Patient X (The X-Files)

Patient X
Episode The X-Files
Nomor episodeMusim 5
Episode 13
SutradaraKim Manners
PenulisChris Carter
Frank Spotnitz
Kode produksi5X13
Tanggal siar1 Maret 1998
Durasi45 menit
Kronologi episode
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"Bad Blood"
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"The Red and the Black"

"Patient X" adalah episode ketiga belas dari musim kelima dari serial televisi fiksi ilmiah Amerika Serikat The X-Files. Episode tersebut ditulis oleh pembuat serial Chris Carter dan Frank Spotnitz, disutradarai oleh Kim Manners dan disiarkan di Amerika Serikat pada 1 Maret 1998 di saluran Fox.

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Daftar pustaka

  • Fraga, Erica (2010). LAX-Files: Behind the Scenes with the Los Angeles Cast and Crew. CreateSpace. ISBN 9781451503418. 
  • Hurwitz, Matt & Knowles, Chris (2008). The Complete X-Files: Behind the Series the Myths and the Movies. New York, US: Insight Editions. ISBN 1-933784-72-5. 
  • Meisler, Andy (1998), I Want to Believe: The Official Guide to the X-Files, Vol. 3, Perennial Currents, ISBN 0-06-105386-4 
  • Meisler, Andy (1999), Resist or Serve: The Official Guide to The X-Files, Vol. 4, London: HarperCollins, ISBN 0-00-257133-1 
  • Shearman, Robert; Pearson, Lars (2009). Wanting to Believe: A Critical Guide to The X-Files, Millennium & The Lone Gunmen. Mad Norwegian Press. ISBN 0-9759446-9-X. 

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