Alfred Tozzer
Alfred Marston Tozzer (4 Juli 1877 – 5 Oktober 1954) adalah seorang antropolog , arkeolog , linguis dan pengajar asal Amerika Serikat . Ranah peminatan utamanya adalah kajian Mesoamerika , khususnya kajian Maya ,.[ 1] Ia adalah suami dari Margaret Castle Tozzer [ 2] dan ayah dari juara seluncur indah Joan Tozzer.[ 3]
^ The source for this article (unless otherwise noted) is Philip Phillips, “Alfred Marsten Tozzer 1877–1954,” American Antiquity , 21:1 (Jul. 1955): 72–80. See also David A. Browman and Stephen Williams, Anthropology at Harvard: A Biographical History (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Peabody Museum Press, 2013), 302–305.
^ "Many Interesting Weddings and Engagements," New York Times 2 Feb. 1913: X3; "Dr. Alfred Tozzer, Anthropologist, 77," New York Times 6 Oct. 1954: 25.
^ "Fine Figures" . Time Magazine . 1939-01-30. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-01-04. Diakses tanggal 2008-06-06 .
Pranala luar
Presiden American Anthropological Association
William John McGee (1902–1904)
Frederic Ward Putnam (1905–1906)
Franz Boas (1907–1908)
William Henry Holmes (1909–1910)
Jesse Walter Fewkes (1911–1912)
Roland Burrage Dixon (1913–1914)
F. W. Hodge (1915–1916)
Alfred L. Kroeber (1917–1918)
Clark Wissler (1919–1920)
William Curtis Farabee (1921–1922)
Walter Hough (1923–1924)
Aleš Hrdlička (1925–1926)
Marshall Howard Saville (1927–1928)
Alfred Tozzer (1929–1930)
George Grant MacCurdy (1931)
John R. Swanton (1932)
Fay-Cooper Cole (1933–1934)
Robert Lowie (1935)
Herbert Spinden (1936)
Nels C. Nelson (1937)
Edward Sapir (1938)
Diamond Jenness (1939)
John M. Cooper (1940)
Elsie Clews Parsons (1941)
Alfred V. Kidder (1942)
Leslie Spier (1943)
Robert Redfield (1944)
Neil Judd (1945)
Ralph Linton (1946)
Ruth Benedict (1947)
Clyde Kluckhohn (1947)
Harry L. Shapiro (1948)
Alfred Irving Hallowell (1949)
Ralph L. Beals (1950)
William W. Howells (1951)
Wendell C. Bennett (1952)
Fred Eggan (1953)
John Otis Brew (1954)
George Murdock (1955)
Emil Haury (1956)
E. Adamson Hoebel (1957)
Harry Hoijer (1958)
Sol Tax (1959)
Margaret Mead (1960)
Gordon Willey (1961)
Sherwood Washburn (1962)
Morris Edward Opler (1963)
Leslie White (1964)
Alexander Spoehr (1965)
John P. Gillin (1966)
Frederica de Laguna (1967)
Irving Rouse (1968)
Cora Du Bois (1969)
George M. Foster (1970)
Charles Wagley (1971)
Anthony F. C. Wallace (1972)
Joseph B. Casagrande (1973)
Edward H. Spicer (1974)
Ernestine Friedl (1975)
Walter Goldschmidt (1976)
Richard N. Adams (1977)
Francis L. K. Hsu (1978)
Paul Bohannan (1979)
Conrad M. Arensberg (1980)
William C. Sturtevant (1981)
M. Margaret Clark (1982)
Dell Hymes (1983)
Nancy Oestreich Lurie (1984–1985)
June Helm (1986–1987)
Roy Rappaport (1988–1989)
Jane E. Buikstra (1989–1991)
Annette Weiner (1991–1993)
James Peacock (1993–1995)
Yolanda T. Moses (1995–1997)
Jane H. Hill (1997–1999)
Louise Lamphere (1999–2001)
Don Brenneis (2001–2003)
Elizabeth Brumfiel (2003–2005)
Alan H. Goodman (2005–2007)
Setha Low (2007–2009)
Virginia R. Domínguez (2009–2011)
Leith Mullings (2011–2013)
Monica Heller (2013–2015)
Alisse Waterston (2015–2017)
Alex Barker (2017–2019)
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