Templat:Templat Matematika
Templat Matematika
bbl to t barrel minyak menjadi ton convert convert/scale to convert any linearly related units long ton long hundredweights, quarters and pounds to kilograms; long tons and hundredweights to pounds and metric tonnes convinfobox for use in infoboxes
decdeg derajat, menit dan detik menjadi decimal degrees hms2deg hour angle (dalam jam, menit dan detik) menjadi derajat desimal deg2hms derajat desimal menjadi hour angle (dalam jam, menit dan detik) inflation menghitung inflasi harga-harga terkait Consumer Price Index miles-chains miles and chains to kilometres linking "chains" pop density density suatu populasi dalam suatu area track gauge railway track gauges
bigmath for stand-alone formulas, using a bigger font to match PNG-rendered [[TeX|Templat:TeX]] formulas bra–ket notation frac intmath integral symbols angular brackets multiline delimiters (2-5 lines inclusive) math mathcal
mvar a short form to refer to individual italicized maths variables in normal text arbitrary characters/diacritics set above/below one another radic sfrac sqrt tmath wraps a Templat:TeX math expression in <math> tags val vec for various overarrows, underarrows, pointing left, right or both ways
Kotak Tag Catatan
undue precision
units attention
Mathematics templates
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