Air cair ekstraterestrial
Air cair ekstraterestrial adalah air dalam keadaan cair yang secara alami terbentuk di luar Bumi. Ini adalah subyek yang sangat menarik karena diakui sebagai salah satu prasyarat utama untuk kehidupan seperti yang kita kenal dan dengan demikian dianggap penting untuk kehidupan ekstraterestrial.[1]
Catatan penjelas
- ^ 'Salviati', who normally gives Galileo's own opinions, says:
I say then that if there were in nature only one way for two surfaces to be illuminated by the sun so that one appears lighter than the other, and that this were by having one made of land and the other of water, it would be necessary to say that the moon's surface was partly terrene and partly aqueous. But because there are more ways known to us that could produce the same effect, and perhaps others that we do not know of, I shall not make bold to affirm one rather than another to exist on the moon...
What is clearly seen in the moon is that the darker parts are all plains, with few rocks and ridges in them, though there are some. The brighter remainder is all fill of rocks, mountains, round ridges, and other shapes, and in particular there are great ranges of mountains around the spots...
I think that the material of the lunar globe is not land and water, and this alone is enough to prevent generations and alterations similar to ours.
- ^ Dyches, Preston; Chou, Felcia (7 April 2015). "The Solar System and Beyond is Awash in Water". NASA. Diakses tanggal 8 April 2015.
Pranala luar
- The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
- Gliese 581: Extrasolar Planet Might Indeed Be Habitable
- Jupiter's Moon Europa: What Could Be Under The Ice?
- To Curious Aliens, Earth Would Stand Out As Living Planet
- Ocean-bearing Planets: Looking For Extraterrestrial Life In All The Right Places