Khudai Khidmatgar

Khudai Khidmatgar (bahasa Pashtun: خدايي خدمتگار) yang secara harfiah diterjemahkan sebagai pelayan Allah, mewakili perjuangan non-kekerasan melawan Kekaisaran Britania oleh suku Pashtun (juga dikenal sebagai Pathan, Pakhtun atau Afghan) di Provinsi Frontier Barat Laut, India Britania (sekarang di Pakistan).
Juga disebut "Surkh Posh" atau "Kaos Merah", gerakan tersebut aslinya merupakan sebuah organisasi reformasi sosial yang berfokus pada pendidikan dan peniadaan uang darah yang dikenal sebagai Anjuman-e-Islah-e Afghania (perhimpunan untuk reformasi orang Afghan). Gerakan tersebut dipimpin oleh Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, yang dikenal oleh penduduk lokal sebagai Bacha Khan atau Badshah Khan.[1]
- ^ Red Shirt Movement.(2008) Encyclopædia Britannica. Diakses pada 14 September 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: []
- Baldauf, Scott The Khudai Khidmatgar Christian Science Monitor [1] Diarsipkan 2006-06-26 di Wayback Machine.
- Banerjee, Mukulika (2000). Pathan Unarmed: Opposition & Memory in the North West Frontier. School of American Research Press. ISBN 0-933452-68-3
- Eknath Easwaran (1999). Nonviolent soldier of Islam: Ghaffar Khan: a man to match his mountains (see article). Nilgiri Press, Tomales, CA. ISBN 1-888314-00-1
- Khan, Behroz (July 2004) Journey in history. The NEWS. Jang group. Available online at [2][pranala nonaktif permanen]
- Rashid, Haroonur (2005) History of the Pathans. Volume 2 p 573
- Taizi, Sher Zaman. (2002) Bacha Khan in Afghanistan: A Memoir. Asian Reflection.
- Babar, Aneela, (29 May 2006) On Doing Pakhtunwali. The Post.
- Khan, Abdul K. 1997. "The Khudai Kidmatgar (Servants of God)/Red Shirt Movement in the Northwest Frontier Province of British India, 1927–47." Ph.D. Diss., History. University of Hawaii.
- Michel, Thomas S.J. (June 2004) Can’t We Be Like Abdul Ghaffar Khan? The significance of Abdul Ghaffar Khan in the recent history of peace activism is his institution of the importance of discipline in peace- makers. Diarsipkan 2010-05-03 di Wayback Machine.
- Talbot, Ian(1 March 1989)Provincial Politics and the Pakistan Movement: The Growth of the Muslim League in North-West and North-East India 1937–47
Pranala luar
- The Khudai Khidmatgar Diarsipkan 2006-06-26 di Wayback Machine.
- The Pashtun Code
- Ghani Khan (Poet and son of Ghaffar Khan) Diarsipkan 2009-06-16 di Wayback Machine.; Interview, film, and sound recordings
- Interview Diarsipkan 2006-05-09 di Wayback Machine. with Ghaffar Khan
- Pervez Khan: Remembering Baacha Khan: memory of his courage to stay for ever
- Rajmohan Gandhi: Mohandas Gandhi, Abdul Ghaffar Khan, and the Middle-East today Diarsipkan 2007-01-01 di Wayback Machine.
- Rajmohan Gandhi: Badshah Khan and our times Diarsipkan 2009-05-31 di Wayback Machine.
- Khan's triumph of will Diarsipkan 2007-10-09 di Wayback Machine.