Kebun manusia
Kebun manusia (juga disebut pameran etnologi atau Desa Negro) adalah pameran manusia yang diselenggarakan pada abad ke-19 dan 20, biasanya dalam keadaan alami atau primitif.[1] Pamerannya sering menekankan perbedaan budaya antara peradaban Eropa dan Barat dan orang-orang non-Eropa. Kebun etnografi sering didasari oleh unilinealisme, rasisme ilmiah, dan Darwinisme sosial. Sejumlah kebun manusia menempatkan penduduk pribumi (terutama Afrika) di antara primata besar dan manusia keturunan Eropa.[2] Kebun etnografi banyak dikritik karena sangat merendahkan martabat manusia dan rasis. Ota Benga adalah salah seorang etnis Afrika yang pernah dijadikan objek pameran di Bronx Zoo.[3]
Di era modern, museum sejarah hidup atau museum pertanian hidup mirip seperti kebun manusia. Museum sejarah hidup berupaya menampilkan bagaimana orang-orang hidup di berbagai masa atau tempat. Karyawan atau relawan berpakaian dan melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari dalam budaya lain. Di Amerika Serikat, museum sejarah hidup memamerkan kehidupan yang mendemonstrasikan pemanggangan roti, menanam dan memanen ladang, serta beternak ayam. Umumnya, para relawan ini pulang pada malam hari.
Lihat pula
- Abraham Ulrikab
- Antropologi
- Kolonialisme
- Acara gila
- Imperialisme Baru
- Museum sejarah hidup
- Scramble for Africa
- Kebun binatang
- ^ Iannuzzi, Guido Abbattista and Giulia (2016-10). "World Expositions as Time Machines: Two Views of the Visual Construction of Time between Anthropology and Futurama". World History Connected. 13 (3).
- ^ Bradley, James. "The ape insult: a short history of a racist idea". The Conversation (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 30 September 2020.
In this view, humans didn’t share a common ancestry with apes; they were directly descended from them. And Africans then became the link between monkeys and Europeans. The popular image commonly associated with Darwinian evolution of the staged transformation of ape into man should more properly be called Lamarckian.
- ^ "The man who was caged in a zoo | Pamela Newkirk". the Guardian (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2015-06-03. Diakses tanggal 30 September 2020.
Daftar pustaka dan film
- Nicolas Bancel, Pascal Blanchard, Gilles Boëtsch, Eric Deroo, Sandrine Lemaire Zoos humains. De la Vénus hottentote aux reality shows, edition La Découverte (2002) 480 pages (Prancis) - French presentation of the book here [1] ISBN 2-7071-4401-0
- Anne Dreesbach: Colonial Exhibitions, 'Völkerschauen' and the Display of the 'Other', European History Online, Mainz: Institute of European History, 2012, retrieved: June 6, 2012.
- The Couple in the Cage. 1997. Dir. Coco Fusco and Paula Eredia. 30 min.
- Régis Warnier, the film Man to Man. 2005.
- "From Bella Coola to Berlin". 2006. Dir. Barbara Hager. 48 minutes. Broadcaster—Bravo! Canada (2007).
- "Indianer in Berlin: Hagenbeck's Volkerschau". 2006. Dir. Barbara Hager. Broadcaster—Discovery Germany Geschichte Channel (2007).
- Alexander C. T. Geppert, Fleeting Cities. Imperial Expositions in Fin-de-Siècle Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).
- Sadiah Qureshi, Peoples on Parade: Exhibitions, Empire and Anthropology in Nineteenth-Century Britain (2011).
Pranala luar
- Pascal Blanchard, Sandrine Lemaire and Nicolas Bancel (August 2000). "Human zoos - Racist theme parks for Europe's colonialists". Le Monde Diplomatique. (Inggris); "Ces zoos humains de la République coloniale". Le Monde Diplomatique. August 2000. (Prancis) (available to everyone)
- "On A Neglected Aspect Of Western Racism", by Kurt Jonassohn, December 2000 (Jonassohn is known for his book with Frank Chalk, The history and sociology of genocide: analyses and case studies, 1990, Yale University Press; New Haven) (Inggris)
- On the construction of the African "savage" stereotype necessary to colonialism, on (Inggris)
- "First thoughts on the site of the Groote Schuur Zoo" Diarsipkan 2006-07-12 di Wayback Machine. by Nick Shepherd & David Van Reybrouck (Inggris)
- The Colonial Exposition of May 1931 Diarsipkan 2018-12-15 di Wayback Machine. by Michael Vann (Inggris)
- May 2003 Symposium "Human Zoos or the exhibition of the creature" Diarsipkan 2013-07-03 di Wayback Machine. (Prancis)
- Imperial Culture in countries without colonies: Africa and Switzerland; The Human Zoo in Switzerland: object of popular curiosity or tool of colonial propaganda? by Patrick Minder, University of Neuchâtel (Prancis)
- Guido Abbattista, Africains en exposition (Italie XIXe siècle) entre racialisme, spectacularité et humanitarisme Diarsipkan 2007-10-10 di Wayback Machine. (Prancis)
- "Official site of the Adelaide Human Zoo" (Inggris)
- Qureshi, Sadiah (2004), 'Displaying Sara Baartman, the 'Hottentot Venus', History of Science 42:233-257. Available online at Science History Publications.