Letusan Minoa

Letusan Minoa di Thera, juga disebut letusan Thera atau letusan Santorini, adalah letusan gunung berapi (VEI = 6-7, DRE = 60 km3)[1] yang diperkirakan terjadi pada pertengahan milenium kedua SM.[2] Letusan ini merupakan salah satu peristiwa gunung berapi terbesar dalam sejarah manusia.[3] Letusan ini menghancurkan pulau Thera, termasuk peradaban Minoa dan Akrotiri dan juga komunitas dan wilayah agrikultur disekitar pulau dan pantai Kreta. Letusan ini merupakan salah satu penyebab runtuhnya peradaban Minoa.
Lihat pula
- ^ "Santorini eruption much larger than originally believed". August 23, 2006. Diakses tanggal 2007-03-10.
- ^ Hardy DA (1989). "Therea and the Aegean World III", Volume III—Chronology (Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Hardy DA, editor). Diakses tanggal 2008. Teks "03-16" akan diabaikan (bantuan);
- ^ McCoy, FW, & Dunn, SE (2002). "Modelling the Climatic Effects of the LBA Eruption of Thera: New Calculations of Tephra Volumes May Suggest a Significantly Larger Eruption than Previously Reported" (PDF). Chapman Conference on Volcanism and the Earth's Atmosphere. Thera, Greece: American Geographical Union. Diakses tanggal 29 Mei 2007.
Pranala luar
- (Inggris) The Eruption of Thera: Date and Implications
- (Inggris) Santorini Decade Volcano — Santorini's geology and volcanic history, the Minoan eruption and the legend of Atlantis.
- (Inggris) The Thera (Santorini) Volcanic Eruption and the Absolute Chronology of the Aegean Bronze Age - A WWW companion site to: Sturt W. Manning, A Test of Time: the volcano of Thera and the chronology and history of the Aegean and east Mediterranean in the mid second millennium BC.
- (Inggris) Date of the largest volcanic eruption in the Bronze Age finally pinpointed Diarsipkan 2007-06-09 di Wayback Machine. Århus University press release about the olive tree of Friedrich et al. (scientific article but also reader friendly)
- (Inggris) VolcanoWorld Information about the eruption Diarsipkan 2008-07-12 di Wayback Machine. with photographs
- (Inggris) Thera 2006 Expedition Diarsipkan 2007-05-25 di Wayback Machine. – exploration of the submarine deposits and morphology of Santorini volcano
- (Inggris) The eruption of Santorini in the Late Bronze Age Diarsipkan 2008-02-26 di Wayback Machine. – Online doctoral thesis on the eruption, scientific analyses and its environmental effects