Kongres Kontinental Kedua
Independence Hall, Philadelphia
Deklarasi Kemerdekaan oleh John Trumbull
Kongres Kontinental Kedua merupakan sebuah nama yang diberikan kepada majelis delegasi dari 13 koloni Amerika Serikat yang berlangsung pada 10 Mei 1775 hingga 1 Maret 1781 . Kongres ini menyetujui Deklarasi Kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat pada 4 Juli 1776 , mangeak Pasal-Pasal Konfederasi . Selama Revolusi Amerika Serikat , Kongres ini bertindak sebagai pemerintah dan membuat keputusan mengenai kebijakan luar negeri, perang, dan mata uang.[ 1] [ 2]
Lihat pula
^ (Cogliano 2000, p. 113)
^ (Marienstras et Wulf 2005, p. 68)
Bacaan selanjutnya
Pranala luar
Federal Open Market Committee
Federal Reserve Bank
Uang kertas Laporan
Beige Book
Federal Reserve Statistical Release
Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
Dana federal
Margin diskonto
Dana federal
Suku bunga dana federal
Pedagang primer
Currency Acts (1751; 1764)
Bank of North America (1781–1791)
First Bank of the United States (1791–1811)
Second Bank of the United States (1816–1836)
Suffolk Bank (1818–1858)
Suffolk System (1824–1858)
Bank War (1832–1836)
New York Clearing House (1853–1913)
National Bank Acts (1863; 1864)
Specie Payment Resumption Act (1875)
Aldrich–Vreeland Act (1908)
Federal Reserve Act (1913)
Resesi pasca–Perang Dunia I (1918–1919)
Depresi 1920–21
Krisis Wall Street 1929
Depresi Besar (1929–1933)
Resesi 1937–38
Employment Act of 1946
Resesi akhir 1940-an (1948–1949)
U.S. Treasury Department Accord (1951)
Resesi awal 1950-an (1953–1954)
Bank Holding Company Act (1956)
Resesi akhir 1950-an (1957–1958)
Resesi 1960–61
Tindakan Federal Open Market Committee (1961–2015)
Resesi 1969–70
Resesi 1970-an (1973–1975)
Federal Reserve Reform Act (1977)
Humphrey–Hawkins Full Employment Act (1978)
Resesi awal 1980-an (1980; 1981–1982)
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (1980)
Board of Governors, FRS v. Investment Co. Institute (1981)
Black Monday (1987)
Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (1989)
Krisis mini Jumat ke-13 (1989)
Resesi awal 1990-an (1990–1991)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (1991)
Krisis mini 1997
Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (1999)
Pecahnya gelembung dot-com (2000–2002)
Dampak ekonomi 9/11 (2001)
Pelambatan bursa efek 2002
Resesi awal 2000-an (2002–2003)
Krisis keuangan 2007–2008
Resesi Besar (2007–2009)
Pasar beruang A.S. 2007–2009
Tanggapan Federal Reserve terhadap krisis subprima (2007–2010)
Bloomberg v. Federal Reserve (2009)
Krisis Kilat (2010)
Penurunan bursa efek Agustus 2011
Penjualan bursa efek 2015–16
Charles S. Hamlin (1914–1916)
William P. G. Harding (1916–1922)
Daniel R. Crissinger (1923–1927)
Roy A. Young (1927–1930)
Eugene Meyer (1930–1933)
Eugene R. Black (1933–1934)
Marriner S. Eccles (1934–1948)
Thomas B. McCabe (1948–1951)
William M. Martin (1951–1970)
Arthur F. Burns (1970–1978)
G. William Miller (1978–1979)
Paul Volcker (1979–1987)
Alan Greenspan (1987–2006)
Ben Bernanke (2006–2014)
Janet Yellen (2014–2018)
Jerome Powell (2018–)
Jerome Powell (Ketua)
Philip Jefferson (Wakil Ketua)
Michael Barr (Wakil Ketua Pengawasan)
4 kursi kosong
Susan M. Collins (Boston)
John C. Williams (New York)
Patrick T. Harker (Philadelphia)
Beth M. Hammack (Cleveland)
Thomas Barkin (Richmond)
Raphael Bostic (Atlanta)
Austan Goolsbee (Chicago)
James B. Bullard (St. Louis)
Neel Kashkari (Minneapolis)
Jeffrey Schmid (Kansas City)
Lorie K. Logan (Dallas)
Mary C. Daly (San Francisco)
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