Linda Arvidson
Linda Arvidson
Linda Arvidson
Nesans |
San Fransisko, Kalifòni |
Lanmò |
(ak 65 ane) Nouyòk |
Nasyonalite | ameriken |
Peyi nesans | Etazini |
Linda Arvidson Johnson, rele Linda Arvidson, ki fèt 12 jiyè 1884 nan San Fransisko nan Kalifòni (Etazini), epi ki mouri 26 jiyè 1949 nan Nouyòk (Etazini), se yon aktris amerikèn.
Zèv li yo
- Les Aventures de Dollie (The Adventures of Dollie) de D. W. Griffith
- L'Enfant et le Peau-rouge (The Redman and the Child) de D. W. Griffith
- The Bandit's Waterloo de D. W. Griffith
- Une déclaration difficile (A Calamitous Elopement) de D. W. Griffith
- The Greaser's Gauntlet de D. W. Griffith
- The Man and the Woman de D. W. Griffith
- The Fatal Hour de D. W. Griffith
- Balked at the Altar de D. W. Griffith
- For a Wife's Honor de D. W. Griffith
- L'Empreinte digitale (Betrayed by a Handprint) de D. W. Griffith
- La Jeune Fille indienne (The Red Girl) de D. W. Griffith
- Where the Breakers Roar de D. W. Griffith
- A Smoked Husband de D. W. Griffith
- Les Bijoux volés (The Stolen Jewels) de D. W. Griffith
- Father Gets in the Game de D. W. Griffith
- Ingomar (The Barbarian Ingomar) de D. W. Griffith
- Le Vœu du vaquero (The Vaquero's Vow) de D. W. Griffith
- La Femme du planteur (The Planter's Wife) de D. W. Griffith
- Cacher un voleur (Concealing a Burglar) de D. W. Griffith
- Enoch Arden (After Many Years) de D. W. Griffith
- L'Or du pirate (The Pirate's Gold) de D. W. Griffith
- La Mégère apprivoisée (The Taming of the Shrew) de D. W. Griffith
- La Chanson de la chemise (The Song of the Shirt) de D. W. Griffith
- Le Chemin d'une femme (A Woman's Way) de D. W. Griffith
- Le Clubman et le Voleur (The Clubman and the Tramp) de D. W. Griffith
- Mrs. Jones Entertains de D. W. Griffith
- The Feud and the Turkey de D. W. Griffith
- Le Gage de l'amitié (The Test of Friendship) de D. W. Griffith
- An Awful Moment de D. W. Griffith
- The Helping Hand de D. W. Griffith
- One Touch of Nature de D. W. Griffith
- Love Finds a Way de D. W. Griffith
- The Sacrifice de D. W. Griffith
- A Rural Elopement de D. W. Griffith
- The Criminal Hypnotist de D. W. Griffith
- Those Boys! de D. W. Griffith
- Mr. Jones Has a Card Party de D. W. Griffith
- The Fascinating Mrs. Francis de D. W. Griffith
- The Welcome Burglar de D. W. Griffith
- Son nouveau chapeau (Those Awful Hats) de D. W. Griffith
- The Cord of Life de D. W. Griffith
- A Wreath in Time de D. W. Griffith
- Edgar Allan Poe de D. W. Griffith
- Tragic Love de D. W. Griffith
- The Curtain Pole de D. W. Griffith
- His Ward's Love de D. W. Griffith
- The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals de D. W. Griffith
- The Politician's Love Story de D. W. Griffith
- La Pièce d'or (The Golden Louis) de D. W. Griffith
- At the Altar de D. W. Griffith
- His Wife's Mother de D. W. Griffith
- A Fool's Revenge de D. W. Griffith
- The Roue's Heart de D. W. Griffith
- The Salvation Army Lass de D. W. Griffith
- The Lure of the Gown de D. W. Griffith
- I Did It, Mama de D. W. Griffith
- L'Âme du violon (The Voice of the Violin) de D. W. Griffith
- The Deception de D. W. Griffith
- 1910 : Les Liens du destin (The Thread of Destiny) de David W. Griffith
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