Carole Ann Ford

Carole Ann Ford
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Carole Ann Ford (1986)
Nesans (84 ane)
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Peyi nesans Angletè

Carole Ann Lillian Ford Higgins, rele Carole Ann Ford, ki fèt 16 jen 1940 nan Liverpool nan Wayòm Ini, se yon aktris britanik.


Zèv li yo


  • 1948 : The Last Load
  • 1959 ː Horrors of the Black Museum ː Teen in hall of mirrors
  • 1959 : The Ghost Train Murder ː Jean
  • 1962 : Mix Me a Person ː Jenny
  • 1962 : La Révolte des Triffides ː Bettina
  • 1963 : The Punch and Judy Man ː Girl in seaside kiosk
  • 1966 : The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery ː Albertine
  • 1967 : Dehors devant la porte ː Cindy
  • 1975 : The Hiding Place ː yon fanm


  • 1958 ː Expresso Bongo ː ansanm
  • 1959 ː Probation Officer ː Susan Portway (sezon 1, epizòd 12)
  • 1960 ː Emergency-Ward 10 ː Miss Foulkes (sezon 1, epizòd 385)
  • 1961 ː Dixon of Dock Green ː Helen Layton (sezon 7, epizòd 21: "River Beat")
  • 1961 ː No Hiding Place ː Mary Donovon (sezon 3, epizòd 9 : "The Toy House")
  • 1962 ː Crying Down the Lane ː Jenny (sezon 1, epizòd 1)
  • 1962 ː Z-Cars ː Rita (sezon 1, epizòd 5 : "The Big Catch")
  • 1962 ː Harpers West One ː Marilyn (sezon 2, epizòd 5)
  • 1963 ː Suspense ː Jacky (sezon 2, epizòd 12: "The Man on the Bicycle")
  • 1963–1964 ː Doctor Who ː Susan Foreman, (sezon 1, 42 epizòd; sezon 2, 9 epizòd)
  • 1965 ː The Plane Makers ː Wally Griggs (sezon 1, epizòd 15 : "One of Those Days")
  • 1965 ː Public Eye ː Jenny Graham (epizòd : The Morning Wasn't So Hot)
  • 1974 ː Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? ː Valerie (sezon 2, epizòd 8 : "Affairs and Relations")
  • 1983 ː Doctor Who ː Susan Foreman, sezon 20, epizòd 23: "The Five Doctors"
  • 1993 ː Dimensions in Time
  • 1996 ː The Time, The Place ː li menm, "Doctor Who"
  • 2013 ː An Adventure in Space and Time (fim tv) ː Joyce
  • 2013 ː The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot (fim tv) ː li menm


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