Sub-Britania Romawi
Britania pasca-Romawi merupakan sebuah masa peralihan dalam sejarah Inggris dan Wales yang mencakup akhir zaman kuno dan awal Abad Pertengahan. Ungkapan bahasa Inggris Sub-Roman Britain digunakan terutama dalam konteks arkeologis, untuk menunjuk budaya penduduk di pulau Britania pada zaman kuno.
Sejarah masa ini kurang dikenal karena kurangnya sumber tertulis. Masa ini ditandai dengan kepergian Britania Romawi dari legiun Kekaisaran Romawi Barat, pada awal abad ke-5, dan kedatangan orang-orang Jermanik, Anglo-Saxon, yang secara bertahap mengambil kendali sebagian besar wilayah Inggris. Suku Briton perlahan didorong ke utara dan barat.
Lihat pula
- Daftar raja legendaris Britania
- Kekristenan Kelt
- Raja Arthur
- Anglo-Saxon
- Britania Romawi
- Kelt
- Kekaisaran Romawi
- Oppenheimer, S. (2006). The Origins of the British: A Genetic Detective Story: Constable and Robinson, London. ISBN 978-1-84529-158-7.
Bacaan selanjutnya
- Alcock, Leslie (1963) Dinas Powys. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Alcock, Leslie (1971) Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology AD 367 – 634. Harmondsworth: Allen Lane, The Penguin Press ISBN 0-7139-0245-0
- Alcock, Leslie (1972) By South Cadbury is that Camelot. London: Thames and Hudson
- Alcock, Leslie et al. (1995) Cadbury Castle, Somerset: the early Medieval Archaeology. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Collins, Rob & Gerrard, James (eds.) (2004) Debating Late Antiquity in Britain AD 300-700, Oxford: British Archaeological Review
- Dark, Kenneth (1992). "A Sub-Roman Redefense of Hadrian's Wall". Britannia. 23: 111–120. doi:10.2307/526105. JSTOR 526105.
- Dark, Kenneth (1993) Civitas to Kingdom: British Continuity 300-800. Leicester University Press
- Dark, Kenneth (2000) Britain and the End of the Roman Empire Stroud: Tempus
- Davies, Wendy (1978) An Early Welsh Microcosm: Studies in the Llandaff Charters. London: Royal Historical Society
- Dumville, David N (1977). "Sub-Roman Britain: History and Legend". History. 62 (205): 173–92. doi:10.1111/j.1468-229x.1977.tb02335.x.
- Esmonde-Cleary, A. S. (1989) The Ending of Roman Britain. London: Batsford
- Fouracre, Paul (ed.) (2005) The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume I, c.500-c.700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Jones, Michael E. (1996) The End of Roman Britain Ithaca: Cornell University Press
- Higham, Nicholas (1992) Rome, Britain and the Anglo-Saxons. London, Seaby
- Higham, Nicholas (1994) The English Conquest: Gildas and Britain in the Fifth Century. Manchester University Press
- Jones, Michael (1996) The End of Roman Britain. Ithaca: Cornell University Press
- Lapidge, Michael & Dumville, David (1984) Gildas: New Approaches. Woodbridge: Boydell
- Morris, John (1973) The Age of Arthur
- Morris, John (1980) Nennius: British History and the Welsh Annals. Chichester: Phillimore
- Morris, John (gen. ed.) Arthurian Period Sources volumes 1-9, general editor: John Morris, Phillimore & Co, Chichester (includes full text of Gildas & Nennius, St Patrick material and various annals and charters)
- Myres, John (1960). "Pelagius and the End of Roman Rule in Britain. In". Journal of Roman Studies. 50 (1–2): 21–36. doi:10.2307/298284. JSTOR 298284.
- Pryor, Francis (2004) Britain AD: a Quest for Arthur, England and the Anglo-Saxons. London: Harper Collins ISBN 0-00-718186-8
- Radford, C. A. Ralegh (1939) Tintagel Castle. London: H.M.S.O. (Reprinted by English Heritage 1985)
- Ridley, Ronald (1982) Zosimus: New History. Sydney
- Snyder, Christopher (1996) An Age of Tyrants. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania University Press
- Thomas, Charles (1993) Tintagel: Arthur and Archaeology. London: English Heritage
- Thompson, E. A. (1984) St Germanus of Auxerre and the End of Roman Britain. Woodbridge: Boydell
- Winterbottom, Michael (ed.) (1978) Gildas, The Ruin of Britain and Other Works. Chichester: Phillimore
- Wood, Ian (1987). "The Fall of the Western Empire and the End of Roman Britain". Britannia. 18: 251–262. doi:10.2307/526450. JSTOR 526450.
Pranala luar
- Sub-Roman Britain Timeline – A timeline landing at A History of Britain blog.
- Vortigern Studies website – while Vortigern-focused, it is an in-depth resource for navigating the issues in sub-Roman British history.
- The History Files – An extensive collection of information covering all historical states, including comprehensive features, highly detailed maps, and lists of rulers for each state.
- Ethnic and cultural consequences of the war between Saxons and romanised Britons
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Sub-Britania Romawi 410– skt. 550 |
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