Richard Russell Jr.

Richard Brevard Russell Jr. (3 November 1897 – 21 Januari 1971) adalah seorang politikus Amerika asal negara bagian Georgia. Seorang anggota Partai Demokrat Amerika Serikat, ia menjabat sebagai Gubernur Georgia sebelum menjabat dalam Senat Amerika Serikat selama hampir 40 tahun, dari 1933 sampai 1971. Russell adalah pendiri dan pemimpin koalisi konservatif yang mendominasi Kongres dari 1937 sampai 1963, dan merupakan anggota paling senior dalam Senat pada masa kematiannya. Selama berdekade-dekade, ia menjadi pemimpin oposisi Kawasan Selatan terhadap gerakan hak sipil.
Sumber tambahan
Sumber primer
- Logue, Calvin McLeod and Freshley, Dwight L., eds. Voice of Georgia: Speeches of Richard B. Russell, 1928-1969(1997)
- Nixon, Richard. "27 Remarks Honoring the Late Senator Richard Brevard Russell in Atlanta, Georgia. January 23, 1971". American Reference Library - Primary Source Documents. Diakses tanggal 21 June 2016.
Sumber sekunder
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- Caro, Robert A. The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol 3: Master of the Senate (2002).
- Fite, Gilbert. Richard B. Russell Jr., Senator from Georgia (2002), the standard biography
- Finley, Keith M. Delaying the Dream: Southern Senators and the Fight Against Civil Rights, 1938–1965 (Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2008)
- Franklin, Sekou (2014). "The elasticity of anti-civil rights discourse: Albert Gore, Sr., Richard Russell, and constituent relations in the 1950s and 1960s". Social Identities. 20 (1): 90. doi:10.1080/13504630.2013.840574. Diakses tanggal 21 June 2016.
- Goldsmith, John A. Colleagues: Richard B. Russell and His Apprentice, Lyndon B. Johnson. (1993)
- Grant, Philip A. Jr. "Editorial Reaction to the 1952 Presidential Candidacy of Richard B. Russell." Georgia Historical Quarterly 1973 57(2): 167–178.
- Mann, Robert. The Walls of Jericho: Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Richard Russell and the Struggle for Civil Rights. (1996)
- Mead, Howard N. "Russell vs. Talmadge: Southern Politics and the New Deal." Georgia Historical Quarterly 1981 65(1): 28–45.
- Shelley II, Mack C. The Permanent Majority: The Conservative Coalition in the United States Congress (1983)
- Ziemke, Caroline F. "Senator Richard B. Russell and the 'Lost Cause' in Vietnam, 1954-1968," Georgia Historical Quarterly 1988 72(1): 30-71.
Artikel ini berisi bahan berstatus domain umum dari situs web atau dokumen Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.
- Richard Russell Jr. di Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
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Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Richard Russell, Jr..
- Richard Russell Jr. di Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
- Richard Brevard Russell Jr. biography Diarsipkan 2013-01-26 di Wayback Machine.
- Letter from Senator Russell to President Truman 7 August 1945 after Bombing of Hiroshima Diarsipkan 2018-03-08 di Wayback Machine.
- The New Georgia Encyclopedia entry for Richard B. Russell Jr. Diarsipkan 2012-09-16 di Wayback Machine.
- Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
- Russell Community and Hall at UGA
- Richard B. Russell State Park
- Sebuah klip film "Longines Chronoscope with Richard B. Russell" dapat diunduh di Internet Archive [more]
- Legends of the Dead-Ball Era, 1909-1913: Childhood baseball card collection of Richard B. Russell, Jr. from the Digital Library of Georgia
- Russell House historical marker