Frank Wedekind

Frank Wedekind
Frank Wedekind
pada 1883
LahirBenjamin Franklin Wedekind
(1864-07-24)24 Juli 1864
Hanover, Konfederasi Jerman
Meninggal9 Maret 1918(1918-03-09) (umur 53)
Munich, Kekaisaran Jerman
Pekerjaanpengarang sandiwara
IMDB: nm0917149 Allocine: 69816 Allmovie: p692350 people/frank-wedekind IBDB: 454225
Spotify: 56n7pELdz6VOsGB2pN93qu iTunes: 120895434 Musicbrainz: c2726e9c-4aeb-487f-b15e-47cf2e05724d Discogs: 586792 IMSLP: Category:Wedekind,_Frank Find a Grave: 14656216 Modifica els identificadors a Wikidata

Benjamin Franklin Wedekind (24 Juli 1864 – 9 Maret 1918) adalah seorang pengarang sandiwara asal Jerman. Seringkali mengkritik sikap burjois (terutama terhadap seks), karyanya dianggap mempelopori ekspresionisme dan mempengaruhi pengembangan teater epik.[1]



  1. ^ See Banham (1998) and Willett (1959). In his Messingkauf Dialogues, Brecht cites Wedekind, along with Büchner and Valentin, as his "chief influences" in his early years: "he", Brecht writes of himself in the third person, "also saw the writer Wedekind performing his own works in a style which he had developed in cabaret. Wedekind had worked as a ballad singer; he accompanied himself on the lute." (1965, 69).

Daftar pustaka

  • Banham, Martin, ed. 1998. "Wedekind, Frank." In The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-43437-8. p. 1189-1190.
  • Boa, Elizabeth. 1987. The Sexual Circus: Wedekind's Theatre of Subversion. Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-14234-7.
  • Brecht, Bertolt. 1965. The Messingkauf Dialogues. Trans. John Willett. Bertolt Brecht: Plays, Poetry, Prose Ser. London: Methuen, 1985. ISBN 0-413-38890-5.
  • Mueller, Carl R. 2000. Introduction to Frank Wedekind: Four Major Plays, Vol 1. Lyme, New Hampshire: Smith and Kraus.
  • Willett, John. 1967. The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht: A Study from Eight Aspects. Third rev. ed. London: Methuen, 1977. ISBN 0-413-34360-X.

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