
Herophilos (kanan) mengajarkan Anatomi, 1906, karya Veloso Salgado (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon)

Herophilos (/hɪˈrɒfɪləs/; bahasa Yunani: Ἡρόφιλος; 335–280 SM), terkadang diLatinisasi menjadi Herophilus, adalah seorang dokter Yunani yang dianggap sebagai anatomis pertama. Lahir di Kalsedon, ia menjalani sebagian besar masa hidupnya di Aleksandria.


  • von Staden H. (ed. trans.) Herophilos: The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria. Cambridge University Press, 1989 ISBN 0-521-23646-0 ISBN 978-0-521-23646-1
  • Simon Hornblower and Anthony Spawford, "Herophilos", The Oxford Classical Dictionary. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999) 699.
  • "Herophilus", Encyclopedia of World Biography, Supplement Vol. 25 Thomson Gale. (Michigan: Gale).
  • Adrian Wills, "Herophilus, Erasistratus, and the birth of neuroscience", The Lancet. (November 13, 1999): 1719 Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale, 30 Nov. 2008.
  • "On the Localisation of the Functions of the Brain with Special Reference to the Faculty of Language", Anthropological Review, Vol. 6, (Oct., 1868) 336.
  • Galen. On the natural faculties. Brock A. J. (trans.) Heinemann, London 1916. p. xii, 233

Bacaan tambahan

  • Dean-Jones, Lesley (1994). Women's bodies in classical Greek science (edisi ke-Revised). Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-814767-8. 
  • Lloyd, G. E. R. (1973). Greek science after Aristotle. New York: Norton. ISBN 0-393-04371-1. 
  • Lloyd, G. E. R. (1983). Science, folklore and ideology : studies in the life sciences in ancient Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-25314-4. 
  • Longrigg, James (1981). "Superlative achievement and comparative neglect: Alexandrian medical science and modern historical research". History of science; an annual review of literature, research, and teaching. 19: 155–200. PMID 11610979. 
  • Potter, Paul (1976). "Herophilus of Chalcedon: an assessment of his place in the history of anatomy". Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 50 (1): 45–60. PMID 769875. 
  • Solmsen, Friedrich (1961). "Greek Philosophy and the Discovery of the Nerves". Museum Helveticum. 18: 150–197. 
  • von Staden, Heinrich (1982). "Hairesis and Heresy". Dalam Meyer, Ben F.; Sanders, E. P. Jewish and Christian Self-Definition: Self-Definition in the Graeco-Roman World. London: SCM Press.