Daftar gerakan agama baru

Daftar gerakan-gerakan agama baru
Namanya Pendiri Pendirian Jenis
Adidam[1]:25–28[2]:2–3 Adi Da (Franklin Albert Jones) 1972 Neo-Vedanta
Agni Yoga (Roerikhisme)[3]:6[4]:876 Helena dan Nicholas Roerich pertengahan 1920-an neo-Teosofi
Aeterius (Perhimpunan Aeterius)[5]:25–26 George King 1955 Agama BETA
Azali (Azali Babi)[6]:246 Subh-i-Azal 1863 Babisme
Akademi Ilmu Unarius[3]:300, 302–303 Ernest dan Ruth Norman 1954 Agama BETA
Akropolis Baru[2]:441–442[7]:217 Jorge Ángel Livraga Rizzi 1957 neo-Teosofi, Esoterisme Barat
Anastasianisme[8]:442 Vladimir Megre 1997 Paganisme Modern, Paganisme Slavia, Zaman Baru
Antroposofi (Perhimpunan Antroposofi)[5]:33–34 Rudolf Steiner 1912 Okultisme, Esoterisme Barat, Rosikrusian
Aum Shinrikyo, juga Alef[3]:23[4]:1073[5]:44–45 Shoko Asahara 1987 Buddha Jepang, Sinkretisme
Babisme (Iman Bayání)[9]:180[2]:58 Báb (Ali Muhammad Shirazi) 1844 Syiah, Milenarianisme
Baha'i (Iman Baha'i)[2]:58–56[5]:48–49[10]:243–248 Bahá'u'lláh (Husayn Ali Nuri) 1863 Babisme, Universalisme
Brahmoisme (Brahmo Dharma)[11]:43–57 Debendranath Tagore 1848/1850 Neo-Vedanta, Universalisme
Cao Đài (Mata Ilahi) atau Đại Đạo Tam Kỳ Phổ Độ[5]:69–70 Ngô Văn Chiêu; Lê Văn Trung 1926 Sinkretisme, Spiritisme, Milenarianisme
Cen Tao (Jalan yang Benar)[5]:78–79 Hon-Ming Chen 1955 Agama BETA
Falun Gong atau Falun Dafa[4]:1126 Li Hongzhi 1992 Qigong, Sinkretisme
Gerakan AKU ADALAH[3]:138[4]:873 Guy dan Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard awal 1930-an neo-Teosofi
Gerakan Piala (Gerakan Grail)[3]:122–123[4]:786 Abd-ru-shin (Oskar Ernst Bernhardt) 1924 Kristen Sinkretis, Zaman Baru
Gerbang Surga[12]:406 Marshall Applewhite; Bonnie Nettles awal 1970-an Agama BETA
Gereja Ilmu Ilahi (Church of Divine Science)[10]:326 Malinda Cramer 1888 Pemikiran Baru, Pengobatan holistik
Gereja Industri Universal Penghibur Dunia Baru (The Universal Industrial Church of the New World Comforter)[12] Allen Michael 1973 Agama BETA
Gereja Mesianitas Dunia (Sekai Kyūsei Kyō)[3]:94, 371[4]:1120[5]:94 Mokichi Okada 1934 Shinto, Agama baru Jepang, Pengobatan holistik
Gereja Setan[2]:508–509[5]:91–92[10]:401–410 Anton LaVey 1966 Setanisme
Gereja Setan Pertama[13]:701 Karla LaVey 1997 Setanisme
Gereja Universal dan Kemenangan, juga Persaudaraan Penjaga Api[5]:94–95 Mark L. dan Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1958 neo-Teosofi, Zaman Baru
Huna[1]:406–407 Max Freedom Long 1936 Pemikiran Baru, Zaman Baru, Agama Hawaii
Ikuanisme (I Kuan Tao)[2]:627–629[14]:702–703 Wang Jueyi; Chang Thien Ran akhir abad ke-19 Kepercayaan tradisional Tionghoa, Sinkretisme, Milenarianisme
Ilmu Keagamaan (Religious Science), juga Gereja Bersatu Ilmu Keagamaan[3]:245–246 Ernest Holmes 1927 Pemikiran Baru, Universalisme
Ivanovisme[15]:128–145 Porfiry Ivanov 1933 Paganisme Modern, Paganisme Slavia, Sinkretisme, Pengobatan holistik
Jalan Keempat (Fourth Way)[10]:259–266[16]:42 Georges Gurdjieff sekira 1913 Esoterisme Barat dan Sufi, Sinkretisme
Kofuku-no-Kagaku[17] Ryuho Okawa 1986 Agama baru Jepang, , Sinkretisme
Komunitas Eden atau agama Salamullah[18]:103–104 Lia Eden 1995 Sinkretisme
Lectorium Rosicrucianum[2]:338–339[3]:165–166[4]:844 Jan van Rijckenborgh; Zwier Willem Leene 1924 neo-Rosikrusian
Loji bersatu para Teosofis (United Lodge of Theosophists)[4]:855 Robert Crosbie 1909 Teosofi
Modekngei (Ngara Modekngei)[19] Tamadad von Chol sekira 1915 Sinkretisme Kristen-Pagan
Oomoto[3]:216 Nao dan Onisaburo Deguchi 1892 Shinto, Agama baru Jepang, Universalisme
Ordo Kebatinan Purba Salib Mawar (A.M.O.R.C, Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis)[1]:42–43[4]:841[5]:31 Harvey Spencer Lewis 1915 neo-Rosikrusian
Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)[2]:430 Carl Kellner; Theodor Reuss 1906 Esoterisme Barat, neo-Hermetisisme, Thelema
Osyo-gerakan atau Rajneesh-gerakan, kaum neosannyasin[3]:236, 238[4]:1051 Rajneesh 1966 Agama Dharmik, Sinkretisme
Pemikiran Baru (New Thought)[3]:208[10]:325–330 Phineas Quimby pertengahan abad ke-19 Metafisika, Spiritualisme, Universalisme, Pengobatan holistik
Perhimpunan Teosofi (sejak 1882 — Perhimpunan Teosofi Adyar)[2]:624–625[10]:315–324[20] H. P. Blavatsky; Henry Steel Olcott; William Quan Judge 1875 Okultisme, Agama Dharmik, Teosofi
Perhimpunan Teosofi Pasadena[10]:315–324[20]:blz. 427 William Quan Judge 1895 Teosofi
Persatuan (Gereja Persatuan, Unity Church)[3]:306–307 Charles dan Myrtle Fillmore 1889 Pemikiran Baru, Kristen, Universalisme
Persaudaraan Cahaya Batin (Fraternity of the Inner Light)[2]:217–219 Dion Fortune 1924 neo-Hermetisisme, Esoterisme Kristen
Persaudaraan Putih Universal (Universal White Brotherhood)[4]:880 Peter Deunov 1900 Esoterisme Kristen, Sinkretisme
Persaudaraan Salib Mawar (FRC, Fraternitas Rosae Crucis)[3]:108[4]:843 Paschal Beverly Randolph 1858 neo-Rosikrusian
Persaudaraan Salib Mawar (TRF, The Rosicrucian Fellowship)[3]:249[4]:845 Max Heindel 1909 neo-Rosikrusian
Raelianisme[3]:234 Claude Vorilhon (Rael) 1973 Agama BETA
Rastafari atau kaum Rasta[4]:954 Leonard Howell; Joseph Hibbert; Archibald Dunkley; Robert Hinds[4]:954 1935 Agama Abrahamik, Kristen-Yahudi hitam
Reiki[2]:528–529 Mikao Usui 1922 Pengobatan energi, Buddha Jepang, Agama baru Jepang, Sinkretisme
Sadharan Brahmo Samaj[11]:43–57 Anandamohan Bose; Sivanath Sastri; Umesh Chandra Dutta 1878 Brahmoisme
Saminisme (Gerakan Samin atau Wong Sikep)[21]:207–240 Samin Surosentiko 1889 Agama Abrahamik
Scientology, juga Gereja Scientology[4]:816[10]:385–392 L. Ron Hubbard 1955 Agama BETA
Seico-no-Ie[2]:568–569 Taniguchi Masaharu; Fenwicke Holmes 1930 Ilmu Keagamaan, Shinto, Agama baru Jepang, Universalisme
Sekolah Batin (Sekolah Arkan)[5]:94–95 Alice dan Foster Bailey 1922 neo-Teosofi
Shinji Shumeikai, juga Shumei[17] Mihoko Koyama 1970 Gereja Mesianitas Dunia, Agama baru Jepang, Pengobatan holistik
Shinreikyo[3]:266[4]:1123 Kanichi Otsuka 1947 Shinto, Agama baru Jepang
Spiritualisme, Spiritisme[10]:331–338[22]:248 Kate dan Margaret Fox 1848 Paranormal, Metafisika
Subud (Susila Budhi Dharma)[2]:607–608[3]:279[10]:267–274[18]:101 Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo 1933 Kejawen, Sufisme
Syamanisme Inti (Core Shamanism), The Foundation for Shamanic Studies[2]:580[23] Michael Harner 1980-an neo-Syamanisme
Syengdao, juga Tongshanshe[14] Peng Tairong (Ruzun) awal abad ke-20 Kepercayaan tradisional Tionghoa, Sinkretisme
Thelema, juga Ordo A∴A∴[16]:41–42 Aleister Crowley awal 1900-an Okultisme, Esoterisme Barat, neo-Hermetisisme
Tensegriti[2]:581[23] Carlos Castaneda 1995 neo-Syamanisme, Zaman Baru, Agama asli penduduk Amerika
Tenrikyo[3]:287–288 Miki Nakayama 1838 Shinto, Agama baru Jepang
Meditasi Transcendental[4]:1045 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1958 Neo-Vedanta, Universalisme
Wikka[10]:339–346[16]:55 Gerald Gardner 1954 Paganisme Modern, Ilmu sihir
Yayasan Krishnamurti[24] Jiddu Krishnamurti 1928 neo-Teosofi, Universalisme
Yayasan Urantia, juga Persaudaraan Urantia[4]:839 William S. Sadler 1934 Agama BETA

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Catatan kaki

  1. ^ a b c Lewis, James R. (1998). The encyclopedia of cults, sects, and new religions (edisi ke-[Nachdr.]). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. ISBN 978-1-57392-222-7. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Clarke, Peter B., ed. (2006). Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements. London; New York: Routledge. ISBN 9-78-0-415-26707-6. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (1992). Rosen, Roger, ed. The illustrated encyclopedia of active new religions, sects, and cults. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. ISBN 978-0-8239-1505-7. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Melton, J. Gordon (2003). Encyclopedia of American religions (edisi ke-7). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group. ISBN 978-0-7876-6384-1. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Chryssides, George D. (2001). Historical dictionary of new religious movements. Lanham, Md. [u.a.]: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-4095-9. 
  6. ^ Barrett, David (2001). The New Believers. London: Cassell & Co. ISBN 0-304-35592-5. 
  7. ^ Clarke, Peter B. (2006). New Religions in Global Perspective: A Study of Religious Change in the Modern World. London; New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-203-50833-5. 
  8. ^ Lewis, James R.; Tøllefsen, Inga Bårdsen, ed. (2015). Handbook of Nordic New Religions. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 978-9004292468. 
  9. ^  Garnett, Richard (1878). "Bábi". Dalam Baynes, T.S. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 3 (edisi ke-9th). 
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Miller, Timothy, ed. (1995). America's Alternative Religions. Albany: SUNY Press. ISBN 978-0-7914-2397-4. 
  11. ^ a b Kopf, David (1979). The Brahmo Samaj and the Shaping of the Modern Indian Mind. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 
  12. ^ a b Partridge, Christopher Hugh (2003). UFO Religions. London; New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-26324-5. 
  13. ^ Melton, J. Gordon; Baumann, Martin, ed. (2010). Religions of the world: a comprehensive encyclopedia of beliefs and practices. 6-volume Set (edisi ke-2). Santa Barbara; Denver; Oxford: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-59884-203-6. 
  14. ^ a b Ownby, David (2015). "Redemptive Societies in Twentieth Century China". Dalam Goosaert, Vincent; Kiely, Jan; Lagerway, John. Modern Chinese Religion, 1850–1950. Leiden: Brill. hlm. 685–730. 
  15. ^ Aitamurto, Kaarina; Simpson, Scott, ed. (2013). Modern Pagan and Native Faith Movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Durham: Acumen. ISBN 978-1-84465-662-2. 
  16. ^ a b c Hanegraaff, Wouter J. (2013). Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Bloomsbury Press. ISBN 978-1-4411-3646-6. 
  17. ^ a b Clarke, Peter B., ed. (2000). Japanese New Religions: In Global Perspective. Surrey, UK: Curzon Press. ISBN 0-7007-1185-6. 
  18. ^ a b Popov, Igor (Dr. Igor Popov, LLM) (2017). Buku rujukan semua aliran dan perkumpulan agama di Indonesia. Singaraja: Toko Buku Indra Jaya. 
  19. ^ Machiko, Aoyagi (2002). Modekngei: A New Religion in Belau. Tokio: Shinsensha Press. ISBN 4-7877-0207-6. 
  20. ^ a b Ryan, Charles J. (1975). H.P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement. San Diego, CA: Point Loma Publications. ISBN 0-913004-25-1. 
  21. ^ Benda, Harry J.; Castles, Lance (1969). "The Samin Movement". Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia. 125 (2). ISSN 2213-4379. 
  22. ^ Carroll, Bret E. (1997). Spiritualism in Antebellum America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-33315-5. 
  23. ^ a b Robert, J. Wallis (2003). Shamans/neo-Shamans: Ecstasy, Alternative Archaeologies and Contemporary Pagans. London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-30203-X. 
  24. ^ "Jiddu Krishnamurti". Encyclopædia Britannica Online (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 27-06-2019.