Charles Lightoller
Komandan Charles Herbert Lightoller DSC & Bar, RD, RNR (30 Maret 1874 – 8 Desember 1952) adalah second mate (pewira kedua) di RMS Titanic , dan petugas paling senior yang selamat dari bencana kapal tersebut. Lightoller mendapat medali atas keberaniannya sebagai perwira laut pada Perang Dunia I dan kemudian, selama pensiun, mendapatkan medali pada Perang Dunia II karena menyediakan dan melayarkan salah satu "kapal kecil" selama evakuasi Dunkirk yang lumayan rumit.
Lightoller meninggal dunia pada tanggal 8 Desember 1952 pada usia 78 tahun akibat penyakit jantung kronis. Sebagai seorang perokok pipa sepanjang hidupnya, Lightoller menetap di London selama Kabut Besar 1952 yang melanda kota itu ketika ia meninggal akibat komplikasi penyakit. Jasadnya dikremasi dan abunya disebarkan di Mortlake Crematorium di Richmond, London, Inggris .
Herbert Tiede (1943) (Titanic )
Edmund Purdom (1953) (Titanic )
Neil North (1956) (Kraft Television Theatre ) (A Night to Remember )
Kenneth More (1958) (A Night to Remember )
Malcolm Stoddard (1979) (S.O.S. Titanic ) (film TV)
Kevin McNulty (1996) (Titanic ) (miniseri TV)
John Bolton (1997) (Titanic ) (musikal Broadway)
Jonathan Phillips (1997) (Titanic )
Jesse Baker (2003) (Ghosts of the Abyss ) (Dokumenter)
Steven Waddington (2012) (Titanic ) (serial TV/4 episode)
Catatan kaki
Fasilitas kelas satu
Fasilitas kelas dua dan tiga
Tangga besar
Tenggelam Petugas geladak Awak Musikus Penumpang
Monumendan memorial
Australia Britania Raya
Engine Room Heroes (Liverpool)
Engineers (Southampton)
Musicians (Southampton)
Titanic (Belfast)
Orchestra (Liverpool)
Amerika Serikat
Straus Park (New York City)
Titanic (New York City)
Titanic (Washington, D.C.)
Butt–Millet Memorial Fountain (Washington, D.C.)
Budaya populer (warisan budaya)
The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility (1898)
A Night to Remember (buku)
Polar the Titanic Bear
Saved from the Titanic (1912)
In Nacht und Eis (1912)
Atlantic (1929)
Atlantik (1929)
Titanic (1943)
Titanic (1953)
A Night to Remember (1958)
The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964)
Raise the Titanic (1980)
Secrets of the Titanic (1986)
Titanica (1992)
Titanic (1997)
The Chambermaid on the Titanic (1997)
The Legend of the Titanic (1999)
Titanic: The Legend Goes On (2000)
The Boy Who Saw the Iceberg (2000)
Ghosts of the Abyss (2003)
Tentacolino (2004)
Titanic II (2010)
The Six (2021)
Titanic 666 (2022)
"A Night to Remember" (1956)
S.O.S. Titanic (1979)
Titanic: The Complete Story (1994)
Titanic (miniseri 1996)
No Greater Love (1996)
"A Flight to Remember" (Futurama ) (1999)
Titanic (miniseri 2012)
Titanic: Blood and Steel (2012)
Saving the Titanic (2012)
Titanic: The Aftermath (2012)
The Berg (1929)
The Unsinkable Molly Brown (musikal 1960)
Titanic (1974)
Titanic (musikal 1997)
"The Titanic (It Was Sad When That Great Ship Went Down)" (lagu rakyat)
The Sinking of the Titanic (komposisi musik)
Titanic (album jalur suara)
Back to Titanic (album jalur suara)
"My Heart Will Go On " (lagu)
"Nearer, My God, to Thee " (lagu)
Titanique (parodi musikal)
"Dance Band on the Titanic" (lagu)
"Titanic" (lagu)
Titanic Requiem (komposisi musik)
"Tempest" (lagu)
Titanic Rising (album)
Permainan video
Search for the Titanic (1989)
Titanic: Adventure Out of Time (1996)
Titanic: Honor and Glory (TBA)
Museum dan pameran
SeaCity Museum (Southampton)
Titanic Museum (Branson, Missouri)
Titanic Museum (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic (Halifax)
Titanic Belfast
Titanic (Kanada)
Titanic Canyon
Titanic Quarter, Belfast
Cape Race, Newfoundland
Fairview Lawn Cemetery
Mount Olivet Cemetery (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Arrol Gantry
Titanic, Oklahoma
Kapal Hukum
RMS Titanic Maritime Memorial Act
Perjanjian Tentang Bangkai Kapal RMS Titanic
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