Conferentia de Potsdam

Stalin, Truman, e Churchill al Conferentia de Potsdam

Le Conferentia de Potsdam (germano: Potsdamer Konferenz) occurreva a Cecilienhof, le domo del principe Wilhelm, in Potsdam in Germania occupate, inter le 17 de julio e le 2 de augusto 1945. (In alcun documentos plus vetere illo es alsi appellate le Conferentia de Berlin del Tres Chefes de Governamento del Union Sovietic, SUA, e Regno Unite[1][2]) Le participantes era le Union Sovietic, le Regno Unite, e le Statos Unite, representate per le Secretario General del Partito Communista del Union Sovietic Joseph Stalin, le prime ministros britannic Winston Churchill[3] e, depost, Clement Attlee,[4] e le presidente statounitese Harry S Truman.



Previsualisation de referentias

  1. Avalon Project - A Decade of American Foreign Policy 1941-1949 - Potsdam Conference. Recuperate le 20 March 2013.
  2. Russia (USSR) / Poland Treaty (with annexed maps) concerning the Demarcation of the Existing Soviet-Polish State Frontier in the Sector Adjoining the Baltic Sea 5 March 1957 (retrieved from the UN Delimitation Treaties Infobase, accessed on 18 March 2002)
  3. "Potsdam-Conference" Encyclopædia Britannica
  4. BBC Fact File: Potsdam Conference. (2 August 1945). Recuperate le 18 May 2019.