Red Channels

Red Channels: The Report of Communist Influence in Radio and Television adalah sebuah dokumen anti-Komunis yang diterbitkan di Amerika Serikat pada permulaan 1950an. Dikeluarkan oleh jurnal sayap kanan Counterattack pada 22 Juni 1950, buku bergaya pamflet tersebut menampilkan 151 pemeran, penulis, musisi, wartawan siaran, dan lainnya dalam konteks upaya manipulasi komunis terhadap industri hiburan. Sekitar 151 orang tersebut serentak ditolak kerja karena keyakinan politik, riwayat, atau asosiasi mereka dengan dugaan-dugaan subversif.



  • Bernhard, Nancy E. U.S. Television News and Cold War Propaganda, 1947-1960. Cambridge University Press, 2003
  • "By Appointment", Time, September 11, 1950 (available online[pranala nonaktif], subscription required).
  • Blue, Howard (2002). Words at War: World War II Era Radio and the Postwar Broadcasting Industry Blacklist. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108-4413-3
  • Cogley, John (1956). "Report on Blacklisting." Collected in Blacklisting: An Original Anthology (1971), Merle Miller and John Cogley. New York: Arno Press/New York Times. ISBN 0-405-03579-9
  • Doherty, Thomas (2003). Cold War, Cool Medium: Television, McCarthyism, and American Culture. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-12952-1
  • Faulk, John Henry and Don Gardner. Fear on Trial (1964) University of Texas Press, 1983[pranala nonaktif permanen].
  • Miller, Merle (1952). "The Judges and the Judged." Collected in Blacklisting: An Original Anthology (1971), Merle Miller and John Cogley. New York: Arno Press/New York Times. ISBN 0-405-03579-9
  • Nizer, Louis. (1966). The Jury Returns. New York: Doubleday & Co. ISBN 978-067112-505-9
  • "Who's Blacklisted?" Time, August 22, 1949 (available online, subscription required).
  • Schrecker, Ellen (2002). The Age of McCarthyism: A Brief History with Documents. New York: Palgrave. ISBN 0-312-29425-5
  • Strout, Lawrence N. (1999). Covering McCarthyism: How the Christian Science Monitor Handled Joseph R. McCarthy, 1950–1954. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-31091-2
  • Schwartz, Richard A. (1999). "How the Film and Television Blacklists Worked". Part of the Florida International University website.
  • Guide to the American Business Consultants, Inc. Counterattack: Research Files 1930–1968. – summary and inventory of document holdings in the Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives; part of the NYU–Elmer Holmes Bobst Library website
  • The Cold War Home Front: Red Channels. – links to many reproduced pages of the original book; part of the Authentic History Center website

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