Enklave Palestina
Area A dan B menurut Perjanjian Oslo II
Proposal dalam rencana perdamaian Trump (termasuk terowongan menuja Gaza dan belahan Gurun Negev)
Enklave Palestina adalah wilayah yang diusulkan di Tepi Barat yang dirancang untuk orang Palestina di bawah berbagai proporsal yang dicetuskan Amerika Serikat dan Israel untuk mengakhiri konflik Israel-Palestina.[a][1] Dalam hal perbandingan populer antara Israel dan Afrika Selatan era apartheid, enklave-enklave tersebut juga disebut sebagai bantustan[b][c][d][e][f][g] dan secara figuratif sebagai kepulauan Palestina,[h][4][5][i] beserta istilah-istilah lainnya.
- ^ "Faced with widely drawn international parallels between the West Bank and the Bantustans of apartheid South Africa, senior figures in Mr Netanyahu's Likud party have begun to admit the danger.' (Stephens 2013)
- ^ "They explain the parallels between the fragmented Palestinian enclosures in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the Bantustans in apartheid era South Africa. They argue that a Palestinian state comprised of these isolated enclosures would be both illegitimate and unviable" (Clarno 2017, hlm. 4)
- ^ " The relationship in question is the one between Israel and South Africa's former Bantustans, in particular Bophuthatswana. That this relationship has been forgotten is all the more surprising given the parallels between South Africa's apartheid policy and Israel's treatment of Palestinians, as well as between South Africa's Bantustan strategy and Israel's carving up of the Palestinian territories." (Lissoni 2015, Ch.4)
- ^ "Palestine's fragments do resemble the spatial array of the Bantustans in South Africa." (Peteet 2017, hlm. 63)
- ^ "The archipelago of Palestinian enclaves proposed by Trump — subordinate to Israeli security concerns and more akin to the "bantustans" of apartheid-era South Africa — is emphatically not that." (Tharoor 2020)
- ^ "Fragmenting the Palestinian territory into fenced-in enclaves resembles the grand apartheid Bantustan policy of pretending that noncontiguous patches of land could eventually constitute viable independent states. Impoverished and overcrowded under corrupt and unpopular authoritarian rulers, these "homelands" in both cases were—and are—doomed to fail in fulfilling the aspirations of their populations. In addition, when two sets of laws apply to residents of the same territory (as is the case for Israeli settlers and Palestinians), then this differential treatment amounts to apartheid." (Adam & Moodley 2005, hlm. 104)
- ^ Also contracted as "Palutustans".'The experience of the past four decades puts a question mark over this assumption. If a Palestinian state is not established, Israel will most likely continue to administer the area, possibly allotting crumbs of sovereignty to Palestinian groups in areas that will continue to function as "Palutustans" (Palestinian Bantustans)."[2] Francis Boyle, former Amnesty International USA board member and legal advisor to the Palestinians in Madrid (1991-1993), and presently professor of International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, after describing the process of peace negotiations as designed to create a Bantustan for Palestinians, argued that historically, it was Western imperial colonial powers, whose policies in his view had been racist and genocidal that, in creating Israel, had effectively established what was a Bantustan for the Jewish people themselves, an entity he called "Jewistan".[3]
- ^ "In 2009, French artist Julien Bousac designed a map of the West Bank titled "L'archipel de Palestine orientale, " or "The Archipelago of Eastern Palestine"... Bousac's map illustrates — via a military and a tourist imaginary — how the US-brokered Oslo Accords fragmented the West Bank into enclaves separated by checkpoints and settlements that maintain Israeli control over the West Bank and circumscribe the majority of the Palestinian population to shrinking Palestinian city and village centers." (Kelly 2016, hlm. 723–745)
- ^ an archipelago of enclaves (Peteet 2016, hlm. 256)
- ^ Chaichian 2013, hlm. 271–319.
- ^ Yiftachel 2016, hlm. 320.
- ^ Boyle 2011, hlm. 13–17, p.60.
- ^ Barak 2005, hlm. 719–736.
- ^ Baylouny 2009, hlm. 39–68.
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Pranala luar
- The Writing is on the Wall Annexation Past and Present
- Conquer and Divide