2012.06.054. PMID 23021221CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  22. Michael Balter. 1996. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. New Hope in HIV Disease. Science. 274 (5295): 1988–1991. Bibcode:1996Sci...274.1988.. doi:10.1126/science.274.5295.1988
  23. Elizabeth Pennisi. 1997. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Cloning: The Lamb That Roared. Science. 278 (5346): 2038–2039. Bibcode:1997Sci...278.2038P. doi:10.1126/science.278.5346.2038
  24. James Glanz. 1998. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. ASTRONOMY: Cosmic Motion Revealed. Science. 282 (5397): 2156–2157. Bibcode:1998Sci...282.2156G. doi:10.1126/science.282.5397.2156a
  25. Gretchen Vogel. 1999. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Capturing the Promise of Youth. Science. 286 (5448): 2238–2239. doi:10.1126/science.286.5448.2238. PMID 10636772
  26. Elizabeth Pennisi. 2000. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Genomics Comes of Age. Science. 290 (5500): 2220–2221. doi:10.1126/science.290.5500.2220. PMID 11188701
  27. Robert F. Service. 2001. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Molecules Get Wired. Science. 294 (5551): 2442–2443. doi:10.1126/science.294.5551.2442. PMID 11752536
  28. Jennifer Couzin. 2002. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Small RNAs Make Big Splash. Science. 298 (5602): 2296–2297. doi:10.1126/science.298.5602.2296. PMID 12493875
  29. Charles Seife. 2003. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Illuminating the Dark Universe. Science. 302 (5653): 2038–2039. doi:10.1126/science.302.5653.2038. PMID 14684787
  30. Richard A. Kerr. 2004. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. On Mars, a Second Chance for Life. Science. 306 (5704): 2010–2012. doi:10.1126/science.306.5704.2010. PMID 15604365
  31. Elizabeth Culotta, Elizabeth Pennisi. 2005. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Evolution in Action. Science. 310 (5756): 1878–1879. doi:10.1126/science.310.5756.1878. PMID 16373538
  32. Dana Mackenzie. 2006. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. The Poincaré Conjecture—Proved. Science. 314 (5807): 1848–1849. doi:10.1126/science.314.5807.1848. PMID 17185565
  33. Elizabeth Pennisi. 2007. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Human Genetic Variation. Science. 318 (5858): 1842–1843. doi:10.1126/science.318.5858.1842. PMID 18096770
  34. Gretchen Vogel. 2008. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Reprogramming Cells. Science. 322 (5909): 1766–1767. doi:10.1126/science.322.5909.1766. PMID 19095902
  35. Ann Gibbons. 2009. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. Ardipithecus ramidus. Science. 326 (5960): 1598–1599. Bibcode:2009Sci...326.1598G. doi:10.1126/science.326.5960.1598-a
  36. Adrian Cho. 2010. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. The First Quantum Machine. Science. 330 (6011): 1604. Bibcode:2010Sci...330.1604C. doi:10.1126/science.330.6011.1604
  37. Jon Cohen. 2011. BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR. HIV Treatment as Prevention. Science. 334 (6063): 1628. Bibcode:2011Sci...334.1628C. doi:10.1126/science.334.6063.1628. PMID 22194547
  38. Breakthrough of the Year, 2012. Science
  39. Jenifer Couzin-Franken. 20. prosinca 2013. Cancer Immunotherapy. Science. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 22. prosinca 2013. Pristupljeno 22. prosinca 2013.
  40. Eric Hand. 18. prosinca 2014. Comet Breakthrough of the Year + People's choice. Science. 346 (6216): 1442–1443. 10.1126/science.346.6216.1442. Pristupljeno 17. studenoga 2019.
  41. J. Travis. 17. prosinca 2015. Making the cut. Science. 350 (6267): 1456–1457. 10.1126/science.350.6267.1456. Pristupljeno 17. studenoga 2019.
  42. Ripples in spacetime: Science's 2016 Breakthrough of the Year. 22. prosinca 2016. Pristupljeno 17. studenoga 2019. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)
  43. Jia You. 2017's scientific Breakthrough of the Year: Colliding neutron stars. Pristupljeno 17. studenoga 2019. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)
  44. Jia You. Science's 2018 Breakthrough of the Year: tracking development cell by cell. Pristupljeno 17. studenoga 2019. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)
  45. Science's 2019 Breakthrough: First Image of Supermassive Black Hole. Pristupljeno 28. siječnja 2020. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)